CH 1 Biology

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Class IX: Biology

Chapter # 1

Concepts in Brief

Introduction to Biology

What is Quranic Biology Impact of Branches of History of Biological Origin of

Biology? Teachings and other Biology on Biology Biology Method Life
about Sciences Human
Animals and Welfare
Plants Life

Biochemistry Biosociology
Biophysics Behavioural


Anatomy Theory
Scientific Law








Introduction to Biology

The Chapter Includes:

 What is Biology?
 What is biology, its definition and main branches or areas
 What does the study of biology provide?
 Quranic Teaching about Animals and Plants Life
 Quranic versus related to the creation and life of animals
 Quranic versus related to the creation and life of plants
 Branches of Biology
 Introduction to different branches of biology
 Biology and other Sciences
 Relationship of biology with other sciences
 Biological Method
 Introduction to biological method
 Steps involved in biological method
 History of Biology
 Contribution of Muslim biologists in the field of biology
 Work of other scientists in the history of biology
 Impact of Biological Studies on Human Welfare
 Importance of biology in different field of life
 How has biology made life easy?
 Origin of Life
 Islamic view about the origin of life
 Concepts of Abiogenesis and Biogenesis
 Concept of chemical and organic evolution
Introduction to Biology

Key Points

 Biology is the study of living things. It is further divided into three main branches Botany,
Zoology and Microbiology.
 Biology is further divided into different branches like morphology, anatomy, histology, cytology,
physiology, ecology, embryology, taxonomy, genetics, paleontology, biochemistry and
 Biology is a multi-dimensional science. It is linked with the knowledge of other sciences such as,
chemistry, physics, mathematics, sociology and statistics etc.
 The scientific approach which is used to resolve a biological problem related to or produced
by living organisms is called biological method. The steps of biological method are;
observation, hypothesis, deduction, experiment, result and theory.
 Observation and collection of information is the first step of biological investigation to solve a
biological problem.
 A guess made by scientists about the solution of a certain problem is called hypothesis.
 The logical explanation of hypothesis is called deduction.
 The practical testing of hypothesis and deduction is called experiment.
 New discoveries in the field of biology are bringing revolution in the fields of medicine,
public health, agriculture, veterinary, land scape etc.
 The old discarded belief that the living beings can spontaneously develop from the non-living
is termed as abiogenesis, and the view that only living things can produce their own kind is
called biogenesis.
 Modern view of origin of life stresses upon the idea of chemical evolution and ties it with the
origin of earth and the primitive atmosphere.
 Living organisms had a common origin but, with the passage of time, they gradually changed and
became different from one another.
Introduction to Biology

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)


1. The word science is derived from a ____________ word meaning “to know”.
a. Arabic b. Greek c. Latin d. English
2. The meaning of word “science” is:
a. to acquire b. to practice c. to relate d. to know
3. Science is concerned with:
a. information b. observation c. testing d. all of these

What is Biology?
4. The word biology is composed of _____ words.
a. Greek b. Latin c. English d. French
5. The word biology is composed of ____ Greek word(s).
a. one b. two c. three d. four
6. The meaning of the word “bios” is:
a. animal b. energy c. process d. life
7. The meaning of word “logos” is:
a. discourse b. thought c. reasoning d. all of these
8. Biology is the study of:
a. life b. non-living c. space d. Earth
9. The branch of biology that deals with scientific study of plants is called:
a. botany b. zoology c. microbiology d. all of these
10. Zoology is the scientific study of:
a. plants c. animals
b. microscopic organisms d. both plants and animals
11. Microbiology is the study of:
a. small plants b. tiny animals c. micro-organisms d. microscope
12. Biology provides us information about:
a. grouping of living organisms c. structure and function of organisms
b. inheritance of characteristics d. all of these

Quranic Teaching about Animals and Plants Life

13. According to surah Al-Nur, “Allah has created every animal of:
a. fire b. air c. water d. clay
14. According to surah Ya-sin, “Glory be to Him Who created all the:
a. animals b. plants c. sexual pairs d. world
15. In ayah 68 of Surah Al-Nahal, Allah has described about:
a. camel b. bee c. horse d. ant
Introduction to Biology

Branches of Biology

16. ________________ is the branch of biology that deals with the study of external structural characteristics of
plants and animals.
a. Morphology b. Anatomy c. Histology d. Cytology
17. Physiology deals with study of:
a. functions of different parts of living organisms
b. structures of different parts of living organisms
c. study of tissues of plants and animals
d. internal structures or organs of an organism
18. _________________ deals with the study of inheritance.
a. Taxonomy b. Genetics c. Paleontology d. Ecology
19. Developmental biology deals with the:
a. growth of organism
b. functions performed by an organism
c. development of groups and classes
d. changes occurring in zygote
20. Developmental biology is also called:
a. embryology b. genetics c. cytology d. biotechnology
21. The branch of biology which deals with the internal structures or organs of an organism is called:
a. histology b. anatomy c. cytology d. morphology
22. Cytology is the study of:
a. structure of cell and cell organelles
b. function of cell and cell organelles
c. composition of cell and cell organelles
d. all of these
23. The study of tissues of plants and animals under a microscope is called:
a. histology b. anatomy c. cytology d. morphology
24.It is the study of relationships of living organisms with each other and with their non-living environment.
a. environmental biology c. ecology
b. taxonomy d. both ‘a’ and ‘c’
25.Ecology is also called:
a. animal biology c. environmental biology
b. cell biology d. paleontology
26. Taxonomy deals with:
a. description and identification of living organisms
b. classification of living organisms
c. scientific naming of living organisms
d. all of these
Introduction to Biology

