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Prometic Dental Exam 2018

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• Edited by Dr. Mohsen S. Ozaibi (

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Good luck | | 2018

1. What phrase describe dentinoblast layer?
▪ Desmosome, Tight contact, Cell to cell…

2. Pt with multiple blisters with the auto-immune test the brick was in epithelial brick Bellusa
pemphigoid Pemphigus vulgaris…

3. Tooth needs replacement with FpD and the distal abutment medially migrated and shifted so
Ortho upright …Proximal crown in the distal abutment

4. What does T in ECG refer to: Beginning of depolarization atria T wave represent the
repolarization (recovery) of the Ventricles …

5. Action potential happens when:

▪ Influx … outflux

6. High risk caries medium risk caries,... ?

7. Christmas disease: u will give him before extraction fresh freeze plasma 1 hour before extraction
/ freezed plasma + ix / factor 9 | | 2018

8. Which drug is b-blocker and have effect on the heart ?
▪ atenol

9. Aminoglycerin gives effect on?

10. Which of the following is positive kinetic effect of metabolism?

11. Sever hypothyroidism called: Grave Mexedyma

12. Which tooth affected more by fluorosis

• Premolars in max
• Anteriors inmandible
• Primary molars

13. Most important feature of pelicle

• Salivary proteins ….
• Food debris

14. First sign of inflammation of gingiva

• Bleeding
• Color …
• Texture

15. E fecalis cause Primary lesion of

• Apical cyst
• Apical abscess…

16. Pt with fractured alveodental process which RG if he can't open

• Pano and occlusal
• No need

17. Irreversible hydrocollide impression left more than 15 min and poured there was smooth and
bubbles like why?
• Release of something
• Dehydration …

18. Cervical third of the tooth have more what?

• Hue
• More chroma …
• More brightness Value

19. Gauge size of vazirani akinozi /

• 25 long | | 2018

20. Herpes simplex affect of population
• 30%
• 90% ….

21. Pt with abnormal cholinestrase enzyme u give him which anesthesia ?

• Procaline 1/200000 with epinepheren

22. Ptwithabnormalcholin estraseenzyme u give him which anesthesia?

23. t with neck spasms u give what?

24. Isolated bone cyst

• tx Marsupialization …
• Clean the bone lightly

25. Denture with calculus before repair and send to the lab u clean with:
• Ultrasonic …
• Chemical immersion

26. Which will make the mesodistal width appear narrower (not answered because not clear)

27. Increase incisal mamilons

• The longitudinal developmental marks….
• The guiding plates near each other

28. Which technique the barrel of the needle faced the occlusal of max molars Akinosi

29. Which tooth is most responsible to prevent or reduce the lower arch crowding
• 1st pm
• 2nd primary molar…
• 1st molar
• 2nd molar

30. Pt gave him the orthodontist RME rapid maxillary expansion and after 1 week there was a
diastema what best to advise for the parents when they called
• Remove it…
• Leave it
• Unscrew it

31. Pt fell and injured thetissuethe teethintruded..

• Laceration and luxation …
• Laceration and avulsion
• Subluxation | | 2018

32. the most seen location of flappy mucousa
• Anterior max …
• Posterior max
• Posterior man

33. If we lost the posteriors but the canine and anterior are there .. we take which relation?

34. Pt came to correct the teeth have deep bite and big over jet with constructed maxilla
• Place to retract the incisors and then expand the palate
• Adjust deep bite first and then the overjet…

35. After extraction of the third molar u place for hemorrhage

• Gelfoam …
• Arcisurge

36. In gag reflex the motor effect was done by which nerve
• Vagus nerve

37. Pt told him the dentist to shift the jaw to right which muscle he contracted
• Rt lateral pterygoid
• Lt lateral pterygoid …
• Rt medial ptreygoid
• Lt medialptreygoid

38. the best cement for gingiva and pulp Poly carpoxylate cement…
• Caoh…. gIC
• Zinc oxide

39. Pt came with yellowish brown fluorosis how u manage him

• Home bleaching
• Slurry Microabrasion
• Veneer…

40. Benefits of using flypressin

• Deepen LA action …
• Fiberpost and endo needs retreatment
• Retrograde filling andsurgery

41. The case needs fpd and there is TMD what is the management
• U keep same occlusion
• U do complete uniformedocclusion | | 2018

42. The material that tolerate the constant deformity under compression without bursting or
broken is called ( in case there is no Malleability then choose elasticity)
• Elasticity
• Ductility
• Malleability….
Malleability:iswithstandtopermanentdeformationundercompression, Ductility: withstand permeant deformation under tension,
Elasticity:withstand temporarydeformation under compression or tension under the elastic limit

43. Pt on warfarin and INR is 2.8 Do u:

• Extract….
• Postpone
• Or extract with also supplemental precautions

44. The safest place in a child to place implant is in:

• Anterior lower arch …
• Posterior max

45. Pt with root fracturesyndrome Best method to evaluate and diagnose is

• Apical percussion
• Horizontal percussion …
• RG and clod test

46. The test that measure vitality of pulp:

• Thermal
• Oxygen Doppler
• Cold test…

47. the normal sensitivity after conservative amalgam restoration is with Pressure on biting
• With cold…
• With hot

48. a mother pregnant taking fluoride supplements her doctor told her it is not going to prevent
tooth caries while tooth formation why:
• Teeth are not formedintrauterine
• Fluoride doesn't pass placenta

49. Pt with HIV for 8 years he presented with multiple brown hemorrhagic nodules in his body
• Kaposy sarcoma
• Hemangioma

50. Haversian canal centers connected with each other by?

• Volkman….
• Canaliculi | | 2018

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