Open Letter

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Dear health care,

I take care of people for you all the time. But I feel like we let people down all the time
too. We say that we are going to do the best for them and provide the best care that we can,
but do we. When there is another way to let people go in peace and not let them suffer forever.
We string these people along and we let them forget everything and everybody. We let their
body slowly get taken over by cancer and there is nothing that we can do besides help make
them comfortable at the end.
But if it’s the beginning of the end why can’t they choose. I want them to choose what is
best for them. I want them to be able to have that choice. Is it worth going through all of this or
can they go out remembering everyone around them and their family and loved ones
remembering them how they used to be. We should let people choose to not let something
terminal take them. And euthanasia is a way to do just that.
We can be our best selves again. We can actually help people die with dignity and how
they choose to and when to do so. We can really be the best care givers that we are in their
time of need. We no longer have to tell them that this is how they will go. That they will forget
the people that they love. That they will lose their independence and that the faces that they
will see in the end they won’t remember that it is the people that once surrounded them every
day. But most of the time it’s us.
We are the ones that help them take their last breath. We are there holding their hand
of the loved ones. But most of all we are the ones keeping secrets from the family of the pain
and suffering that is happening. We try so hard to be the best people we can be, but seeing
these things are hard. We see people at the worst time and hope that it will not linger in our
hearts and souls but it takes a toll.
Now health care we can change this. We don’t have to have people die from things that
are terminal. Nobody has to forget how to breath or have their body just shut down on them.
We can do better. We are better. We just have to talk about this some more. Please let us help
you. Because really, we are just trying to help.

A loving worker

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