27.Paleontology is the study of:

a. fossils of animals c. fossils of plants
b. fossils of rocks d. both ‘a’ and ‘c’
28.The chemistry and chemical aspects of the living system are studied in:
a. biotechnology b. genetics c. biochemistry d. anatomy
29.Microbiology is the study of:
a. viruses b. bacteria c. other micro-organisms d. all of these
30.Manipulation of living things (animals, plants, micro-organisms) for the welfare of mankind is studied in:
a. biotechnology b. genetics c. biochemistry d. anatomy

Biology and other Sciences

31.The branch of mathematics where data and measurements related to living organisms are dealt with is called:
a. biochemistry b. biophysics c. biometry d. biosociology
32. A complete branch of chemistry which requires firm knowledge of biology and chemistry to explain the
synthesis of bio-molecules is called:
a. biochemistry b. biophysics c. biometry d. biosociology
33. The study of behavior, especially social behavior, also associates biology to the social sciences and the
combination is called:

a. biophysics b. biometry c. biosociology d. behavioural biology 34. It is an intersection of

biochemistry, genetics, physiology, evolutionary theory and ecology a. biophysics b. biometry c.
biosociology d. behavioural biology
35. Branch of physics where we apply laws and techniques of physics to explain the metabolism of living
organisms, to find out the age of fossils is called:
a. biochemistry b. biophysics c. biometry d. biosociology
36. Radio-physics is the sub-branch of:
a. biochemistry b. biophysics c. biometry d. biosociology

Biological Method

37.Most of the biological investigations start with an:

a. observation b. hypothesis c. deduction d. experiment
38.The intelligent guess made in light of observed facts and previously collected information is called:
a. hypothesis b. deduction c. theory d. law
39._______________ is the logical explanation of a hypothesis.
a. Deduction b. Experiment c. Result d. Theory
40. “Plasmodium is the cause of malaria” is a:
a. Observation b. Hypothesis c. Deduction d. Result
Introduction to Biology

41.______________ is a set of scientific assumptions consistent with one another and supported by evidence but
not fully proved.
a. Result b. Deduction c. Theory d. Law
42._______________ verifies the deduction and finally the hypothesis.
a. Experiment b. Theory c. Law d. Result

History of Biology

43. The first noticeable development in our knowledge of biology occurred during:
a. Roman period b. Greek period c. era of Muslims d. English
44. The book “Al-Nabatat” was written by:
a. Aristotle b. Carolus Linnaeus
c. Jabir-Bin-Hayan d. Abdul Malik Asmai
45. The first noticeable development in our knowledge of biology occurred during:
a. Roman period b. Greek period c. era of Muslims d. English era
46. The phenomenon of vision was explained by:
a. Al-Farabi b. Abu-Usman c. Ibn-al Haitham d. Ali bin Isa
47. Louis Pasteur was famous for:
a. Invention of microscope
b. Development of methods of classification
c. Discovery of antiseptics
d. Discovery of bacteria as cause of many diseases of tuberculosis
48. _________________ gave his famous laws of heredity and laid foundation of genetics.
a. Schleiden and Schwann
b. Charles Darwin
c. Gregor John Mendel
d. Watson and Crick
49. __________________ worked on detailed structures of plant and animal cell and formulated cell theory.
a. Schleiden and Schwann
b. Charles Darwin
c. Gregor John Mendel
d. Watson and Crick
50. Who invented microscope to examine small organisms.
a. Louis Pasteur b. Linnaeus c. Robert Hook d. Galileo
51. Robert Hook is famous for:
a. discovering “cell” the basic unit of living organism
b. classification and nomenclature of organisms
c. discovering antiseptics e.g. Iodine and Carbolic acid
d. writing famous book “Origin of species” about evolution of different species
Introduction to Biology

