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Advanced Post-Processing with the FEMAP API

Patrick Kriengsiri, Femap Development

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Advanced Post-Processing with the FEMAP API

How Output is Accessed in the
FEMAP Database
Attached vs. Internalized Results
Accessing Results via the API
Output Processing
Creating Custom Output
Importing Custom Output Data
Controlling Output Display

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This presentation will cover post-processing using the FEMAP API; a working
knowledge of the FEMAP API workings is recommended. Topics covered in this
presentation do not represent the entire scope of what is capable – for that, see
the FEMAP API Reference Manual.

If at any time you would like further expansion on a topic, please feel free to ask.

About your presenter – Patrick Kriengsiri is a FEMAP developer based out
of Atlanta. Prior to joining the FEMAP team, he was a consulting engineer
for a Siemens PLM VAR. His background is in aircraft stress analysis.
* Email:
Phone: 404-353-6596

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How Output is Stored in the FEMAP Database

Output is stored in the FEMAP database using a combination of Output Set

(OutputSet) and Output (Output) objects. All result quantities are stored in the
Output objects and reference an OutputSet object.

ID = Output Set ID

Set ID = 1


ID = Output Vector ID

Set ID = Output Set ID


.Value(Entity) = result
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Attached vs. Internalized Results

FEMAP v11.0 introduced the option to store results data internally within the
database or access the results externally.

When results are stored internally, the database size grows accordingly:

External Results File External Results File

Translator Translator

Result Data

Result Data

Result Data

Result Data

Result Data

Result Data
Output Set

Output Set

Output Set

Output Set

Output Set

Output Set

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Attached vs. Internalized Results

With attached results, an index is created and stored within the FEMAP database
that references locations within the external results file.

External Results File External Results File



Model Index


Any number of results files may be referenced. Additionally, internalized
* and attached results may be mixed, even within a single output set.

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Attached vs. Internalized Results
Pros vs. Cons

Result Type Pros Cons

Internalized Results • Simple file management • Increased database size;
• May be marginally faster can impact overall FEMAP
with smaller result files performance

Attached Results • Greatly improved • When transmitting model,

performance for large results file must be
results files transmitted with the model
• Greatly improved
performance for transient

Programmatically, there is no difference between accessing internalized results or
* attached results. All the management is transparently handled by FEMAP

When exporting a model to a pre-v11 neutral file, attached results will not
! be translated; they must be internalized first.

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Accessing Results via the API
Selecting Results through the GUI

Output selection through the API can be done through the use of the Set
selection methods, however it’s much more efficient to use the
feSelectOutput and feSelectOutputSets (v11+) application object

feSelectOutputSets – used to select output sets

( dlgTITLE, pOutputSets )
STRING dlgTitle Dialog title
OUT – OBJECT pOutputSets Set objects containing selected sets

feSelectOutputSets will return failure codes if the user cancels out of the dialog
* (FE_CANCEL) or no output sets are available for selection (FE_NOT_EXIST)

These output selection methods return FEMAP Sets – this is the preferred method for
* dealing with multiple output sets / vectors (rather than with Arrays)

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Accessing Results via the API
Selecting Results through the GUI

feSelectOutput – used to select output sets and vectors

( dlgTITLE, nBaseOutputSetID, limitOutputType, limitComplex,
limitToEntity, includeCorner, pOutputSets, pOutputVecs )
STRING dlgTitle Dialog title
INT4 nBaseOutputSetID Output set used to populate vectors
INT4 limitOutputType All / displacement / stress / strain / etc.
INT4 limitComplex Magnitude / Phase / Real / Imaginary / Any
INT4 limitToEntity Nodes / Elements / Any
BOOL includeCorner Include corner values
OUT – OBJECT pOutputSets Set objects containing selected sets
OUT – OBJECT pOutputVecs Set objects containing selected vectors

feSelectOutput will return failure codes if the user cancels out of the dialog
* (FE_CANCEL) or no output sets are available for selection (FE_NOT_EXIST)

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Accessing Results via the API
Selecting Results through the GUI

feSelectOutput feSelectOutputSets

The feSelectOutput method is available in all recent versions of the FEMAP
* API, however it was re-written in v11 to be easier to use and more robust.

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Accessing Results via the API
Selecting Results through the GUI

Example: feSelectOutput()

Sub Main
Dim App As femap.model
Set App = feFemap()

Dim fsO As femap.Set

Dim fsV As femap.Set
Set fsO = App.feSet
Set fsV = App.feSet

App.feSelectOutput( "Select Vectors", App.feOutputSet.Active, _

FOT_ANY, FOC_ANY, 0, True, fsO, fsV )

End Sub

When programming with VB6 / VBA, the “Set” instruction doesn’t have to be used prior
* to passing the set object to this method, however it doesn’t hurt.

Enums for the entity type argument can be either nodes (FT_NODE) or
* elements (FT_ELEM). To avoid filtering the vectors, specify 0.
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Accessing Results via the API

Output data may be accessed via one of two methods:

OutputSet (output) and Output (vector) objects – Output

provides access to results data either directly through Sets Output
the database or via a combination of “helper” methods.
This method is (and will always be) supported by all
versions of FEMAP.

