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Proceedings 9"' International Coral Reef Symposium. Bali, Indonesia 23-27 October 2000. Vol.

Effects of sedimentation on coral settlement and survivorship

R. Babcock ' and L. Smith' .
Settlement and survival of juveniles are key components of recruitment, which is in turn crucial to the persistence of
coral populations. Settlement and juvenile survival of the coral Acropora millepora were measured in situ using
experimentally elevated sedimentation rates. Sedimentation rates ranged between 0.76-1.32"=d'' for reference
sites and 1.88-11.70' a .d'' in sediment treatments. Settlement was significantly lower in the sediment treatments
where it reached only 71% of levels in reference areas. The number of juvenile corals surviving at sediment treated sites
after 8 months was 39% of levels at reference sites, however mortality did not vary significantly between treatments.
These effects indicate that even relatively small increases in sediment accumulation would have negative impacts on
coral recruitment.

Keywords Sediment, Corals, Acropora millepora, Recruit- however, since these studies utilize environmental
ment, Settlement gradients, this could be the result of several co-varying
factors such as salinity, nutrients, algal cover, light
Introduction penetration or larval supply. In order to eliminate these
confounding factors, field-based artificial manipulations of
Sediment and turbidity are recognised as important sedimentation rates have been used to measure sediment
ecological correlates of the distribution of reef building corals effects on both larval settlement and subsequent survival
(Stoddart 1969, Rogers 1990). Nevertheless there are many of the staghorn coral Acropora millepora.
gaps in our understanding of the mechanisms through which
sediment may affect corals ecology. Increasing levels of Methods
human disturbance in coastal catchments and the
transportation of sediment into nearshore coastal waters and Larvae of Acropora millepora were reared by
onto reefs has increased the need to understand the precise conventional procedures (Babcock and Heyward 1986),
role of sedimentation on reef corals. While thriving reefs are using eggs spawned on the evening of March 19' h at Coral
found in turbid conditions (Bull 1982) their coral Bay (23° 09' 5; 113° 45' E) Ningaloo Reef Tract, Western
assemblages tend to differ in composition from those on reefs Australia in March 1998. The extensive Ningaloo reefs
subjected to lower levels of turbidity and sedimentation. are part barrier and part fringing reefs characterised by
Turbid reefs are often dominated by massive forms, while recent coral structures overlying Pleistocene substrate
those in clearer waters are characterised by branching forms, ( Veron and Marsh 1988). An extensive shallow lagoon 2-
particularly acroporids (Done 1982). l2 m in depth is protected from oceanic swells. Climate in
Sedimentation and suspended sediment in the water the region is arid and the reefs are subject to naturally low
column may affect coral populations and community levels of terrestrial runoff and sedimentation (visibility in
structure by smothering adult corals or imposing the lagoon is > 10 m). Experimental sedimentation rates
physiological costs by reducing light availability for were manipulated using rammed earth bricks which
photosynthesis or increasing the need for active sediment softened after submersion allowing the wave action at the
removal (Reigl and Branch 1995). Understanding of site to distribute sediment in their immediate vicinity. The
sedimentation effects is complicated by interspecific bricks (300 x 300 x 150 mm, 17 kg) were composed of
differences in morphology and sediment rejection ability terrestrial sediment of no less than 90% silt/clay (without
(Stafford Smith 1993), variations in the ability of corals to cement stabiliser). Five bricks were deployed within each
utilise heterotrophic modes of nutrition (Anthony 2000), and of two 6.25 m ' treatment sites, approximately 200 m
the fact that high sedimentation rates tend to co-vary with offshore from Coral Bay at a depth of approximately 4 m.
other environmental and biological factors such as wave Additional bricks were added periodically to ensure
exposure and larval supply (Done 1982, Sammarco 1991). continued sediment supply. The first deployment was on
A further way in which sediment may affect coral March 22 ntl , followed by deployments on March 28 and
community structure is by influencing recruitment rates, and thereafter on May 7 h and June 10 th . Treatment sites were
the small size of juvenile corals highlights their potential separated by approximately 50 m.
susceptibility. Coral recruitment has been correlated with Sedimentation rates were measured in the treatments
environmental parameters including suspended sediment load and in their paired reference areas located some 15 m
(Hunte and Wittenberg 1992, Wittenberg and Hunte 1992) away, using low-profile sediment collection devices