52. Who proposed double helix model of DNA to explain the function of DNA as heredity material?
a. Gregor Mendel b. Charles Darwin c. J. Lister d. Watson & Crick
53.Method of vaccination against small pox was discovered by:
a. Louis Pasteur b. Linnaeus c. E. Jennar d. none of these
54.Antiseptics such as Iodine and Carbolic acid were discovered by:
a. J. Lister b. Louis Pasteur c. Galileo d. Robert Hook
55.The circulation of blood was described by:
a. Louis Pasteur b. Linnaeus c. Robert Hook d. William Harvey
56. The book “Origin of species” about evolution of different species through natural selection was written by:
a. Gregor Mendel b. Charles Darwin c. J. Lister d. Watson & Crick
57. The writer of the books “Al-Nabatat” and “Al-Haywan” is:
a. Jabir-Bin-Hayan c. Ali bin Rabban Tubri
b. Abdul Malik Asmai d. Bu-Ali Sina
58.Who was a well known eye-specialist of his time?
a. Bu-Ali Sina c. Ali bin Isa
b. Ibn-al Nafees d. Abul Qasim Majreeti
59.Ali bin Isa described ______ diseases of the eye.
a. 90 b. 100 c. 120 d. 130
60. The books “Alkheil, Al-Ibil”, “Al-wahoosh”, “As-Sha” and “Khalaqul Insan” were written by:
a. Abdul Malik Asmai c. Ibn-al Haitham
b. Ali bin Rabban Tubri d. Ibn-al Nafees
61.The process of blood circulation in human body was described by:
a. Abdul Malik Asmai c. Ibn-al Haitham
b. Ali bin Rabban Tubri d. Ibn-al Nafees
62.He explained the phenomenon of vision and corrected the Greek conception about vision.
a. Abdul Malik Asmai c. Ibn-al Haitham
b. Ibn-al Haitham d. Ibn-al Nafees
63. The book “Firdus-ul-Hikma” having many illustrations and detailed articles on:
a. zoology b. psychology c. astronomy d. all of these
64. The life of ants was discussed by Abu Usman in the book:
a. Al-Ibil b. As-Sha c. Al-Haywan d. Hayat-al-Haywan

Impact of Biological Studies on Human Welfare

65.The quality and yield of food has been improved due to biological research in the field of:
a. pest control b. genetics c. biotechnology d. all of these
66.Which of the following diseases cannot be controlled by using vaccines?
a. Smallpox b. Tetanus c. Diphtheria d. Diabetes
Introduction to Biology

67. Mammalian proteins are produced in _____________ by using techniques of genetic engineering.
a. plants b. bacterial cells c. viruses d. all of these
68.Insulin produced by genetic engineering is very useful in treating:
a. Smallpox b. Tetanus c. Diphtheria d. Diabetes
69.Genetic engineering is being used in:
a. production of mammalian proteins b. cloning
c. tissue culture d. all of these

Origin of Life

70. Aristotle believed that living things spontaneously develop from:

a. air b. water c. mud d. fire
71. The old belief that living beings can spontaneously develop from the non-living is termed as:
a. biogenesis b. abiogenesis c. creation d. origin of life
72. The Italian scientist ______________ analyzed the idea of production of living from non-living.
a. Aristotle b. Redi c. Needham d. Pasteur
73. Fly emerges from:
a. maggot b. egg c. pupa d. none of these
74. Maggots transform into pupae in about:
a. 3 days b. 5 days c. 8 days d. 10 days
75. Which of the following scientists used S-shaped neck bottles during his experiments to prove biogenesis?
a. Redi b. Needham c. Pasteur d. Darwin
76. About _____________ years ago our earth and other planet appeared as part of the solar system.
a. 15 billion b. 12 billion c. 10 billion d. 4.6 billion
77. Primitive environment of earth was rich in:
a. oxygen b. carbon dioxide c. hydrogen d. nitrogen
78. The first life is thought to be a:
a. Sphere of naked protein or DNA
b. Sphere of enclosed protein or RNA
c. Sphere of naked protein or RNA
d. Sphere of naked DNA or RNA
79. The first living organisms may have been like:
a. bacteria b. viruses c. plants d. fungi
80. The first eukaryotes appeared about _______________ years ago.
a. 1.5 billion b. 1.7 billion c. 1.9 billion d. 2 billion
Introduction to Biology

What you MUST learn! (Short Question / Answers)

What is Biology?

1. Define biology. What are the two main branches of biology? Define each.
Ans. Biology is the branch of natural science that deals with organisms and different phenomena of life.
Biology is divided into two main branches 1. Botany, 2. Zoology
Botany is a branch of biology that deals with the scientific study of plants.
Zoology is a branch of biology that deals with the scientific study of animals.

Quranic Teaching about Animals and Plants Life

2. Give two Quranic verses about the creation of life from water.
Ans: i. “We made every living thing of water, Will they not then believe?”
ii. “And Allah has created every animal of water. Of them is (a kind) that goes upon its belly and (a kind) that
goes upon two legs and (a kind) that goes upon four. Allah creates what He will. Lo! Allah is able to do all
3. Write two Quranic versus about the growth and variety of plants.
Ans: i. “And in the Earth are neighbouring tracts, vineyards and ploughed lands, and date-palms, like and unlike
which are watered with one water. And We have made some of them to excel others in fruit. Lo! Herein verily
are potents for people who have sense.”
ii. Lo! Allah (it is) who splitteth the grain of corn and the date-stone (for sprouting). He brings forth the living
from the dead, and is the bringer-forth of the dead from the living. Such is Allah. How then are you prevented?”
4. State two versus about the mechanism of reproduction.
Ans: i. glory be to Him Who created all the sexual pairs, of that which the earth growth, and of themselves, and
of that which they know not!”
ii. “And thy Lord inspired the bee, saying: choose thou habitations in the hills and in the trees and in that which
they hatch; then eat of all fruits, and follow the ways of thy lord made smooth (for thee). There cometh forth
from their bellies a drink diverse of hues, wherein is healing for mankind Lo! Here is indeed a portent for people
who reflect.”