FEMAP Results Browsing Object – new object

(feResults) introduced in FEMAP v11.0 that allows
for “tabular” access to results data. When potentially
randomly accessing large amounts of result data, this
method is often faster than using the OutputSet /
Output objects.

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Accessing Results via the API
Output Set and Output Vector Objects

The relationship between OutputSet objects and Output objects is maintained

through the .ID property of the OutputSet object and the .SetID property of
the Output object; the reference is purely notional.

Like all other FEMAP objects, Output data can be “get” from the database and
“put” with a new ID/SetID. A new relationship between the output vector and
output set is automatically created.

OutputSet1 Output

ID = Output Vector ID
ID = Output Set ID
Output Set ID ID
Set ID = 1 SetAttributes…
ID OutputVector

ID = Output
.Value(Entity) = resultSet ID
Attributes… Attributes…
.Value(Entity) = result

.Value(Entity) = result

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Output Set Object
Using the OutputSet Object

The OutputSet object contains data relevant to a given output set / time step /
etc. and can also be used to create output vector objects

Dim fOS As femap.OutputSet
Set fOS = app.feOutputSet


Property Description

STRING .title Output set title

REAL8 .value Output set value – time step, frequency, etc.

STRING notes Output set notes – date, run info, etc

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OutputSet Object

Example – Printing output set values to the message window

Sub Main
Dim App As femap.model
Set App = feFemap()

Dim fsOut As femap.Set

Dim fOS As femap.OutputSet

Set fsOut = App.feSet

Set fOS = App.feOutputSet

App.feSelectOutputSets( "Select output sets to list", fsOut )

If fsOut.Count < 1 Then

Exit Sub
End If

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OutputSet Object



While fsOut.Next()
fOS.Get( fsOut.CurrentID )
App.feAppMessage( FCM_COMMAND, "Output Set Value: " + _
Format$(fOS.Value, "0.00") )

End Sub

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Output Vector (Output) Object

Results data is “stored” in the database in Output objects and can be accessed
through these objects. There is no difference in the usage of the objects between
attached results or internalized results.

The ID property of the Output object is the vector ID; the SetID property is
equal to the output set. Output objects can be “get” from the database in one of
two ways:

Dim fOV As femap.Output
Set fOV = App.feOutput

fOV.setID = 1 ' output set 1

fOV.Get( 7033 ) ' plate top stress

With this method the user must ensure that the output vector is in sync with the
output set.
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Output Vector (Output) Object

Via OutputSet Method (preferred):

Dim fOS As femap.OutputSet

Dim fOV As femap.Output

Set fOS = App.feOutputSet

Set fOS = fOS.Vector( 7033 )

Accessing the output vector via the output set Vector method ensures that
vector data is always associated with the output set of interest. Note that when
using VBA, the Set instruction is used when using the vector method rather than
with the feOutput method.

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Output Object


Property Description
BOOL nonlinear Flag indicating vector is nonlinear
REAL8 maxval Maximum value in vector
REAL8 minval Minimum value in vector
REAL8 absmaxval Max absolute
INT4 maxvalID ID of maximum value
INT4 minvalID ID of minimum value
REAL8 Value[1..n] Result quantity; array index is the ID of
the node or element

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Output Object
Helper Methods

Output data can be accessed directly through the Value property of the output
vector method, but generally speaking it’s much easier and faster to use the
“helper” methods to access the data in bulk. Output objects still need to be “get”
from the database prior to using these methods.


GetOutputListAtSet ( idSET, defaultVal, value )

INT4 idSET ID of FEMAP Set that contains entity IDs
REAL8 defaultVal[n] Array of default values; specify null to use 0.
OUT – REAL8 value[n] Result values

The methods GetScalarAtNode and GetScalarAtElem exist and are functionally
* identical to GetOutputListAtSet, however there is no default value argument.

Similar methods exist for specifying entity IDs via arrays, however the use
of the set method will work best with other API calls.

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Output Object
Helper Methods

GetOutputListAtSet ( idSET, x, y, z )
INT4 idSET ID of FEMAP Set that contains entity IDs
OUT - REAL8 x[n], y[n], z[n] Vector values at node

GetOutputListAtSet ( idSET, maxcorner, centroid, c1, c2, c3,
c4, c5, c6, c7, c8 )
INT4 idSET ID of FEMAP Set that contains entity IDs
OUT – INT4 maxcorner ID of the max corner for this vector type
OUT – REAL8 centroid[n] Centroidal values
OUT – REAL8 c1[n] … c8[n] Corner values 1-8. See maxcorner for
highest corner used

In nearly all cases, nodal result data returned, regardless of the method
* used, will be in the global rectangular coordinate system.

