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Note: DO NOT just depend on the explanation given here, go study further on your appropriate
Janna: Good day to all panelists
We are the first researcher to present our topic about...

Joy: The kind of food that MBHS SA canteen serve to the students S. Y. 2019- 2020
: But first of all let us introduce to you the reason behind why we choice this topic...

Janna: The reason behind why we chose this topic is because food is our basic source of energy, food
provide us to be more active and alert, food speak about your capacity and capability of a person,
foods shows to all the humanity how you act as person, and food can limit you without knowing it.
So we would like to present to all of you what is the real importance having a nutritious food. And
generally, School is the training ground of every student so why can't try the students having the right
food that they need
: And let me now introduce to all of myself and my group mates, I am Ms. Bracero, Ms.
Apac, Ms. Lopena, Ms. Lapid, Ms. Añes, Ms. Lubos, Ms, Briones, Ms. Gequiniana, Ms. Bermundo,
and Ms. Ibanez

Joy: And now let's go deep further to our introduction.

Janna: The idea, we gather all of the basic data and information to a line to our topic and look for the
main issue that affects everyone and resolve it by the most appropriate solution

Joy: After we analyze all the ideas we've gain for the main issue in this topic and figure out the root
of this issue

Janna: we use the most basic way to gather all the information by a survey questionnaire and with
help of 60 respondents to know their opinions and criticize the main source of the problem

(Price of food)
Joy: The price of food study about the opinion of the students in the MBHS-SA on what they felt and
what they think with the current prices we have in our school

Janna: One of the most important things that we must look at, are the facilities of our school canteen,
how the facilities provides the best satisfaction for all the students.

(Choice of Food)
Joy: The food that serve in the school canteen have a different variety of foods like; snacks, rice
meal, drinks and etc. It shows that all of students of MBHS-SA have differences in choosing their
own meal and shows how they care to their health

(The school canteen)

Janna: As you can see, the main center of our introduction is the school canteen that portrait the
MBHS-SA Food Faculty, we wanted to show to all of you that the school can start and change the
lifestyle of all students by the help of nutritious food.

Joy: And now Ms. Lopena will explain our abstract or the basic summary of our presentation

Lopena: We examined all the basic information about how school canteen of MBHS-SA train all of
the students having a good lifestyle both in their knowledge and their daily eating habits but most of
the 60 respondents wanted the food that satisfies their taste and disregard about the food that is right
and just for their body.
: And here are Ms. Lapid, Ms. Briones, Ms. Lubos to explain future about our ideas

(Idea 1)
Lapid : Food is one of the basic needs of our lives, it defines how we act, think, move and why we
stand here in front of you is because of food. Food sustains the energy in our body and help us to live
longer and without food, people will vanished and cannot live longer within 2-3 weeks and humanity
cannot reproduce at all

(Idea 2)
Añes : Students spend half of their days in the school, and that's the reason why school is being
called the 2nd home for all students, so imagine consuming most of your energy to be done to all
your task without the support of the nutritious food, that the reason why school must provide the food
that every student needs.

(Idea 3)
Lubos: When we went in a room, we always look for the cleanliness and capabilities of the tools to
work, it tells how the school sees the importance of that facility and how it actually deals with its
costumers and we, students also have a standard qualification in our food facility because it is the
facility where our foods are being processed

(Idea 4)
Lapid: school canteen is the training ground of the students on choosing their food. It dictates the
choices of food they must intake. Children under 10 years old are dependent to the availability of
food in their canteen so when they grew up, their choices of food is in align on what they usually eat
when they were on their elementary days

(Idea 5)
Añes : the security in the school must provide the proper service for every students that is needed,
and never felt the doubt by using the facilities in our school, school must be one of the safest place
that a person can be use especially when it is all about food. And the school canteen in the MBHS-
SA show how they managed protecting the security of the food by following the rules and
regulations that DepEd provides them, one of the article is the "policy and guidelines on healthy food
and beverage choice in the schools and in DepEd office "

(Idea 6)
Lubos: Actually school is not the only one that responsible for all safety, needs and satisfaction for
all the students, the schools are being help by other organization and department like Deped, DOH,
and FDA that help to provide the enough service that students need.

:so here's Ms. Lopena, Ms. Briones, and Ms. Lapid to show our hypothesis

(Questions 1)
Lopena : Does the price really affects the perspective of student about having their meal or they just
sees it as a consideration for the school food faculty?
(Questions 2)
Briones : Does the facility actually hits the standard qualification in providing our daily needs and
food security or are they just focusing on the foods not the place itself?
(Questions 3)
Lapid: Does the food provided for the school community is nutritious enough in maintaining our
energy or just based on its taste and not on its nutritional status?
:And here's Ms. Bermundo, Ms. Gequiniana, Ms. Bracero, and Ms. Ibanez to present our
method for our topic

Bermundo :The participants in our survey questions are the Grade 9 Andromeda and Grade 10
Copper with a total of 60 respondents that answered 12 survey questions to know the opinion from
higher to lower section and know if they is any progression that they want to happen

Gequiniana : the material that we use are basically the 12 questions survey and all of the survey
questions tackles about the food of MBHS-SA school canteen provides and serves to not just to all
the students but also to other consumers, and present all the results by using a pie graph and table.

