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This policy was made to promote a high standard of ethics in public service. It is good to know
that there is an existing law that up-hold the integrity of the government agencies being a public trust by
the people. This help enhanced the behavior of our public officials and employees because there are
norms of behavior that shall strictly observed by them to the discharge and execution of their official
function and duties. And it is mandated by the law that there shall always be justness and fairness in
giving services to the people because public officials and employees were trusted by the public, they are
the one who are responsible of the public transaction of the people. And this policy protects the right of
others especially those poor and unprivileged people who wants to avail their services from the people
who have indecent and uncivilized behavior. I recommend that this policy should strictly imposed,
implemented and observed at all times in the offices and at the same time the hard copy of this policy
should be posted in the bulletin board of their office in order to remind everybody of how is it important
to be aware of what would be their liabilities if they would not abide the law.
For me, commitment to public interest, based on the definition above, is the valuing of your
relationship as a government employee or a civil servant to the public. This is so because once you enter
in the government service, a relationship between you and the public is created. It is the showing of
concern to the trust and confidence the public reposed in you because we all know that public office is a
public trust for which public officers and employees must at all times accountable to the people.
There are so many ways for which we can show our commitment to public interest depending
on the job that we are in. They may be common and simple but sometimes difficult for others to do. In
my case, like any other employee, I always go to the office early and properly attired because I want to
see to it that I cannot corrupt the time the government is paying to me. I want my service to be available
to the public on time, and also I want to be recognized as such public servant in order to promote good
image to public office. I want to do as many things as I could for my everyday work. I refrain from
bringing my personal problem in the office because it might cause inefficiency on my part. On the other
hand, I sometimes bring office works to the house if necessary to prevent congestion of work in the
office. I am assigned to computer works and with respect to that, I always see to it that my computer
and other electric-operated devices are switched off when they are not in-used to avoid wastage of
public funds, and I keep my things properly placed so they won’t be destroyed and eventually wasted.
These are just some of the ways I could probably do to show my commitment to interest of the public
and I believe there are still many other ways to show it depending on the job that we are in.
I am still young in the government service and I am still on the stage of knowing and learning
every little aspect of my profession. I am confident with my job because it is within the scope of my
expertise. However, being new in this profession, I know that I still have to learn more and I believe I
could learn more through actual practice because I consider work experience as one of the important
factors for better learning. Being new in the public office, perhaps my initial step is to master or gain
more familiarity on the job in which I was assigned so that I would be more confident in dealing with my
clients. I will always keep abreast of the new theories and studies that could develop my efficiency in the
performance of my job. If I would be given the opportunity to go seminars or trainings, I would grab
them especially if those have something to do with my growth as a civil servant and development of my
work performance. And of course, I would share everything I would learn from those undertakings to my
As far as I can recall, my honesty has not yet been tested. Not even before I entered the public
office. However long before, I became a victim of dishonesty of a government employee. I was then
securing for a copy of my birth certificate at the municipal registry office in my hometown. The person
who entertained me was known to me. When he finished filling the necessary information on my birth
certificate, he told me to pay to the cashier and reminded me at the same time to pay only P20. So I
presumed that was the exact amount for that transaction. However, I was made to pay P50 and the
cashier just wrote in the receipt a different kind of transaction to make it appear that I was paying for
P50 transaction. I did not bother asking why was it so for it just a P50 but thereafter, I felt guilty of
tolerating the deception done to me and worst done by a civil servant.
From this experience, I can say that public office is prone to corruption. Some public officers and
employees aren’t trustworthy. They are using their office for some personal interest.
Honesty is telling or doing the truth and avoiding from falsity and deception. It is one if not the
best character a person should possess because I believe that an honest person will make him a person
of dignity and credibility. Honesty is what we need in order to solve the rampant issues of corruption in
our country. Graft and corruption has been a long time major problem in our country because our
government is surrounded by some public officers and employees who are dishonest.
Being just and sincere is being honest. When you deal with people with justness and sincerity,
you are showing to them that you are honest. In our office, I can say that the type of job I was assigned
in was not that so situated to where my justness and sincerity would be noticed or questioned. But then
I am still doing my best to show to them that I am just and sincere in the performance of my work. Like
other employees, I equally treat my clients with courtesy and respect regardless of their tribes or
religious affiliation and status in life, and I give them the services they deserved from me with diligence
and efficiency.

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