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Reaction paper in Binhi ng Kahirapan

In the documentary, I have learned the suffering of our farmers due to the system which
forces to either get buried in debt or starve due to the lack of salary that they receive
from the farm. I have also learned that all of this is due to them not having a land of
their own for their crops to be cultivated. That is the real life of our farmers. Will this
end if the government put much more attention to our agriculture instead of providing a
cute budget to it? Well, its more complicated than that. but it will surely ease the
hardships experienced by our farmers. Support isn’t what we needed. what we needed is
reforms that will make our cultivators self-sufficient.
You may ask. How the hell are we going to pull that off? The answer is I do not know. I
neither have the knowledge on how the system in the trade of agriculture works nor the
experience in the fields that will make me understand inn what they are going through.
to judge things after one must not rely on their feeling lest they want it to cloud their
judgement. I am merely stating facts that in order for the lives of our farmers to change
the whole system that runs with it must either go down to the path of destruction and
anarchy or change the system as a whole with a devoted support from the government.
Both are shots in the moon. the option 1 will just create more suffering than the benefits
that it will give. I mean even if they have their own land due to anarchy. It will be
useless because trade will also collapse. While option is a bit of a dreamer and
idealistic. If you consider the behavior of humans, they will first act to their desire first
and foremost making the idea all the more impossible to achieve.
Some may have sentiments like. “So, what are we going to do about it?” “Are we going
to just stand here and let the things as it is?” “there are many people suffering because
they don’t have enough harvest?” “We need land reforms to support our farmers.”
That’s bullshit. the government won’t change just like that. right now, they are so busy
butchering people and kissing each other’s ass to pay attention on what is really
important. Oh, maybe that is not important to them but at least do their jobs that they are
appointed to. They are taking money from the tax after all.
Well I have no qualms in the bastards being butchered but what does security really
mean if your countrymen are starving. When the poverty reeks every nook and cranny
of the slums and the city. When the poverty displaces peaceful men and women of the
countryside just to look money in the unknown urban areas. When the faulty system
buries people of the lands in debts. The support will never fully eliminate the problem.
but it will ease the lives of many Filipinos. I’m not saying this can fix the problem
because it won’t. What I’m saying is that this is the first step in fixing it because it will
change us as a person. and us changing first is always the first step in solving problems

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