Branches of Biology

5. Define following branches of biology:

Microbiology, Histology, Taxonomy, Cytology, Physiology
Ans. Microbiology: Study of the micro-organisms is called microbiology.
Histology: Histology deals with the study of tissues of plants and animals under a microscope.
Taxonomy: Taxonomy is the study of the naming and classification of organisms into groups and sub-groups.
Cytology: The study of structure, function and composition of cell and cell organelles is called cytology or cell-
Physiology: It is the study of functions of different parts of living organisms.
Introduction to Biology

6. Differentiate between morphology and anatomy.

Morphology Anatomy

The branch of biology that deals with the study of Anatomy deals with the internal structure or
external structural characteristics of plants and organs of an organism.
animals is called morphology.
Example: Study of external organs of human body Example: Study of internal organs (lungs,
as arms, legs, face etc. stomach etc.) of human body.

7. Define palaeontology. Name and define its branches.

Ans: Palaeontology: It is the study of animals and plants that lived in remote past and are now found as fossils in
the rocks. It can be further divided into two branches i.e. Palaeobotany and Palaeozoology Palaeobotany: It is
the study of fossils of plants.
Palaeozoology: It is the study of fossils of animals.
8. Define following branches of biology:
Ecology, Embryology, Genetics, Biochemistry, Microbiology
Ans: Ecology: It is the study of relationships of living organisms with each other and with their non-living
environment. It is also called environmental biology.
Embryology or Developmental Biology: It is the study of progressive developmental changes which occur after
zygote formation up to an organism is formed.
Genetics: It deals with the study of inheritance including transmission of hereditary characters from parents
to their offsprings.
Biochemsitry: It deals with the chemistry and chemical aspects of the living system.
Microbiology: It deals with the study of microscopic organisms such as viruses and bacteria.
9. Write a short note on biotechnology.
Ans: Biotechnology:
It is the manipulation of living things (animals, plants, micro-organisms) for the welfare of mankind. Recently
methods of genetic engineering have brought about a revolution in this field. By using these techniques not
only yoghurt, cheese, bread, insulin, antibiotics etc. are being produced but a number of diseases are cured.

Biology and other Sciences

10. Describe the relationship of biology with physics.

Ans: Branch of physics where we apply laws and techniques of physics to explain the metabolism of living organisms,
to find out the age of fossils etc. One of the sub-branch of biophysics is Radio-physics, where radioactive
isotopes are used to trace the translocation of different material “in vivo”, that is, within the living organisms.
Radio labeling and carbon dating also show some uses of radioactive isotopes in determining the age of fossils.
Use of sound waves as ultrasound and laser technology show some relationship of physics with biology.
11. What is biometry? Write its importance.
Ans: It is the branch of mathematics where data and measurements related to living organisms are dealt with.
Without knowledge of mathematics and statistics no biological research and data analysis is possible. All
biologists conclude their results by using knowledge of statistics and mathematics.
Introduction to Biology

12. Differentiate between behavioural biology and biosociology.

Behavioural biology Biosociology

Many of the facts of biology are reflected in the The study of behavior, especially social
study of behavior, It is an intersection of behavior, also associates biology to the social
biochemistry, genetics, physiology, evolutionary sciences and humanities. Through the study of
theory and ecology. life in general, we will learn more about

13. Biology is linked with other sciences. Explain with the help of example of biochemistry.
Ans: Biology is a multi-dimensional science. It is linked with the knowledge of chemistry, physics,
mathematics, sociology and statistics etc. and these branches which are related to biology are biochemistry,
biophysics, biometry etc.
Biochemistry: A complete branch of chemistry which requires firm knowledge of biology and chemistry to
explain the synthesis of bio-molecules, their requirement and the effect caused by the deficiency and efficiency
of different molecules on the organisms and their metabolism.
Biological Method
14. What is biological method? Name different steps involved in solving a biological problem.
Ans: The scientific method in which biological problems are solved is termed as biological method.
Following steps are involved in solving a biological problem:
i. Observations
ii. Hypothesis formation
iii. Deductions
iv. Experiment
v. Results
vi. Law or theory
16. Define the following terms:
Hypothesis, Deduction, Theory, Scientific Law, Plasmodium
Ans: Hypothesis: The tentative explanation of an observation is called a hypothesis.
Deduction: It is the logical explanation of the hypothesis.
Theory: A theory is a set of scientific assumptions consistent with one another and supported by evidence, but
not fully proved e.g. theory of evolution.