' University of Auckland Leigh Marine Loboimory. PO Box 349 Warkworth, New Zealand, r.habcock@i
1 Australian Institute of Marine Science. P013OX 264 Dampier Western Australia. 6713. Australia

consisting of a 3 mm thick perspex plate to which a attachment. All juveniles were recorded as dead or alive
scotchbrite scrubber pad (100 x 150 mm) was attached at the subsequent censuses (May 7ih , June 10'h and
using velcro strips. This assembly was attached to the reef in November 20'5. The tiles were always immersed in
a horizontal position. The structure of the scrubber pad seawater during measurement.
resembles algal turf and was no more than 10 mm above the Due to non-normality of the data (many settlers on a
level of the surrounding turf, providing for near-bed trapping few plates, few settlers/survivors on most plates) their
of locally re-suspended sediment particles. Four sediment distribution was closer to Poisson or binomial than
collector pads were deployed at each site. normal. Accordingly, settlement and survival data were
Scrubber pads were deployed on March 21 `' and modeled under the Poisson and binomial distributions
sedimentation rates were sampled by collecting and replacing respectively (SAS procedure GENMOD). Values
the scrubber pads on March 27' , May 76 and June 10 '" . Both presented for test statistics were obtained after backward
the mount and the scrubber were removed from the fitting of saturated models, where non-significant effects
substratum, taking care not to lose any sediment. Both were were progressively - removed. Analysis of variance
placed in a zip-lock bag in-situ, the scrubber released, and (Factors Treatment and Time fixed; Factor Site random
both shaken for approximately 20 sec. until all sediment had and nested within Treatment and Time) was used for the
fallen into the bag. The scrubber and mount were then sedimentation rate data, which was normally distributed.
removed and the bag sealed. Excess seawater was removed
onshore using filter paper and a vacuum pump, and the Results
sediment samples were then placed in an oven at 80 °C until Sedimentation rates
stable and weighed.
Larval settlement was manipulated using enclosures By November 1 998 the scrubbers had been removed
consisting of transparent hemispherical bowls 12 cm in (probably by grazing fishes) or had become completely
diameter. Water was able to circulate through the enclosures overgrown by the alga Dic tyota. Consequently the
via two rectangular mesh covered (200 m) openings on sediment loads were not measured in November 1 998.
opposing sides of the bowl [see Babcock and Mundy (1996) Even the June samples had a large standing crop of algae
for details of methods]. Coral settlement was measured using on the scrubbers which is likely to have effected their
square terracotta tiles (120 x 120 x 10 mm). A hole was efficiency. One scrubber was lost at this time.
drilled in the centre of each tile, which was fixed to the reef Sedimentation rates in the treatments ranged from 11.7
matnx in a horizontal position using a stainless steel bolt t5.0 to 1.88 t1.0°.day and were significantly
hammered into the substratum. A 10 mm plastic spacer higher (F ), z=51, p<.001) than those in the reference areas
maintained a space between the tile and the substratum. which ranged between 0.8 1-0.3 to 1.2 t0.2' .day '
Sixteen tiles were deployed at each site. Plates were placed (Table I). There was no significant variation between
in the sea for conditioning on March 12 'h , and were fixed to sites, though over the course of the experiment
the reef on March 21'. The enclosures were placed over the sedimentation rates decreased significantly at the
tiles on March 26, four days after the start of sediment treatment sites (F ), r=4.8, p=0.02).
treatments. Approximately 1200 ±100 six-day old larvae of
A. millepora were then injected into the enclosures. Tiles Settlement and survival
were examined 4 days after the introduction of larvae to Settlement in the sediment treatment areas was 71% of
that in the reference areas (Table 2, x = 5.32, p=0.021).
determine the number of settlers. While the enclosures
would have reduced sediment accumulation during this time, Settlement varied significantly among plate surfaces, with
there was an obvious accumulation of sediment on the upper the majority of settlement taking place on the
surfaces of the tiles, as well as some adhering to the vertical undersurfaces of plates (Fig. I, Chi-squared = 277.9,
edges of the tiles. During the census corals on each tile were p < 0001, model: treatment aspect).
mapped and then returned to their previous point of

' '
Table I. Sedimentation rates at Ningaloo experimental sites. Sedimentation rates are .day' ± 95% ci.
Reference sites Sediment treatment sites
March May June Overall March May June Overall
7.93 t 1.9 2.44 t0.8 2.13 t0.5 4.17 t 1.7
I 1.01 ±0.2 0.91 ±0.5 1.24 t0.4 1.06±0.2
1.18±0.2 1.14 t0.3 15.47 t87 2.42±0.8 2.16 t0.5 7.10±4.7
2 1.62 ±0.3 0.62 t0.2
Total 1.32±0.3 0.76± 0.3 1.21t 0.2 1.10 t 0.2 11.70 t4.9 2.43 ±0.6 1.88 t0.7 5.34±2.4


Table Z . Sediment treatment and coral ' settlement . and survival . Summary of Log-linear analysis, values are, type 3
likelihood ratio statistic s

A . Settlement

Source Num DF Den DF r F Value P>F: Chi-Square - P > Chi-Square

Treatment " I' 92 - 532 = 0 .0234 i 53 2 0 .0211 '
Aspect 2 92 138 .85 <0 .0001 277 .7 <0 .000 1

B . Corals surviving after 8 months

Source Num DF Den DF F Value P F Chi-Square . . P > Chi-Square
Treatment 1 91 fl, 8 .26 0.005 8 .26 0 .00 4
Site t, 1. 91 4 .14 i 0.045 4 .14 . 0 .041 8
Aspect 2 . . 91 . : 39 .82 <0 .0001 . 79 .64 <0 .0001

