Ethics and Law in The Electric Utility Industry

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Ethics and Law in the Electric Utility Industry

Rich Meyer
Senior Regulatory Counsel,
National Rural Electric Cooperative Association

From the standpoint of a practicing energy lawyer, Rich will discuss distinctions between ethics
and the law, whether law can effectively compel ethical behavior, and whether we can expect
increased ethical behavior in the electricity industry.

Rich Meyer is a Senior Regulatory Counsel for the National Rural Electric Cooperative
Association, with primary responsibility for all matters involving the Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission. He has practiced energy law with a focus on the FERC since 1979.

Rich was Senior Regulatory and Corporate Counsel from 1988-1997 for the Dallas-based energy
subsidiaries of USX Corporation, a Fortune® 50 corporation.

From 1979-1988, he was at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission where he served as
Senior Legal Advisor to FERC Chairman Mike Butler, Senior Legal Advisor to FERC Chairman
Ray O’Connor, Assistant General Counsel for Pipeline Rates and Deputy Assistant General
Counsel for Enforcement.

While serving on the FERC Enforcement staff Rich (1) drafted the original procedures for the
FERC Enforcement Hotline; (2) drafted the civil penalty regulations for violations under Part I of
the Federal Power Act; and (3) participated in investigations resulting in the first successful
criminal convictions for violations of the Natural Gas Act.

Rich has a B.A. from New York University, a J.D. from St. Mary’s University and an LL.M.
from George Washington University. He presently serves in several leadership roles within the
energy law community:

Board Member and Vice President of the Foundation of the Energy Law Journal;

Board Member of the Charitable Foundation of the Energy Bar Association; and

Vice Chairman of the Finance & Transactions Committee of the Energy Bar Association, and
former Chairman of the FERC Administration Committee of the Energy Bar.

He lives in Manassas, Virginia with his wife, Ann, where he serves on the Vestry of Trinity
Episcopal Church. He has two sons.

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