Assignment Week 7 UNIT 7 Nursing Assessment

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Assignment week 7 On-line learning 3 July 2020

UNIT 7 Nursing Assessment Page 27

Name : ____________________________
(unit ini menjelaskan tentang nursing assessment dan componennya)
Name : ____________________________
Answer the following questions:
1. If you are a nurse, why do you need to do / to make nursing assessment? (Jika
anda seorang perawat, kenapa perlu membuat nursing assessment?
2. Have a look the chart / gambar on page 28, what is the relationship between
nursing process and assessment? (lihat gambar pada hala 28, apa hubungan
antara nursing proses dengan nursing assessment?)Try to use your own
words. Usahakan gunakan kata-kata sendiri atau kombinasi antara
buku/google dengan kata-kata anda.

3. According to your knowledge and experience, when is nursing assessment

made? (menurut pengetahuan dan pengalaman anda, kapan dibuat itu
nursing assessment?) Explain briefly. Jelaskan dengan singkat.
4. If you have, can you give a simple example of a nursing assessment (jika
mampu, coba buat contoh sederhana sebuah nursing assessment, jika ada).

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