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Application form for local administrator rights

User Name : c80553 Department : IACSBG

Phone : +34917564594 Company : Airbus Commercial

Login : Computer name : GELL502001914

Airbus manager Name : Sagar Rajbhandari Department : IACSBG

Justification for local administrator rights request : My previous Amin account has been deactivat-
ed and disabled. Please, reactivate it.

In order to be compliant with GDS directive A1058.2 – Systems and data access control, a user has no
administrative privilege on a XPO7 computer.

You have requested to be granted as local administrator of your computer.

Therefore, you must be aware of security risks and commit security recommendations listed below:

- Copyright violation (A00-D Airbus Code): Do not install unsupported and/or dangerous
o Risks: infection, malicious code propagation, propagated on the PC or through the Airbus
- Operating System Security (A1058.5 directive) Do not modify system settings.
o Risks: corrupt operating system, application, decrease security measures.
- Patrimony protection (A00-D Airbus Code) Do not access unauthorized data.
o Risks: theft, modification, data destruction.
- Information protection (A1044-D Directive) Do not use the PC as a platform.
o Risks: attacks launching over the network.
- Respect Airbus Code (A00-D Directive): Do not use Airbus label for malicious purposes
o Risks: compromise Airbus label.

You are informed that there is no support for non-validated Airbus applications.
Audits (A1058.05 directive): Reporting tools are implemented to collect administrators’ activity and the list
of installed applications on each workstation.
Administrator rights are granted for a maximum of 1 year.

Date :07/10/19 Requestor Signature :

Date : 07/10/19 Airbus Manager Signature :

© AIRBUS FRANCE S.A.S 2009. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document. This document and all information contained herein is the sole property of AIRBUS FRANCE S.A.S. No intellectual property
rights are granted by the delivery of this document or the disclosure of its content. This document shall not be reproduced or disclosed to a third party without the express written consent of AIRBUS FRANCE S.A.S.
This document and its content shall not be used for any purpose other than that for which it is supplied.

FROM IGX DATE 08 June 2009

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