Simple Harmonic Motion (Question Paper) PDF

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This section contains 05 Multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) for
its answer, out which ONLY ONE is correct. (+4, –1)

1. A system is shown in the figure. The time period for small oscillations of the two blocks will be -
k 2k
m m

3m 3m 3m 3m
(A) 2 (B) 2 (C) 2 (D) 2
k 4k 8k 2k

2. Find the period of low amplitude vertical vibrations of the system shown. The mass of the block is
m. The pulley hangs from the ceiling on a spring with a force constant k. The block hangs from an
ideal spring.



m m m m
(A) 2 (B) 6 (C) 4 (D) 8
k k k k

3. A particle moves such that its acceleration is given by

a = – (x – 2)
Here:  is a positive constant and x is the position from origin. Time period of oscillations is -
1 1
(A) 2  (B) 2 (C) 2   2 (D) 2
 2

4. The pendulum suspended from the ceiling of a train has a period T when the train is at rest. When the
train is accelerating with an uniform acceleration, the period of oscillation will -
(A) increase (B) decrease
(C) remain unaffected (D) become infinite
5. Two particles A and B execute simple harmonic motion with periods of T and respectively.
They start simultaneously from mean position. The phase difference between them when A
completes one oscillation will be -
  2
(A) 0 (B) (C) (D)
2 4 5
This section contains 10 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) for
its answer, out which ONE OR MORE is/are correct. (+4, –2)

6. The speed v of a particle moving along a straight line, when it is at a distance x from a fixed point on
the line is v2 = 144 – 9x2. Select the correct alternative(s) :
(A) The motion of the particle is SHM with time period T  unit
(B) The maximum displacement of the particle from the fixed point is 4 unit
(C) The magnitude of acceleration at a distance 3 units from the fixed point is 27 unit
(D) The motion of the particle is periodic but not simple harmonic

7. If x, v and a denote the displacement, the velocity and the acceleration of a particle executing simple
harmonic motion of time period T, then, which of the following does not change with time ?
(A) a2T2 + 42v2 (B) aT/x (C) aT + 2v (D) aT/v

8. A mass and spring system oscillates with amplitude A and angular frequency  -
(A) The average speed during one complete cycle of oscillation is

(B) Maximum speed is A
(C) Average velocity of particle during one complete cycle of oscillation is zero
(D) Average acceleration of particle during one complete cycle of oscillation is zero

9. Two simple pendulums A and B have the same length, but the mass of A is twice the mass of B.
Their vibrational amplitudes are equal. Their periods are TA and TB respectively and their oscillation
energies are EA and EB. Choose the correct statements -
(A) TA > TB (B) TA = TB (C) EB < EA (D) EB > EA

10. A particle with a mass of 0.2 kg moves according to the law

x = 0.08 cos (20 t + /4)
x is in metre and t is in seconds. Then -
(A) Magnitude of maximum acceleration of the particle is 322 m/s2
(B) Frequency of the period of the variation of kinetic energy is 20 Hz
(C) Time period of motion of particle is 0.1s
(D) None

11. A 20 gm particle is subjected to two simple harmonic motions

x1 = 2 sin 10 t,

x2 = 4 sin (10 t + ).
Where x1 and x2 are in metre and t is in sec -
(A) The displacement of the particle at t = 0 will be 2 3 m
(B) Maximum speed of the particle will be 20 7 m/s
(C) Magnitude of maximum acceleration of the particle will be 200 7 m/s2
(D) Energy of the resultant motion will be 28 J

12. A particle moves in the X -Y plane according to the equation
  
 
r  i  2 j A cos t
The motion of the particle is
(A) on a straight line (B) on an ellipse
(C) periodic (D) simple harmonic.

13. A spring block system is in a lift moving upwards with acceleration a = g/2. Block has mass m and
spring constant is k. Assuming ideal conditions-

(A) Time period of SHM depends on a

(B) Time period of SHM is independent of a
(C) In mean position elongation in spring is
(D) In mean position elongation in spring is

14. Two particles A & B each of mass m are describing uniform circular motion of radius R with angular
velocity  in horizontal x – y plane. The particle A is moving in anticlockwise direction whereas
particle B is moving in clockwise direction. If at t = 0 the particles A & B are at the position shown in
figure, then for the centre of mass of the two particles (A and B), which is incorrect?


(A) motion occurs with constant acceleration

(B) motion is SHM with period , along y-axis.

(C) motion is SHM with time period

(D) motion is only oscillatory and not SHM

15. A particle is oscillating simple harmonically with frequency f. Then - (Assume no damping effects)
(A) Its potential energy varies periodically with frequency 2f
(B) Its kinetic energy varies periodically with frequency 2f
(C) Its total mechanical energy (potential energy + kinetic energy) varies periodically with period 4f
(D) Its total mechanical energy is constant

This section contains 05 questions. The answer to each of the questions is a single digit integer, ranging
from 0 to 9. The correct digit below the question number in the ORS is be bubbled. (+4, –1)

16. A particle is performing simple harmonic motion along x-axis with amplitude 4 cm and time period
1.2 sec. The minimum time taken by the particle to move from x = 2 cm to x = +4 cm and back again
is given by x/10 seconds then find the value of x?

17. Find the ratio of time periods of two identical springs if they are first joined in series & then in
parallel & a mass m is suspended from them :

18. A particle executes SHM along a straight line so that its period is 12 s. The time (in seconds) it takes
in traversing a distance equal to half its amplitude from its equilibrium position is-

19. The displacement of two identical particles executing SHM are represented by equations

x1 = 4 sin 10 t   and x2 = 5 cos t
 6
For what value of  energy of both the particles is same?

20. The time period of a mass suspended from a spring is 10s. The spring is cut into four equal parts and
same mass is now suspended from one of its parts. The period in seconds, is now

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