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Output Object

Example: List plate top vonMises stress, elements 1 to 50

Sub Main
Dim App As femap.model
Set App = feFemap()

Dim fOS As femap.OutputSet

Dim fOV As femap.Output
Dim fsElem As femap.Set

Dim nArr As Long

Dim i As Long
Dim values As Variant
Dim ents As Variant
Dim rc As Long

Set fOS = App.feOutputSet

Set fsElem = App.feSet

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Output Object

Example: List plate top vonMises stress, elements 1 to 50 (con’t)

Set fOV = fOS.Vector( 7033 )

fsElem.AddRange( 1, 50, 1 )
fsElem.GetArray( nArr, ents)

rc = fOV.GetScalarAtElemSet( fsElem.ID, values)

For i = 0 To nArr - 1 Step 1

App.feAppMessage( FCM_NORMAL, "Element ID: " + Str$( ents(i) ) + _
", Top VM Stress: " + Str$( values(i) ) )

End Sub

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Accessing Results via the API
FEMAP Results Browsing Object

The FEMAP Results Browsing Object was introduced in v11.0 as a way to

quickly access large amounts of data for output processing.

Notionally, the Results Browsing Object is very similar to the FEMAP Data Table:

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Accessing Results via the API
FEMAP Results Browsing Object

The FEMAP Results Browsing Object is a read-only object. Its primary function is
to access a “table” of data, however it can also replicate many of the output set /
vector querying methods of the OutputSet and Output objects. Unlike the Output
object, the Results Browsing Object allows for access to results from many
different output sets and vectors via a single API call.

Methods are grouped into three categories:

- Setup & population
- Results set / vector information
- Results access / manipulation

In most cases, the Results Browsing Object can be used as a direct
* replacement for the OutputSet and Output objects

Except in rare circumstances, the Results Browsing Object SHOULD NOT
! be used to access results one-at-a-time; performance may be poor.

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FEMAP Results Browsing Object
Setup Flowchart

Object Creation:

Dim fRB As femap.Results

Set fRB = app.feResults

Data /
Add Entities


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FEMAP Results Browsing Object
Results Set and Result Vector Information Query

The info query methods of the Results Browsing Object are similar to the
properties of the OutputSet and Output objects.

Output Set Methods:

.NumberOfSets() – returns the number of output sets available

.SetExists( nSetID ) – returns true / false if a set ID exists

INT4 nSetID Output set ID

.SetInfo( nSetID, nAnalysisProgram, nAnalysisType, dSetValue )

INT4 nSetID Output set ID
OUT – INT4 nAnalysisProgram Equivalent to OutputSet.program
OUT – INT4 nAnalysisType Equivalent to OutputSet.analysis
OUT – REAL8 dSetValue Equivalent to OutputSet.value

.Sets( nSetSetID, bClear ) – populates Set object with available OS

INT4 nSetSetID ID of FEMAP Set object
BOOL bClear Clear set before populating
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FEMAP Results Browsing Object
Results Set and Result Vector Information Query

Output Vector Methods:

.VectorExists( nSetID, nVector ) – returns true / false if a vector exists

INT4 nSetID Output set ID
INT4 nVectorID Output vector ID

.VectorInfo( nSetID, nVectorID, nDataType, nOutputType,

bCentroidTotal, bCalcWarn, nCompDir )
INT4 nSetID Output set ID
INT4 nVectorID Output set ID
OUT – INT4 nDataType Equivalent to Output.location
OUT – INT4 nOutputType Equivalent to Output.category
OUT – BOOL bCentroidTotal Equivalent to Output.centroidtotal
OUT – BOOL bCalcWarn Equivalent to Output.nonlinear
OUT – INT4 nCompDir Equivalent to Output.hascomponent

If using the Results Browsing Object to query information regarding an
* output set out output vector, it none of the setup methods need to be called.
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FEMAP Results Browsing Object
Results Set and Result Vector Information Query

Output Vector Methods (con’t):

.Vectors( nSetID, nVectorSetID, bClear ) – returns available vectors

in a given output set
INT4 nSetID Output set ID
INT4 nVectorSetID FEMAP Set ID
BOOL bClear Clear set prior to population

Miscellaneous Methods:

.Clear() – clears all data from a Results Browsing Object

Any number of Results Browsing Objects may be used, or a single object
* can be reused.

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FEMAP Results Browsing Object
Results Set and Result Vector Information Query

Example – Printing output set values to the message window (con’t)

Sub Main
Dim App As femap.model
Set App = feFemap()

Dim fsOut As femap.Set

Dim fr As femap.Results

Dim enAP As femap.zAnalysisProgram

Dim enAT As femap.zAnalysisType
Dim dVal As Double

Set fsOut = App.feSet

Set fr = App.feResults()

App.feSelectOutputSets( "Select output sets to list", fsOut )

If fsOut.Count < 1 Then

Exit Sub
End If

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FEMAP Results Browsing Object
Results Set and Result Vector Information Query

Example – Printing output set values to the message window


While fsOut.Next()
fr.SetInfo( fsOut.CurrentID, enAP, enAT, dVal )
App.feAppMessage( FCM_COMMAND, "Output Set Value: " + _
Format$(dVal, "0.00") )

End Sub

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FEMAP Results Browsing Object
Setup Methods

If using the Results Browsing Object to query actual output data, the object must
be fist set up to receive the data – this involves specifying the output sets and
vectors as well as specifying where data should be recovered.

