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Geography with Sandeep Sir

Geography Test Series – 2019


Time Allowed: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 250

Question Paper Specific Instructions

Please read each of the following instructions carefully before attempting

There are EIGHT questions divided in TWO SECTIONS printed in ENGLISH

Candidate has to attempt FIVE questions in all.

Questions no.1 and 5 are compulsory and out of the remaining, any THREE
are to be attempted choosing atleast ONE question from each section.

The number of marks carried by a question/ part is indicated against it.

Answers must be written in the space provided in Question-cum-Answer


Word limit in questions, wherever specified, should be adhered to.

Illustrate your answers with suitable sketches/maps and diagrams wherever

considered necessary. These shall be drawn in the space provided for
answering the question itself.

Attempts of questions shall be counted in sequential order. Unless struck off,

attempt of a question shall be counted even if attempted partly. Any page or
portion of the page left blank in the question-cum-answer booklet must be
clearly struck off.

Contact: +91 9972000318

Geography with Sandeep Sir

Section- A

Q1. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each. 10×5 =50

(a) Discuss the role of Process in evolution of Landscape

(b) Write short note on Heat budget of the Earth
(c) Write short note on Coral bleaching
(d) Write short note on Translocation and Leaching in Soil Formation
(e) What is the difference between hazard and disaster? Explain with


(a) What is the difference between Davis and Penck Cycle of Erosion? 20
(b) What is the difference between Koppen and Trewartha Classification of
World Climate? 20
(c) Explain subsidence theory by Darwin. 10


(a) Write a note on polycyclic erosion surfaces. 20

(b) Write a note on Geohydrology. 10
(c) Write a note on urban heat island effect and measures to reduce it. (200
Words) 20


(a) Explain the bottom topography of Atlantic Ocean. 15

(b) What is the pacific decadal oscillation and how is it different from El-
Nino. 15
(c) What is Polar Vertex? Give an account of its impact on World climate
including North America. (200 Words) 20

Contact: +91 9972000318

Geography with Sandeep Sir


Q5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each. 10×5 =50

(a) Write an essay on contribution of U.S geographers to the development of

Geographical thought.
(b) Write short note on significance of great lakes in North American
(c) Write short note on concept of primate city and its applicability to India.
(d) Write short note on regional imbalances in world
(e) Write short note on Rimland theory


(a) Discuss the applicability of Christaller Central Place Theory. 20

(b) Explain the distribution of Iron and Steel industry location with the help
of Weber’s Industrial location theory. 20
(c) Write short note on Urban Sprawl. 10


(a) Discuss the impact of trade war on Global trade. (150 Words) 15
(b) Give a detailed account of different sub schools in humanistic geography.
(c) Give a detailed account of Radical geography. 15


(a) Examine the theories explaining internal structure of the cities. 20

(b) Write note on migration theories and their relevance in explaining
present day migration trends. 15
(c) Explain the role of Growth Pole in regional development. (150 Words) 15

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