The survival of A . millepora to May, June an d

November was variable and did not differ significantl y
with treatment. Consequently ; by November numbers
alive in the sediment treatments remained significantl y
%lower -(Fig . 2,`Chi-squared ='7 .99; p=0 .0047, model :
treatment site aspect) though by this time they were 39 %
a25 of the number surviving in the reference sites . While there
a. was also significant variation in recruit numbers due t o
plate aspect and site effects, there were no significan t
,8 interactions amongst these factori or sediment treatment .
' Overall survival, from settlement to 8 months was 8 . 2
±1 .5% (sd) .

undersurfaces sides ' uppersurfaces total Discussio n

Fig 1 . Effects of sedimentation rate on , settlement of A . , .
Increased sedimentation rates can reduce rates of
millepora . Data for average settlement on each plate surface ,
and for total settlement per plate are from April, immediately settlement • in Acropore millepora . Reduced settlement
I for rates are 'likely to have implications for the recruitmen t
following settlement of, the ,larvae . See Table , into coral populations . The magnitude of sedimentatio n
sedimentation data . effects on settlemenbWere initially small, 71% of rates at
reference areas, but by - 8 months after settlement number s
eE s . • control of juvenile corals in the sediment treatments were down t o
0 sediment , . a" 39%' of those in reference areas . Sediment effects on
- settlement have been addressed previously by laborator y
d 2 manipulations with conflicting results, with both neutra l
a (Babcock and Davies 1991) and negative presence of
• • • elevated sediment levels . In natural populations subjecte d
3 t to increased sedimentation these differences in th e
numbers of settlers and juvenile corals are likely t o
translate into reductions in recruitment to adul t
o O populations . Reduced recruitment is in turn likely to have
significant effects on coral populations (Hughes and
undersurfaces sides uppersurfaces total Tanner 2000) .
The overall reduction in settlement and juvenile s
Fig 2 . Effects of sedimentation rate on recruitment of A . surviving to 8 months was in agreement with field studie s
millepora . Data for numbers of juveniles on each plate that have demonstrated a correlation betwee n
surface, and for total numbers per plate are from November, sedimentation or turbidity and coral recruitment rate s
approximately 8 months after settlement . . See Table 1 for (Wittenberg and Hunt 1992, Tomascik 1991) . Our stud y
sedimentation data. . indicates that even relatively small increases in
sedimentation may have significant effects on recruitment .

24 7
Experimental sedimentation rates were not constant and Done TJ (1982) Patterns in the distribution of coral
declined over the period of the experiment, a fact that could communities across the central Great Bather Reef.
be responsible for the similar rates of survival between Coral Reefs 1:95-107.
treatments. Given that the decline in sedimentation rate over Hughes, TP, Tanner JE 2000 Recruitment failure, life
ti me was a product of a decline in the replacement frequency histories, and long-term decline of Caribbean corals.
of the mud-bricks, rather than an inherent property of the Ecology 81: 2250-2263.
methodology, there is clearly potential to extend the concept Hunte W, Wittenberg M (1992) Effects of eutrophication
of manipulating sedimentation rates in situ. Such and sedimentation on juvenile corals IL Settlement.
manipulations will allow us to better isolate sedimentation Mar Biol 114: 625-631.
from other environmental factors and determine its Riegl, B, Branch, GM 1995. Effects of sedimentation on
importance as an environmental property affecting coral the energy budget of four scleractinian (Bourne 1900)
population dynamics and coral reef community structure. and five alcyonacean (Lamouroux 1816) corals. J Exp
Similar methods have previously been applied successfully to Mar Biol Ecol 186: 259-275.
algal populations where increased sediment loads have been Rogers CS (1990) Responses of coral reefs and reef
shown to reduce recruitment rates in the brown alga organisms to sedimentation. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 62:
Sargassum microphyllum (Omar et al 1998). 185-202.
Sammarco PW (1991) Geographically specific
recruitment and postsettlement mortality as influences
Acknowledgments Thanks to Andrew Hayward, staff of on coral communities: The cross-continental shelf
AIMS WA, also to T Willis for advice on log-linear models. transplant experiment. Limnol Oceanogr 36: 496-514.
This research was supported by University of Auckland and Stafford-Smith MG (1993) Sediment-rejection efficiency.
AIMS. of 22 species of Australian scleractinian corals. Mar
Biol 115: 229-243.
References Stoddart DR (1969) Ecology and morphology of recent
coral reefs. Biol. Rev. 44:433-498.
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Corals Reefs 19: 59-67. eutrophication gradient, Barbados, West Indies. Mar
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consequences of settlement choice for early, growth and Veron, JEN, Marsh LM (1988) Hermatypic corals of
survivorship in two scleractinians. J Exp Mar Biol Ecol Western Australia: records and annotated species list.
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