Adding Columns:
.AddColumn( nSetID, nVectorID, bAddComponentsCorners,
nColumnsAdded, nColumnIndices )
INT4 nSetID Output set ID
INT4 nVectorID Vector ID
BOOL bAddComponentsCorners Add related vectors to specified vector
OUT – INT4 nColumnsAdded Number of columns added to RBO
OUT – INT4 nColumnIndices[n] Column indexes of added columns
RETURN – FE_INVALID Populate has already been called
RETURN – FE_NOT_EXIST Specified output set / vector does not exist
RETURN – FE_BAD_TYPE Specified vector is of an incompatible type
RETURN – FE_FAIL Column can not be added
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FEMAP Results Browsing Object
Setup Methods

Specifying Entities:

.DataNeeded( nDataType, nEntitySetID )

INT4 nEntitySetID ID of Femap Set object containing entity list


* Indices for rows and columns are zero-based.


* Entities may only be added to a results browsing object once.

Caution When a Results Browsing Object is Populated, unless the DataNeeded() method is called,

! results for all entities are added. With large amounts of data, this can result in reduced
performance, so limit the data when possible.

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FEMAP Results Browsing Object
Populating the Results Browsing Object

Once the Results Browsing Object has been set up with columns containing
output sets and output vectors and rows containing entity IDs, the Populate
method needs to be called to load the object with results data.

Populate Methods:

RETURN – FE_INVALID Object has already been populated
RETURN – FE_NOT_AVAILABLE No columns have been added to the RBO
RETURN – FE_BAD_DATA Unable to populate with given entities / vecs

.IsPopulated() – returns true / false if RBO is populated

After a table has been populated, additional columns cannot be added.
* Additionally, it may not be “repopulated”; to reuse the object, call .Clear()

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FEMAP Results Browsing Object
Data Access Methods

Once populated, results can be extracted from the RBO:

Indivudally via row/column indices:

.GetValue( nID, nColumnIndex, dVal )
INT4 nID Entity ID
INT4 nColumnIndex Column index
OUT – REAL8 dVal Value at specified row/column

.GetInRow( nRowIndex, nColumnIndex, nID, dVal ) – similar to

GetValue, but specify row index (entity ID) rather than row ID
INT4 nColumnIndex ID of Femap Set object containing entity list
OUT – REAL8 dVal

By default, the value returned for “non-existing” values is 0.0. This value
can be customized using the .ValueForNonExisting RBO property.

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FEMAP Results Browsing Object
Data Access Methods

Accessing data from the RBO via individual row/column methods can be slow
due to the number of calls possible and the related COM overhead. For best
performance, it’s advised to use one of the bulk data extraction methods: entire
row, subset of a row, or multiple rows

Entire Row:

.GetRow( nRowIndex, nID, dVals )

INT4 nRowIndex Entity ID
OUT – INT4 nID Entity ID at given row index
OUT – REAL8 dVals[nCol] Array containing row values

.GetRowByID( nID, dVals )

OUT – REAL8 dVals[nCol] Array containing row values

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FEMAP Results Browsing Object
Data Access Methods

Row Subset:

.GetMultipleInRow( nRowIndex, nNumCol, nColIndices, nID,

dVals )
INT4 nRowIndex Row index
INT4 nNumCol Number of columns to retrieve
INT4 nColIndices[nNumCol] Array containing column indices to retrieve
OUT – INT4 nID Entity ID of given row
OUT – REAL8 dVals[nNumCol] Array of results

Multiple Rows:

.GetRows( nNumRow, nRowIndices, nIDs, dVals )

INT4 nNumRow Number of rows to retrieve
INT4 nRowIndices[nNumRow] Array of row indices to retrieve
OUT – INT4 nIDs [nNumRow] Entity ID of each row retrieved
OUT – REAL8 Array of values

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FEMAP Results Browsing Object
Data Access Methods

Multiple Rows (con’t):

.GetRowsByID( nEntitySetID, dVals )

INT4 nEntitySetID ID of FEMAP Set containing row IDs to
OUT – REAL8 Array of values

GetRowsByID() is the more common method for retrieving data from multiple rows. To
* retrieve all requested data, use the same set used for the DataNeeded() method.

Row IDs in the RBO will be in the same order as they are in the set specified in the
* DataNeeded() method

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FEMAP Results Browsing Object
Data Access Methods

Example: Get plate top VM stress for output set 1 and 2 for selected elements
Sub Main
Dim App As femap.model
Set App = feFemap()

Dim fr As femap.Results
Dim fsElem As femap.Set

Dim nCol As Long

Dim nColIDs As Variant
Dim vals As Variant

Set fr = App.feResults
Set fsElem = App.feSet

fr.AddColumn( 1, 7033, False, nCol, nColIDs )

fr.AddColumn( 2, 7033, False, nCol, nColIDs )

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FEMAP Results Browsing Object
Data Access Methods

Example: Get plate top VM stress for output set 1 and 2 for selected elements (con’t)
fsElem.Select( FT_ELEM, True, "Select Elements" )

fr.DataNeeded( FT_ELEM, fsElem.ID )


fr.GetRowsByID( fsElem.ID, vals )

End Sub

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FEMAP Results Browsing Object
Data Access Methods

Additionally, the min/max values in a given column can also be retrieved:

Column min/max:

.GetColumnMinMax( nColumnIndex, nLimitToSet, nMinID, nMaxID,

dMinVal, dMaxVal )
INT4 nColumnIndex Column index
INT4 nLimitToSet FEMAP Set ID containing entity IDs to limit
min/max search; 0 to search all rows
OUT – INT4 nMinID Row ID where min value is found
OUT – INT4 nMaxID Row ID where max value is found
OUT – REAL8 dMinVal Min value
OUT – REAL8 dMaxVal Max value

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FEMAP Results Browsing Object
Data Access Methods

Example: Get max plate vonMises stress in Output Set 1

Sub Main
Dim App As femap.model
Set App = feFemap()

Dim fr As femap.Results
Dim fsElem As femap.Set

Dim nCol As Long

Dim nColIDs As Variant

Dim nMinID As Long

Dim nMaxID As Long
Dim dMinVal As Double
Dim dMaxVal As Double

Set fr = App.feResults
Set fsElem = App.feSet

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FEMAP Results Browsing Object
Data Access Methods

Example: Get max plate vonMises stress in Output Set 1

fr.AddColumn( 1, 7033, False, nCol, nColIDs )

fsElem.AddAll( FT_ELEM )

fr.DataNeeded( FT_ELEM, fsElem.ID )


fr.GetColumnMinMax( 0, 0, nMinID, nMaxID, dMinVal, dMaxVal )

App.feAppMessage( FCM_NORMAL, "Max plate top VM stress: " + _

Str$(dMaxVal) + " at element " + Str$(nMaxID) )

End Sub

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FEMAP Results Browsing Object
Memory and Performance Considerations

Ideally, a single Results Browsing Object could be used to access all required
results, however in large models or models with lots of results, it is possible to
load so much data that performance is degraded.

FEMAP will attempt to keep the entire Results Browsing Object in memory,
however once a threshold of available system memory is passed, the object will
spill to disk.

= =

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FEMAP Results Browsing Object
Memory and Performance Considerations

What defines “too much data”? It’s very machine dependent. Things to keep in
- Each Results Browsing Object has overhead (although not much)
- Each result value (essentially each “cell” in the table) requires 8 bytes


1000 elements * 20 output sets * 6 vectors = 120,000 cells =~ 910KB

100k elements * 2000 output sets * 6 vectors = 1.2 billion cells =~ 9.1GB

There may be enough memory available to populate the RBO, however keep in mind
* there’s also a memory footprint associated with retrieving the data.

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FEMAP Results Browsing Object
Memory and Performance Considerations

What to do when “too much” memory is used:

- Do I need this much data?
- Make sure to call the DataNeeded() method unless all result quantities
are actually needed
- Only add columns for a limited number of output sets and loop
- Split the single populate into multiple populate calls
- Load data in groups

Splitting a Results Browsing Object into several objects has no real advantages /
disadvantages over recycling a single RBO, however using them concurrently
will not alleviate the memory issues. If using a single RBO, remember to call the
Clear() method prior to repopulating the RBO.

If reusing a single RBO, consider reusing code that add columns to the
RBO by separating it into a different function.

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Result Processing

Various methods of processing result data can be done either through

application object methods or through Results Browsing Object Methods.

Application Methods RBO Methods

Copy Output yes -
Output Merge yes -
Linear Combination yes 1
RSS Combination yes 1
Convert yes yes
Envelope yes yes
Transform yes yes
1 – Available through manipulation of results data after population of the RBO

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Result Processing

When processing results with application methods, the new output sets and/or
vectors are created. When processing results with a Results Browsing Object,
calculations are performed on-the-fly. This can greatly impact performance.

Application Methods RBO Methods

Pros • Results persist within the • Output processing is done “in
database memory” and no results are written
• Calculation only needs to be to the database
performed a single time • Much faster for enveloping
Cons • When processing large • Not all conversions are available
amounts of data, • Results are not persistent
performance can heavily
depend on disk IO speeds


In FEMAP v11, the different types of results processors have been split into separate methods.
The old feOutputProcess() method is deprecated and should not be used.

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Results Processing
Application Methods

.feOutputProcessCopy( bFullSet, from_setID, from_vectorID,
to_setID )
BOOL bFullSet Copy the entire set
INT4 from_setID Source Set ID
INT4 from_vectorID Source vector; ignored if bFullSet = TRUE
INT4 to_setID Target set; ignored if bFullSet = TRUE


.feOutputProcessMerge( bFullSet, bOverwrite, nCount,

from_setID, from_vectorID, to_setID)
BOOL bFullSet Copy the entire set
BOOL bOverwrite Overwrite existing results in the target set
INT4 nCount Number of output sets to process
INT4 from_setID[nCount] Array of output sets
INT4 from_vectorID[nCount] Array of vector IDs, paired with set array
INT4 to_setID Target set; ignored if bFullSet = TRUE
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Results Processing
Application Methods


