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NIM : 17029064

A. Convergence
We say S → Sif
( ∀ ϵ >0 ¿ (∃ N ∈ N )(n ≥ N ⟹|Sn−S|<ϵ )
Definition :
A sequence ( Sn) is said to be :
increasing if Sn ≤ S n+1 for all n ∈ N
decreasing if Sn ≥ S n+1for all n ∈ N
monotone if it is either increasing or decreasing
Example :
1. C n=2−
Solution :
3 5 7
(C n ¿=(1 , , , , …)
2 3 4
monotone increasing and it is bounded.
2. (d ¿¿ n)=(1,2,2,3,3,3 , …) ¿
Solution :
monotone increasing and it is unbounded.
3. X n=1−(−1 )
Solution :
( X ¿ ¿ n)=(2 , 0 , 2, 2 , 2, …)¿
not monotone and it is bounded.

Theorem Monotone Convergence Theorem (MCT)

Claim A monotone sequence is convergent if and only if it is bounded
Proof :
⇒ With show that if a monotone sequence converge, then it is bounded.
Suppose that a sequence ( Sn ¿ converges to a value, S.
Let ϵ =1
By the definition of convergences, we know these exists N ∈ N such that
n ≥ N ⟹|S n−S|<1.
Therefore, for n ≥ N ,|S n|<|s|+1 ,

Let M =max {|S1|,|S 2|, …|S n|,|S|+1 }

Now |Sn|≤ M for all n ∈ N

⟸If a monotone sequence is odd then it convergens.
Case 1:
Suppose ( Sn ) is a bounded increasing sequeces
Let S= { S n|n ∈ N }
By the completeness axiom
Let s=( S ) .¿
Let ϵ > 0 be given , then S−ϵ is not on Upper Bound (UB) for S.
Therefore there exists N ∈ N ,such that S N > S−ϵ
But since ¿) is increasing S−ϵ < S N ≤ S n ≤ S .
This is true for all n ∈ N .
Therefore ( Sn ¿ → S

( t n+1 )
Let t 1=1 and t n+1=
1 3 11
( t n )= 1 , 2 , 8 , 32 , … )
Claim ( t n ) is monotone
Proof :
By induction
1=t , and =t 2 so t 1> t 2
Suppose that t k >t k+1 for some k
t k+1 t k+1 +1
t k+1= > =t k+2
4 4
Conclusion :
By induction the sequence is decreasing
Claim ( t n ) is bounded
Proof :
t 1=1 which is positive
Suppose t k >0 for some k
t k+1 t k 1
Consider t k+1= = = ≥0
4 4 4
Conclusion :
By induction t n> 0 for all n

Claim ( t n ) is converges
Proof :
By MCI, ( t n ) converges

Exercise :
What is limit t n ? call lim t n=…
by the home work ( 4.1.11 ) lim t n =lim t n+1
t+1 1
t= 4 t=t+13 t=1t=
4 3
Additional facts that can be shown :
FACT 1 : If ( Sn ¿ is unbounded increasing, then lim ⁡S n=+ ∞
FACT 2 : If ( Sn ¿ is unbounded decreasing, then lim ⁡S n=−∞

B. Cauchyness
Definition :
A sequence ( Sn ) is called Cauchy if:
for each ϵ > 0, there is a natural number N such that m , n≥ N implies |Sn −S m|< ϵ
Cauchy means the terms of the sequence are getting very close to each other.
Claim Every convergent sequence is Cauchy.
Proof :
Let ( Sn ) be a convergent sequence
Say ( Sn )→ S.
|Sn −S m|=|S n−S+ S−Sm| ≤|S n−S|+|S m −S|
Let ϵ > 0 be given.
Let's choose N such that
If k ≥ N, We have |S k −S|< .
Now, if m , n≥ N
ϵ ϵ
We have that |Sn −S m|≤|S n−S|+|S m−S|< + =ϵ
2 2
So, ( Sn ) is Cauchy

Claim Every Cauchy sequence is bounded

Proof :
Suppose ( Sn ) is a cauchy sequence.
Let ϵ =1. Since ( Sn ) is cauchy we know there exists N ∈ N such that for all n , m≥ N
We have |Sn −S m|<1. So let m=N
Now we have for all n ≥ N, |Sn −S N <1|
This would mean |Sn|≤|S N|+1.
Let M =max ¿|S 1|,|S2|,|S3|, … ,|S N|,|S N |+1 }¿
So, |S N|≤ M for all ∈ N

Big Claim (Cauchy Convergence Criteria) (c 3 ¿

A sequence of real numbers is convergent if and only if it is Cauchy.
⇒Lemma for c 3
Let S= { S n|n ∈ N }

Case 1 S is finite
So, Since ( S¿¿ n)¿ is Cauchy there is a N ∈ N such that |Sn −S m|< ϵ for all n , m≥ N.
Given m ≥ N , S m and S N are both in S.
If the distance between these two points is less than ϵ, then the distance between them must
be ZERO!
So, Sm =S N for all m ≥ N
Then ( S¿¿ n)¿ converges.

Case 2 S is infinite.
At least we know Sn is bounded.
By Bolzano-Weierstrass, there is an accumulation point S in S . [We will show this
accumulation point S is the limit of Sn].
Let ϵ > 0 be given.
Since ( S¿¿ n)¿ is Cauchy let Nbe such that for all n , m≥ N we have |Sn −S m|< ϵ .
Since S is an accumulation point, the neighbourhood N ¿) must have infinitely many points
of S.
In particular, there is an m ≥ N with Sn ∈ N .
So for any n ≥ N we get |Sn −S|=|S n−Sm + S m−S|≤|S n−S m|+|Sm −S|
ϵ ϵ
¿ + =ϵ
2 2
Therefore, S n → S

1 1
Claim The sequence given by Sn=1+ + …+ is divergent
2 n
Proof :
If m>n, then
1 1 1
Sm −S n= + +…+
n+1 n+ 2 m
1 1 1
¿ + +…+
m m m
m−n n
¿ =1−
m m
But if m=2 n
n 1 1
Sm −S n >1− =1− =
2n 2 2
So, ( S¿¿ n)¿ is not Cauchy.
So,( S¿¿ n)¿ does not converge.

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