Question Paper Specific Instructions: Geography Test Series - 2019 Test-10

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Geography with Sandeep Sir

Geography Test Series – 2019


Time Allowed: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 250

Question Paper Specific Instructions

Please read each of the following instructions carefully before attempting

There are EIGHT questions divided in TWO SECTIONS printed in ENGLISH

Candidate has to attempt FIVE questions in all.

Questions no.1 and 5 are compulsory and out of the remaining, any THREE
are to be attempted choosing atleast ONE question from each section.

The number of marks carried by a question/ part is indicated against it.

Answers must be written in the space provided in Question-cum-Answer


Word limit in questions, wherever specified, should be adhered to.

Illustrate your answers with suitable sketches/maps and diagrams wherever

considered necessary. These shall be drawn in the space provided for
answering the question itself.

Attempts of questions shall be counted in sequential order. Unless struck off,

attempt of a question shall be counted even if attempted partly. Any page or
portion of the page left blank in the question-cum-answer booklet must be
clearly struck off.

Contact: +91 9972000318

Geography with Sandeep Sir

Section- A

Q1. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each. 10×5 =50

(a) Write a brief note on India’s border with Pakistan

(b) Indian floods are majorly man made. Elaborate
(c) Short note: Ground water availability in India
(d) Explain the term Dryland Farming and write about the prospects of Dry
Land farming in India.
(e) What is the significance of Ecotourism in North East India?


(a) How do Industrial corridors help in reducing regional imbalances?

Substantiate your answer with adequate examples. 20
(b) Discuss physiographic features of Himalayas. 15
(c) Write about Inter State River disputes in India and critically analyse the
Government of India’s measures till date to address them. 15


(a) Give a detailed account of Distribution of Soils in India with suitable

diagram. 15
(b) Describe in detail the Rainfall distribution of India and also account for
its variations across inter-state and Intra-State with one example for
each. 20
(c) Discuss about Agro Climatic Regions of India. 15


(a) Sustaining nature-development equilibrium became imperative in the

present context. Elaborate the given statement by taking the example of
Western Ghats. (200 Words) 20
(b) Write in detail about Land Capability classification in land use planning
and its significance. 15
(c) Describe the locational factors involved in setting up of Cement and
Sugar Industries. 15

Contact: +91 9972000318

Geography with Sandeep Sir


(a) On the outline map of India provided to you, mark the locations of all of the
following. Write the significance of these locations whether physical/
economical/ commercial/ ecological/ environmental/ cultural, in not more
than 30 words for each entry. 10×2=20

1. Ahmedabad
2. Bodh Gaya
3. Satara
4. Indravati River
5. Narcondam
6. Gahirmatha Beach
7. Dras
8. Konkan Railway
9. Krishna Raja Sagar Dam
10. Kolleru Lake

Contact: +91 9972000318

Geography with Sandeep Sir

(b) Write a Short note on Salient features of Jal Vikas Marg-1. 10

(c) Discuss the genesis of Racial Diversity in India. 10

(d) Write about drought prone area development in India. 10


(a) Examine the Industrial and Agricultural development policies in Five

Year Plans. 20
(b) Critically examine the basis of re-organisation of states in India. 20
(c) Explain the terms Regional Consciousness and National Integration and
also discuss the effects of one on another. 10


(a) Analyse the Urban Morphology of any city of India. 15

(b) Discuss the need to control 'population explosion' in India in the present
context. (200 words) 20
(c) Analyse the development of Slums in Indian cities and also suggest
measures to tackle it. 15


(a) Water Crisis is a major urban problem. Analyse (200 Words) 20 marks
(b) Cyclone Fani was not a disaster it was just a hazard. Do you agree? Give
your reason 10
(c) Indian Meteorological Department cannot predict monsoon effectively
due to complex phenomenon involved. Discuss (200 Words) 20 marks

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