.feOutputProcessLinearCombination( bFullSet, nApproach, nCount,

nScale, from_setID, from_vectorID, to_setID) /
BOOL bFullSet Copy the entire set
INT4 nApproach All vectors in all sets / All vectors in each set
/ Each vector in all sets (default if
INT4 nCount Number of output set s
REAL8 nScale[nCount] Scale factor for each output set / vector
INT4 from_setID[nCount] Array of source set IDs
INT4 from_vectorID Array of vector IDs; pairs with
from_SetID. Ignored if bFullset
INT4 to_setID Target set; ignored if bFullSet = TRUE

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Results Processing
Application Methods


.feOutputProcessConvert( approach, from_setID, from_vectorID,

to_setID, to_vectorID, groupID )
INT4 approach Average or Max
INT4 from_setID Source Set ID
INT4 from_vectorID Source vector; ignored if bFullSet = TRUE
INT4 to_setID Not Used
INT4 to_vectorID Not Used
INT4 groupID ID of group to limit processing. 0 to ignore

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Results Processing
Application Methods

.feOutputProcessEnvelope( bFullSet, nType, nApproach,
bEnvelopeInSets, bEnvelopeAcrossSets, bSetInfo, nCount,
from_setID, from_vectorID, to_setID )
BOOL bFullSet Envelope all vectors in all sets
INT4 nType Max / Min / Max Absolute
INT4 nApproach All vectors / All locations / Individual vectors
BOOL bEnvelopeInSets Store envelope in original set. Ignored if
envelope approach is individual vectors
BOOL bEnvelopeAcrossSets Envelope similar vectors across sets.
Ignored if approach is individual vectors
BOOL bSetInfo Create additional vectors to store
information about source set / location
INT4 nCount Number of output sets
INT4 from_setID[nCount] Array of output set IDs
INT4 from_vectorID[nCount] Array of vector IDs; used with from_setID
INT4 to_setID Output set ID

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Results Processing
Application Methods


.feOutputTransform( option, allSets, outSet, outVec, csysID,

elemSetID, alignMode, alignX, alignY, alignZ)
INT4 option Transformation option
BOOL allSets Transform all output sets
INT4 outSet Output set for transformation if not
INT4 outVec Output vector to transform
INT4 csysID Target coordinate system ID
INT4 elemSetID ID of Femap Set containing elements to
INT4 alignMode Axis for alignment if transforming to an
element axis
REAL8 alignX, alignY, alignZ Alignment vectors if alignment option is

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Results Processing
Application Methods

Example: Transform Plate X-Membrane force into Material CS using application

object methods

Sub Main
Dim App As femap.model
Set App = feFemap()

Dim fs As femap.Set
Set fs = App.feSet

fs.AddAll( FT_ELEM )

App.feOutputTransform( FOD_PLATE_TO_MATL, False, 1, 7206, _

0, fs.ID, 0, 0., 0., 0. )

End Sub

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Results Processing
FEMAP Results Browsing Object Methods


.AddConversionColumn( nSetID, nVectorID, nConversionApproach,

nColumnIndex )
INT4 nSetID Output Set ID
INT4 nVectorID Output Vector ID
INT4 nConversionApproach Average / max / min / include corners / etc.
OUT – INT4 nColumnIndex Index of added conversion column

Process columns of the RBO need to be added prior to calling
* Populate().

Caution DataNeeded() must be called when using the AddConversionColumn method unless converting

! results for the entire mode. Regardless of if the conversion is node->element or element->node
elements are specified.

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Results Processing
FEMAP Results Browsing Object

.SetNodalTransform( nTransformTo, nCsysID )
INT4 nTransformTo None (default), CSYS, Nodal Output Csys
INT4 nCSysID Coordinate system for CSYS

.SetPlateTransform( nTransformTo, nCsysID, nCSysAxis, dVecX,

dVecY, dVecZ, dToleranceAngle )
INT4 nTransformTo None (default), Material CS, CSYS, Vector
INT4 nCSysID Coordinate for CSYS
INT4 nCSysAxis Axis for transformation direction
REAL8 dVecX, dVecY, dVecZ Vector components
REAL8 dToleranceAngle Maximum angle between element plane to
avoid projections

.SetSolidTransform( nTransformTo, nCsysID )

INT4 nTransformTo None (default), CSYS, Mat CSYS
INT4 nCSysID Coordinate system for CSYS

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Results Processing
FEMAP Results Browsing Object


.AddEnvelopeColumn( nEnvelopeType, nDataColumnIndex,

nColumnIndex ) – adds a pair of columns for enveloping
INT4 nEnvelopeType Max (0) / Min (1) / Max Absolute (2)
OUT - INT4 nDataColumnIndex Vector ID
OUT – INT4 nColumnIndex Add related vectors to specified vector

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Results Processing
FEMAP Results Browsing Object

Example: Envelope and max/min using RBO

Sub Main
Dim App As femap.model
Set App = feFemap()

Dim fr As femap.Results
Dim fs As femap.Set

Dim nCol As Long

Dim nCol2 As Long
Dim nColIDs As Variant
Dim dVal As Double
Dim i As Long
Dim nMinID As Long
Dim nMaxID As Long
Dim dMinVal As Double
Dim dMaxVal As Double

Set fr = App.feResults
Set fs = App.feSet

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Results Processing
FEMAP Results Browsing Object