Scientific Law: When a theory is again and again proved to be correct, then it is called as law or scientific
Plasmodium: In 1878, a French physician, Laveran, studied the blood sample of malaria patient
under microscope and observed tiny creatures in it. These creatures were later named plasmodium.
17. State the hypothesis and deduction formulated about
malaria. Ans: The hypothesis made about malaria was:
“Plasmodium is the cause of malaria”.
The deduction which was made to test the hypothesis is:
“If plasmodium is the cause of malaria, then all the patients suffering from malaria should have plasmodium
in their blood while healthy people should not have”.
Introduction to Biology

History of Biology

15. Describe the contribution of following scientists in the field of biology. Jabir-Bin-Hayan, Abdul
Malik Asmai, Ali bin Rabban Tubri, Abu-Usman Umer Aljahiz, Ibn-al Haitham Ans: Jabir-Bin-Hayan:
He wrote books named “Al-Nabatat” and “Al-Haywan” on plants and animals respectively.

Abdul Malik Asmai: He wrote books “Alkheil, Al-Ibil”, “Al-wahoosh”, “As-Sha” and “Khalaqul Insan”,
describing structure and function of body parts of horses, camels, sheep, wild animals and human being.
“Khalaqul Insan” was popular among the western experts in zoology. He was regarded a specialist of his
Ali bin Rabban Tubri: He wrote book “Firdus-ul-Hikma” having many illustrations and detailed articles on
Philosophy, Zoology, Psychology and Astronomy.
Abu-Usman Umer Aljahiz: He wrote book “Al-Haywan” which described characteristics of 350 species
of animals especially about life of ants.
Ibn-al Haitham: He wrote books like “Kitabul Manazir” and “Mizanul-Hikma”. He explained the
phenomenon of vision and corrected the Greek conception about vision.
16. Name the books written by Al-Farabi, bu-Ali Sina and Charles Darwin.
Ans: Books written by Al-Farabi: Kitab-i-Nabatat, KItab-ul-Haywanat
Books written by Bu-Ali Sina: Al-Qanoon, Fil Tib Al-Shifa
Book written by Charles Darwin: Origin of species

17. How did the following scientists contributed in the field of biology?
Bu-Ali Sina, Ibn-al Nafees, Kamal-ud-Din Al-Damiri, Ali bin Isa, Abul Qasim Majreeti

Ans: Bu-Ali Sina: He wrote books “Al-Qanoon” and Fil Tib Al-Shifa”, about plants animals and non-living things.
He is considered as one of the founde of medicine, acknowledged by the greatest expert of his time in
medicines in east and west.

Ibn-al Nafees: He described the process of blood circulation in human body.

Kamal-ud-Din Al-Damiri: He compiled a book Hayat-al-Haywan”, which deals with the characteristics
of 1000 kinds of animals.
Ali bin Isa: was a well-known eye-specialist of his time and worked on structure, function and diseases
of the eye. He wrote three volumes on this subject in which he described 130 diseases of the eye.
Abul Qasim Majreeti: is specially known in Europe for his book on animals’ species.

18. What was the contribution of European and other scientists in the field of biology? (Write the contribution
of any five scientists)
Ans: William Harvey: He describes the circulation of blood.
Robert Hook: He discovered “cell” the basic unit of living organism.
Louis Pasteur: He discovered bacteria as causes of many diseases like Tuberculosis.
Gregor Mendal: He gave his famous laws of heredity and laid foundation of genetics.
J. Lister: J. Lister discovered antiseptics e.g. Iodine and Carbolic acid.
Introduction to Biology

Impact of Biological Studies on Human Welfare

19. How has biology helped us in the production of food?

Ans: Production of various kinds of food especially crops like wheat, maize, rice and barley is very active field of
biology. Man grew different vegetables and fruits to supplement his diet. With the advancement of biological
techniques man has not only improved the quality and yield of the existing varieties but also produced many
new varieties of crops. These successes have been achieved due to biological researches in the fields of pest
control, genetics and biotechnology. Man also improved the quality and quantity of food products by developing
dairy farming, poultry farming, kettle farming etc. and wheat, rice, maize and other plants. This helped to
overcome the problem of food shortage. Incidence of famine has declined and economic conditions for mankind
have improved.
20. Describe how biology has helped mankind to improve health.
Ans: Health is basic necessity of life. Due to researches in biology, the discovery of new antibiotics for many
infectious diseases like plague, cholera, pneumonia, tuberculosis and typhoid has made the life easy.
The infant mortality has reduced due to discovery of vaccines against fatal diseases like small pox, polio
tetanus and diphtheria.
A medicine called AZT has been found effective for AIDS. Similarly many drugs have been discovered
for treatment of cancer. Many organisms are used to produce drugs, for example, bacteria and fungi.

21. Write a short note on “Genetic Engineering”.

Ans: Genetic Engineering:
Genetic engineering is a technology in which useful genes are inserted into the bacteria etc. to get required
beneficial results from them. Using this technique manipulation of heredity material is done and new species
are produced. Example, Dolly sheep. Today human insulin gene is inserted into the DNA of bacteria to
synthesize insulin on commercial bases. This insulin is found to be very useful in treatment of diabetic patients.

