Organic Chemistry - Unit 5

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Thursday, January 13, 2011

7:01 PM

Benzene was originally thought to have Kekule's structure, however the following evidence showed that that
structure was not possible:
- Benzene doesn't undergo electrophilic addition (as alkenes do) but electrophilic substitution
- X-ray diffraction data shows all the bonds in benzene are of the same length, however they are of a length
between that of C-C bonds and C=C
- Thermochemical analysis disagrees with benzene's structure:

- From IR spectra analysis:

Alkene 2952-2853 cm-1 Benzene 3050 and 750 cm-1
Due to CH of CH2, CH3
C=C is below 1700 cm-1

Structure of Benzene

Organic Chemistry - Unit 5 Page 1

Pi (π) Bonds
Pi (π) bonds are formed by the
sideways overlap of 2 p

The 6 carbon atoms in benzene are all in the same plane. Each carbon has a p electron. Due to the planar structure of
benzene, the p-orbitals of benzene now overlap sideways leading to a delocalised system of 6 π electrons. This does
not lead to any distinct π bonds but the overlap between the p orbitals is throughout the whole ring, above and below
Molecules with delocalised electrons are more stable, than those whose electrons are not delocalised.

In benzene this accounts for the compound being 152 kJmol-1 more stable than expected for the Kekule structure.

Physical Properties of Benzene

- It is a liquid
- It has a nice smell since it is volatile
- It is one of the most carcinogenic compounds that we have
- It causes leukemia.

Organic Chemistry - Unit 5 Page 2

Reactions of Benzene
Friday, January 14, 2011
11:02 AM

Addition reaction

When it undergoes substitution, it retains its 6π cloud of electrons, so it retains its stability.

Nitration of Benzene
Electrophilic Substitution

‫ܱܰܪ‬ଷ + 2‫ܪ‬ଶ ܱܵସ → ܱܰଶା + ‫ܪ‬ଷ ܱା + 2‫ܱܵܪ‬ସି

nitration mixture ↘ nitroneum ion (electrophile)

‫ܱܰܪ‬ଷ + ‫ܪ‬ଶ ܱܵସ → ‫ܪ‬ଶ ܱ + ܱܰଶା + ‫ܱܵܪ‬ସି

‫ܪ‬ଶ ܱ + ‫ܪ‬ଶ ܱܵସ → ‫ܪ‬ଷ ܱା + ‫ܱܵܪ‬ସି
= ‫ܱܰܪ‬ଷ + 2‫ܪ‬ଶ ܱܵସ → ܱܰଶା + ‫ܪ‬ଷ ܱା + 2‫ܱܵܪ‬ସି

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At the end the 6π delocalised electron cloud is restored.

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