Example: Envelope and max/min using RBO (con’t)


For i = 1 To 100 Step 1

fr.AddColumn( i, 7033,False , nCol, nColIDs )
fr.AddColumn( i, 7433,False , nCol, nColIDs )

fr.AddEnvelopeColumn( FOPE_MAX, nCol, nCol2 )


fr.GetColumnMinMax( nCol, 0, nMinID, nMaxID, dMinVal, dMaxVal )

App.feAppMessage( FCM_NORMAL, "Max vonMises stress, sets 1 to 100")

App.feAppMessage( FCM_NORMAL, "Min val: " + Str$(dMinVal) )
App.feAppMessage( FCM_NORMAL, "Max val: " + Str$(dMaxVal) )

End Sub

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Results Processing
FEMAP Results Browsing Object

Example: Transform plate data into material CSYS using Results Browsing
Sub Main
Dim App As femap.model
Set App = feFemap()

Dim fr As femap.Results
Dim fs As femap.Set

Dim nCol As Long

Dim nColIDs As Variant
Dim dVal As Double

Set fr = App.feResults
Set fs = App.feSet


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Results Processing
FEMAP Results Browsing Object

Example: Transform plate data into material CSYS using Results Browsing
Object (con’t )
fr.AddColumn( 1, 7206, False, nCol, nColIDs )
fr.SetPlateTransform( FOD_PLATE_TO_MATL, 0, 0, 0., 0., 0., 0. )

fr.GetValue( 464, 0, dVal )

App.feAppMessage( FCM_NORMAL, _
"Nxx in Material Coordinate System, Element 464: " + Str$( dVal ) )

End Sub

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Results Processing

Application object transform vs RBO Transform

- Sample model: 244 elements

- 500 output sets
- Transform plate Nxx (7206) into material CS
- Model size: ~400mb


Application Method: < 1 sec.
RBO Method: ~1500 sec.




RBO Method Application Method

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Page 62 Siemens PLM Software
Creating Custom Output

The Output Set and Output Vector Objects can be used to create custom output
data. This output data can then be for post like output data created by FEMAP.

Data can be stored in either existing output sets or in new output sets. When
using an existing output set, take care in not overwriting existing result data
unless that is the actual intent.
Arbitrary Results

API Translator









Model Data

Remember that the FEMAP Results browsing object is a read-only object;
* output data must be created directly with the output set and vector objects.

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Page 63 Siemens PLM Software
Creating Custom Output
Vector ID Ranges

There is no limitation to the vector ID used for user data, however keep the
following considerations in mind:
Vector Range Type
1 – 2,999 Nodal Output
3,000 – 5,999 Line Element Output
6,000 – 59,999 Plate Element Output
60,000 – 79,999 Solid Element Output
80,000 – 89,999 Output on any Element
90,000 – 99,999 Patran Element Output
100,000 – 299,999 Plate Corner Output
1,000,000 to 6,000,000 Laminate Ply Output
9,000,000 to 9,999,999 User Defined Output

Use care when creating output vectors < 9,000,000. There’s nothing in the
! API to prevent you from doing this, but its generally not recommended.
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Creating Custom Output
Creating Results Data

Like with reading results data directly with the Output object, writing results data
may also be done with the .Value property.

Dim fOV As femap.Output
Set fOV = App.feOutput

fOV.setID = 1 ‘ Output Set 1

fOV.Value( 100 ) = 2222.2 ‘ Output on element 100 = 2222.2
fOV.Put ( 9000001 ) ‘ Store vector 9000001

While technically this works, like with reading it can incur a large number of calls, so the
use of the “helper” methods is recommended. Additionally, the use of the helper methods
will properly set up a results object for certain data types (ie nodal vector data) and can aid
in avoiding errors in manually setting the properties.

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Creating Custom Output
Output Helper Methods

The output creation helper methods come in pairs – an Init* method and a
Put* method. The initialization method will set up all required vector objects and
the put method will load data into the object, however the .Put() entity
method still needs to be called on the parent Output object.

Initialization Methods:

.InitScalarAtNode( outputSET, vec, vecTitle, category,

nonlinear) / .InitScalarAtElem
INT4 outputSET Output Set ID
INT4 vec Vector ID
STRING vecTitle Add related vectors to specified vector
INT4 category Output type: disp. / force / stress / etc.
BOOL nonlinear Results can be linearly combined

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Creating Custom Output
Output Helper Methods

Initialization Methods (con’t):

.InitVectorAtNode( outputSET, vec, vecX, vecY, vecZ, vecTitle,

category, nonlinear)
INT4 outputSET Output Set ID
INT4 vec Vector ID for resultant vector
INT4 vecX, vecY, vecX Vector IDs X, Y and Z components
STRING vecTitle Add related vectors to specified vector
INT4 category Output type: disp. / force / stress / etc.
BOOL nonlinear Results can be linearly combined

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Creating Custom Output
Output Helper Methods

Initialization Methods (con’t):