22. State the contribution of biology in the improvement of environment.

Ans: Improvement of Environment:
Due to increasing urbanization, industrialization and automobiles, the man and other organisms have to face a
great danger, “the environment pollution”, due to pollution of air, land and water, there is danger to human
and wild life. Many plants and animals have been maintaining the balance in our environment for millions of
years are now at the verge of extinction due to pollution. By biological research scientists are busy to find out
causes and ways to control the pollution.
Introduction to Biology

Origin of Life

20. Differentiate between biogenesis and abiogenesis. Who changed the belief of abiogenesis into biogenesis.
Abiogenesis Biogenesis

The old belief that living beings can spontaneously The theory that living organisms can only
develop from the non-living is termed as develop from other living organisms is
abiogenesis. biogenesis.
Example: Needham, boiled meat in water, poured Example: Redi put dead snakes in two; pieces of
meat in other bottle and dead fishes in other
this gravy in bottles and closed their mouth with bottle. He kept four bottles open and four
cork. After a few days many micro-organisms covered. No maggots appeared in the bottles
were produced in these covered bottles kept covered
Redi changed the belief of abiogenesis to biogenesis.

21. Describe any experiment to support the idea of production of living beings from other living beings.
Ans. Redi’s experiments provide evidence supporting the idea that only living beings give rise to living beings.
Redi took eight bottles. He put dead snakes in two; pieces of meat in other bottle and dead fishes in other bottle.
He kept four bottles open and four covered.
After a few days, it was noticed:
i. Maggots appeared in the open bottles only.
ii. No maggots appeared in the bottles kept covered.
This showed that if the flies were prevented from entering the bottles. The maggots did not appear

22. Describe Needham’s experiment in support of abiogenesis.

Ans. In 1748, an English Scientist Needham, boiled meat in water, poured this gravy in bottles and closed their
mouth with cork. After a few days many micro-organisms were produced in these covered bottles. This once
again excited the believers of Abiogenesis i.e. life from non-living.

23. Write a note on Pasture’s experiment.

Ans: In 1864, Pasture performed his experiment, in front of the commission formed of noted biologists, to
resolve the issue concerned with genesis of living beings. He added fermentable infusion (yeast + sugar + water)
in bottles and left their mouth open.
The yeast infusions were boiled in the flasks and let the steam released out of the neck of each flask. Then flasks
were allowed to cool. No life was produced even after the lapse of several days; because micro-organisms
entering along with incoming air got stuck up in one of the curved walls of the glass neck.
Introduction to Biology

To prove this he broke up the curved necks, so that now contaminated air could reach directly to the infusion. It
was observed that micro-organisms were produced within 48 hours. This proved that if care was taken and no
micro-organisms or their spores were allowed to reach the infusion, no life could be produced.
Introduction to Biology

Understanding the concepts (Detailed Question/Answers)

1. Give the significance of biology.
Describe the impact of biological study on human life.
Ans: The present high level achievements of man are largely due to the advanced biological research.
The study of biology is very important in routine matters of our life as describe below:
Food Production:
Food has basic importance in our life. Due to researches in biology, there are great achievements in
agriculture. For the production of cereal crops, the best varieties of seeds were selected. Today, the
man has overcome the problems of balanced diet, food shortage and famine.
Control on Diseases:
Health is basic necessity of life. Due to researches in biology, the discovery of new antibiotics for many
infectious diseases like plague, cholera, pneumonia, tuberculosis and typhoid has made the life easy.
The infant mortality has reduced due to discovery of vaccines against fatal diseases like small pox, polio
tetanus and diphtheria.
A medicine called AZT has been found effective for AIDS. Similarly many drugs have been discovered for
treatment of cancer. Many organisms are used to produce drugs, for example, bacteria and fungi.
Genetic Engineering:
Genetic engineering is a technology in which useful genes are inserted into the bacteria etc. to get
required beneficial results from them. Using this technique manipulation of heredity material is done
and new species are produced. Example, Dolly sheep. Today human insulin gene is inserted into the DNA
of bacteria to synthesize insulin on commercial bases. This insulin is found to be very useful in treatment
of diabetic patients.
Improvement of Environment:
Due to increasing urbanization, industrialization and automobiles, the man and other organisms have to
face a great danger, “the environment pollution”, due to pollution of air, land and water, there is danger
to human and wild life. Many plants and animals have been maintaining the balance in our environment
for millions of years are now at the verge of extinction due to pollution. By biological research scientists
are busy to find out causes and ways to control the pollution. Thus the biology has greatly improved the
quality of our life.

2. Describe the contribution of Muslim scientists in the field of biology.

Ans. Muslims have made important contributions in the field of biology in earlier ages: Jabir-
Bin-Hayan: He wrote books named “Al-Nabatat” and “Al-Haywan” on plants and animals
Abdul Malik Asmai: He wrote books “Alkheil, Al-Ibil”, “Al-wahoosh”, “As-Sha” and “Khalaqul
Insan”, describing structure and function of body parts of horses, camels, sheep, wild animals and
human being. “Khalaqul Insan” was popular among the western experts in zoology. He was
regarded a specialist of his time.
Ali bin Rabban Tubri: He wrote book “Firdus-ul-Hikma” having many illustrations and detailed
articles on Philosophy, Zoology, Psychology and Astronomy.
Abu-Usman Umer Aljahiz: He wrote book “Al-Haywan” which described characteristics of 350
species of animals especially about life of ants.
Introduction to Biology

Ibn-al Haitham: He wrote books like “Kitabul Manazir” and “Mizanul-Hikma”. He explained the
phenomenon of vision and corrected the Greek conception about vision.
Bu-Ali Sina: He wrote books “Al-Qanoon” and Fil Tib Al-Shifa”, about plants animals and non-living
things. He is considered as one of the founde of medicine, acknowledged by the greatest expert of
his time in medicines in east and west.
Ibn-al Nafees: He described the process of blood circulation in human body.
Kamal-ud-Din Al-Damiri: He compiled a book Hayat-al-Haywan”, which deals with the
characteristics of 1000 kinds of animals.
Ali bin Isa: was a well known eye-specialist of his time and worked on structure, function and
diseases of the eye. He wrote three volumes on this subject in which he described 130 diseases
of the eye.
Abul Qasim Majreeti: is specially known in Europe for his book on animals species.

3. Describe the experiments of Redi on Biogenesis.

Ans: Experiment No 1:
Redi placed some dead snakes in a box.
It was noticed that:
i. Flies gathered around the dead snakes.
ii. After three days maggots appeared on their bodies.
iii. After about eighteen days these maggots transformed into pupae.
iv. Some of these pupae were then transferred to separated glass containers covered with a sheet
of paper.
v. After eight days, a fly emerged from each pupa.
It was concluded that maggots were the offsprings of flies. The flies had laid eggs on the dead snakes.
These eggs gave rise to maggots which formed pupae and ultimately flies emerged from them.
Experiment No 2:
Redi took eight bottles. He put dead snakes in two; pieces of meat in other bottle and dead fishes in other
bottle. He kept four bottles open and four covered.
After a few days, it was noticed:
iii. Maggots appeared in the open bottles only.
iv. No maggots appeared in the bottles kept covered.
This showed that if the flies were prevented from entering the bottles. The maggots did not appear.
Some workers criticized this experiment and said that the maggots failed to appear in the covered bottles
because air could not enter these bottles. To test this, Redi performed another experiment.
Experiment No 3:
Some pieces of meat were put in a bottle whose mouth was covered with a gauze. Thus air could enter
the bottle while flies remained out.
Again no maggots appeared on the piece of meat, even after many days.
These experiments provide evidence supporting the idea that only living beings give rise to living beings.
Thus the concept of biogenesis is correct.
Introduction to Biology

4. Describe different steps of biological method.

Ans. Biological Method: The scientific way of study and exploration of fact in biology is called biological
method. Different steps of biological method are:
i. Observation: it is the first step of biological method. Observation is the gathering of initial
information about an issue, like in 1978, laveran studied the blood sample of malarial
patient and observed plasmodium in it. Observation may bemade by naked eye or with the
help of scientific instruments.
ii. Hypothesis: The first logical statement given by scientist about work under study is
called hypothesis. It is fairly reliable and simplified version of facts. It is the possible
answer of problem. it may be true or false.
For example, an observation was made that plasmodium is the cause of malaria, so a question
raised, is plasmodium the cause of malaria? It is only agues which can be presented as a
hypothesis that:
“Plasmodium is the cause of malaria.”
iii. Deduction: It is the logical explanation of the hypothesis. It does not require any type of
experimentation. For example, to test the above hypothesis the following deduction was made:
“If plasmodium is the cause of malaria, then all the patients suffering from malaria should have
plasmodium in their blood while healthy people should not have.”
iv. Experiment: The next step is to test each deduction practically to find out whether or not the
hypothesis is correct. For this purpose, a scientist performs two types of tests i.e. control and
experimental groups. Control group means a group of healthy people and experimental
group means the group of malarial patients. In order to find out the cause of malaria
scientists examined the blood of about 100 malarial patients and 100 healthy persons.
v. Result: One the experiment finalizes then the result is established which verifies the
deduction. From above experiment it was found that all the malarial patients had plasmodium
in their blood, whereas the blood of healthy persons were free of plasmodium. So, the results
verified the deduction, “Plasmodium is the cause of malaria”.
vi. Theory: A theory is a set of scientific assumptions consistent with one another and supported
by evidence, but not fully proved e.g. theory of evolution. As more and more evidences come
to hand, the hypothesis gain increasing acceptance and eventually promoted to the rank of
vii. Scientific Law: When a theory is again and again proved to be correct, then it is called as
law or scientific principle.
Introduction to Biology