.InitElemWithCorner( outputSet, vec, vec1, vec2, vec3, vec4,

vec5, vec6, vec7, vec8, vecTitle, category, nonlinear)
INT4 outputSET Output Set ID
INT4 vec Centroidal vector ID
INT4 vec1..vec8 Corner vector IDs
STRING vecTitle Add related vectors to specified vector
INT4 category Output type: disp. / force / stress / etc.
BOOL nonlinear Results can be linearly combined

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Creating Custom Output
Output Helper Methods

Put Methods:

.PutScalarAtNode( listcount, ID, value ) / .PutScalarAtElem

INT4 listcount Number of entities to add
INT4 ID[listcount] Array of entity IDs
REAL8 value[listcount] Array of values

.PutVectorAtNode( listcount, ID, x, y, z)

INT4 listcount Number of entities to add
INT4 ID[listcount] Array of entity IDs
REAL8 x[listcount] Arrays of values

When using the PutVectorAtNode() method, the resultant value is not
* specified; it is calculated automatically and stored in the specified vector ID.

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Creating Custom Output
Output Helper Methods

Put Methods (con’t):

.PutElemWithCorner( listcount, maxcorner, ID, centroid, c1, c2,

c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8 )
INT4 listcount Number of element IDs in ID array
INT4 maxcorner Maximum number of corners used
INT4 ID[listcount] Array of element IDs
REAL8 centroid[listcount] Array containing centroidal values
REAL8 Arrays containing corner values

Element Type Corners

Tria 1, 2, 3
Quad 1, 2, 3, 4
Tet 1, 2, 3, 5
Hex 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

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Creating Custom Output
Output Orientation

When storing custom output, it’s important to be

aware of output orientation. There is no requirement
to store any output relative to a particular coordinate
system, however FEMAP visualization and output
processing tools may be useless unless the following
conditions are met:

- Nodal output must be stored in the global

rectangular coordinate system
- Elemental data must be stored according to the
output orientation specified in the FEMAP GUI

Elemental data orientation is specified via preferences for output objects; for RBOs
* methods exist to specify orientations that differ from the preferences.

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Creating Custom Output
Output Helper Methods

Example: storing max value of top/ bottom vonMises stress

Sub Main
Dim App As femap.model
Set App = feFemap()

Dim fr As femap.Results
Dim fs As femap.Set
Dim fOV As femap.Output

Dim nCol As Long

Dim nColIDs As Variant
Dim nColID As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim dVals As Variant
Dim dMax() As Double
Dim idArr As Variant
Dim nID As Long

Set fr = App.feResults
Set fs = App.feSet()
Set fOV = App.feOutput

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Creating Custom Output
Output Helper Methods

Example: storing max value of top/ bottom vonMises stress (con’t)

Set fr = App.feResults
Set fs = App.feSet()
Set fOV = App.feOutput

fr.AddColumn( 1, 7033, False, nCol, nColIDs )

fr.AddColumn( 1, 7433, False, nCol, nColIDs )
fr.AddEnvelopeColumn( FOPE_MAXABS, nCol, nColID )

fs.AddAll( FT_ELEM )

fr.DataNeeded( FT_ELEM, fs.ID )


fr.GetRowsByID( fs.ID, dVals )

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Creating Custom Output
Output Helper Methods

Example: storing max value of top/ bottom vonMises stress (con’t)

fs.GetArray( nID, idArr )
ReDim dMax( 0 To fs.Count - 1 )
For i = 0 To nID - 1 Step 1
dMax( i ) = dVals( i * 4 + 2 )

fOV.InitScalarAtElem( 1, 9000001, "Max VM, plate top and bottom", _

fOV.PutScalarAtNode( nID, idArr, dMax )
fOV.Put( fOV.ID )

End Sub

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Importing Custom Output Data

Custom output data may be created on the fly but there are also various methods
for importing data from an external source:

- FEMAP ReadFile object

- FEMAP Neutral file
- OLE/COM into external source (ie Excel)
- Language native file read objects (ie VB Read)

The format of the FEMAP Neutral file can be found in
* <FEMAP root directory>\pdf\neutral.pdf

The ReadFile object is designed for reading data formatted in rows /
* columns and is capable of reading both ASCII and binary data

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Page 75 Siemens PLM Software
Result Visualization
FEMAP View Object

Output visualization is controlled, for the most part, through the FEMAP View
(feView) Object.
Property Description
INT4 Deformed Deformed view style
INT4 Contour Contour view style
INT4 ContourGroup Contour group
INT4 OutputSet Output set for display
INT4 FinalOutputSet Final output set, used in animated plots
INT4 DeformData Vector ID for deformation plot
INT4 ContourData Vector ID for contour plot
BOOL Draw[] Draw array
INT4 Label[] Label array
INT4 ColorMode[] ColorMode array
INT4 Color[] Color array

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Result Visualization
FEMAP View Object

Draw / Label / Color / ColorMode values:

Draw Boolean

Label integer

Array index (FVI_* enum)
Ref. API Manual, Section

Additional View Properties

View Options Dialog

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Page 77 Siemens PLM Software

There are many different methods

available for output data access and
manipulation via the FEMAP API.
The best one for each circumstance
may depend on what is being
Additional functionality that has been
added over the years has often been
a result of user requests. If you see
something that you would like that’s
not available, just ask!

Thank you for attending!

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