5. Describe different branches of biology.

Ans: Branches of Biology:
Some important branches of biology common to botany and zoology are:
Morphology: This branch deals with the study of external structural characteristics of plants and animals.
Anatomy: It deals with the internal structures or organs of an organism. In plants it deals with
the arrangement of different types of tissues in root, stem and leaf etc..
Histology: It deals with the study of tissues of plants and animals under a microcope.
Cytology: The study of structure, function and composition of cell and cell organelles is called cytology or
Physiology: It is the study of functions of different parts of living organisms.
Ecology: It is the study of relationships of living organisms with each other and with their non-living
environment. It is also called environmental biology.
Embryology or Developmental Biology: It is the study of progressive developmental changes which occur
after zygote formation up to an organism is formed.
Taxonomy: It deals with the description, identification, classification and scientific naming of
living organisms, according to their similarities and differences.
Genetics: It deals with the study of inheritance including transmission of hereditary characters
from parents to their offsprings.
Palaeontology: It is the study of animals and plants that lived in remote past and are now found as
fossils in the rocks. T can be further divided into Palaeobotany; study of plant fossils, Palaeozoology;
study of animal fossils.
Biochemsitry: It deals with the chemistry and chemical aspects of the living system.
Microbiology: It deals with the study of microscopic organisms such as viruses and bacteria.
Biotechnology: It is the manipulation of living things (animals, plants, micro-organisms) for the welfare of
mankind. Recently methods of genetic engineering have brought about a revolution in this field. By using
these techniques not only yoghurt, cheese, bread, insulin, antibiotics etc. are being produced but a
number of diseases are cured.

6. Explain the relationship of biology with other sciences.

Ans: Biology is a multi-dimensional science. It is linked with the knowledge of chemistry, physics,
mathematics, sociology and statistics etc. and these branches which are related to biology are
biochemistry, biophysics, biometry etc. Some of them are discussed below:
A complete branch of chemistry which requires firm knowledge of biology and chemistry to explain the
synthesis of bio-molecules, their requirement and the effect caused by the deficiency and efficiency of
different molecules on the organisms and their metabolism.
Branch of physics where we apply laws and techniques of physics to explain the metabolism of living
organisms, to find out the age of fossils etc. One of the sub-branch of biophysics is Radio-physics, where
radioactive isotopes are used to trace the translocation of different material “in vivo”, that is, within the
living organisms. Radio labeling and carbon dating also show some uses of radioactive isotopes in
determining the age of fossils. Use of sound waves as ultrasound and laser technology show some
relationship of physics with biology.
It is the branch of mathematics where data and measurements related to living organisms are dealt with.
Without knowledge of mathematics and statistics no biological research and data analysis is possible. All
biologists conclude their results by using knowledge of statistics and mathematics.
Introduction to Biology

Behavioural biology:
Many of the facts of biology are reflected in the study of behavior, It is an intersection of
biochemistry, genetics, physiology, evolutionary theory and ecology.
The study of behavior, especially social behavior, also associates biology to the social sciences and
humanities. Through the study of life in general, we will learn more about ourselves. Finally, we
can say that biology is related to each branch of science.

7. Describe the contribution of following scientists in the field of biology.

i. William Harvey ii. Galileo iii. Robert Hook iv. Linnaeus v. Louis Pasteur
vi. Charles Darwin vii. Gregor Mendal viii. Watson & Crick ix. J. Lister x. E. Jennar

ii. Galileo: He invented microscope to examine small organisms.

iii. Robert Hook: He discovered “cell” the basic unit of living organism.
iv. Linnaeus: Linnaeus developed methods of classification for organisms and gave nomenclature
and therefore, called father of taxonomy.
v. Louis Pasteur: He discovered bacteria as causes of many diseases like Tuberculosis.
vi. Charles Darwin: He wrote his famous book “Origin of species” about evolution of differet
species through natural selection.
vii. Gregor Mendal: He gave his famous laws of heredity and laid foundation of genetics.
viii. Watson & Crick: He proposed double helix model of DNA to explain the function of DNA as
heredity material.
ix. J. Lister: J. Lister discovered antiseptics e.g. Iodine and Carbolic acid.
x. E. Jennar: E. Jennar discovered method of vaccination against small pox.
Introduction to Biology

Chapter Test
Subject: Biology Class: IX Total Marks: 25
Name: _______________________ Total Time:35 mins
Question No. 1 2 3 Total Marks
 Attempt all the given questions.
 Cutting, crossing or over writing in objective part will be considered as incorrect.
(Objective type)
Q1. Tick the correct answer. /06
1. Developmental biology deals with the:
a. growth of organism
b. functions performed by an organism
c. development of groups and classes
d. changes occurring in zygote
2. _______________ is the logical explanation of a hypothesis.
a. Deduction b. Experiment c. Result d. Theory
3. Louis Pasteur was famous for:
a. Invention of microscope
b. Development of methods of classification
c. Discovery of antiseptics
d. Discovery of bacteria as cause of many diseases of tuberculosis
4. Insulin produced by genetic engineering is very useful in treating:
a. Smallpox b. Tetanus c. Diphtheria d. Diabetes
5. Primitive environment of earth was rich in:
a. oxygen b. carbon dioxide c. hydrogen d. nitrogen
6. According to surah Al-Nur, “Allah has created every animal of:
a. fire b. air c. water d. clay

Q2. Write short answers to the following questions: (2 x 5 = 10)

1. Describe the contribution of following scientists in the field of biology.
Jabir-Bin-Hayan, Abdul Malik Asmai, Ali bin Rabban Tubri, Abu-Usman Umer Aljahiz, Ibn-al
2. Describe how biology has helped mankind to improve health.

Q3.a) Explain the relationship of biology with other sciences. /05

b) Describe any four branches of biology. /04

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