Bracero : We make a simple letter to inform teachers and principal to accomplish our 12 survey
questions by the Grade 9 Andromeda and Grade 10 Copper, the questions tackles about the food that
school canteen serve and provide for every students in the school in MBHS-SA.

Ibanez : all of the results in the figure that was answered by the 60 respondents are more likely
negative than what we been expected, the figures show that students in MBHS-SA would rather to
have unhealthy food or junk food than the food that will provide them the energy for all their
: Now here's Ms. Apac and Ms. Anes to explain our figure no. 1 and 2 to future understand
our result

(figure 1)
Apac: Here in figure no. 1, it shows that the most choice of the respondents, is rice meal and
followed by biscuits and snacks that school canteen serves. Basically the first thing that we thought
it's good thing, rice provides carbohydrates that we consume as energy, but we analyze further and
figure out that what if the duo dish of that rice is not healthy or even enough to provide student’s
needs and plus the fact that rice is a form of sugar that might cause an imbalance in sugar level of a
(figure 2)
Anes: Most of the respondents answered yes to the figure 2, they believe that they are being serve by
a enough nutrition that they need, without knowing that everyone use have a different needs specially
when it talks about nutrition that food provides. One of the best reasons that we conclude why are
respondents are saying yes is because of lack of knowledge about the importance having a nutritious
: Here's Ms. Bermundo and Ms. Bracero to show to all of you the figure no. 3 and 4

(figure 3)
Bermundo : On the figure no. 3 basically show that more than a half of the respondent are saying no
that they did not ever receive a nasty or dirty dish in the school canteen, but this is not enough result,
and we must not be contended by more than half percent we must gain the 100% satisfaction for all
the students in the MBHS-SA because no one do not want to have a meal that is neutral but instead, a
food that is cooked with love.
(figure 4)
Bracero : Here in figure no. 4, it expose the importance of having the a portable price of food that
students needs and wanted, the result in this figure show that 30-50 pesos is the most superior for all
the choices. But generally, not everyone of us can afford this kind of price because there are some
that came from a poor families.
:and now here's Ms. Briones and Ms. Lopena to present the figure no. 5 and 6

(figure 5)
Briones : This figure present that half of the respondents go and buy in the school canteen everyday
and they are only depend on the food that school canteen serve so basically they don’t have choice
but to buy rather than to die.
(figure 6)
Lopena : Most of the respondents are saying a positive about the stuff, how they serve the food and
how they communicate to the students, most likely the respondents are saying all of the stuff are
friendly and helpful , but not at all of respondents are choosing the positive characteristics in the
given some of them are saying in hurry, irritable, snob and mad in which, a seller must not depend on
their mood that day because they sales might be affected and might cause a low source of income.
: Ms. Lapid and Ms. Gequiniana to further explain the figure no. 7 and 8

(figure 7)
Gequiniana : For the figure no. 7 the respondents show that they are on the middle when they are
rating the satisfaction that school canteen provide them, this is basically show that still we can't reach
the 100% satisfaction that the students wanted, and because of this conclusion we conclude that the
issues about the unaffordable price, the facilities, and the food choice of the students.
(figure 8)
Lapid: In this figure no. 8, it explains the reason why most of the respondents would put off eating in
the school canteen is because of the food that they wanted to buy is too quick to be sold, this show
that most of the respondents are not satisfied by the service that our school canteen provide in daily
break time, this imply that if student didn't find their food that suites their taste then they will replace
it by another one, and this might be unhealthy food or junk food that might harm their health.
: Here are Ms. Ibanez and Ms. Lubos to explain the figure no. 9 and no. 10

(figure 9)
Ibanez : This figure show to all of you, the 3 result in the question no. 9 answered by almost half
percent respondents saying that it's fair price by the rice meal, biscuits, and snacks that school
canteen is being serve.
But the other respondents rather too chip or too expensive. So this conclude to us that not every
respondent are satisfied by the price of food that school canteen serve
(figure 10)
Lubos : The students of the MBHS-SA are almost perfect percent to be not vegetarian, most of the
respondents are eating everything that they wanted and fantasize without doubting the nutrition and
vitamins that food has. Vegetables is one of the best sources of vitamins and different nutrients that
our body need and it should be one of main course in our meal to sustain our body nutrients and
improve our body endurance.
: Here's Ms. Lopena and Ms. Gequiniana to explain the figure no. 11 and Ms. Lubos and Ms.
Ibanez to present the figure 12

(Figure 11)
Lopena and Gequiniana : In this table no. 11 generally show to all of you that the top 3 food that
respondents wanted to be serve in the our school canteen, this top 3 are fries, street foods and ice
creams. The top 3 food basically portraits that this is not healthy and the nutrition that this food gives
is not enough for daily activities that students usually do.
(Figure 12)
Lubos and Ibanez: The result here in figure no. 12 is seems like the result in figure no. 11, if the 60
respondents will be given a chance to cook the food that they wanted, and these foods are: fries,
street food and ice cream, that shows the unhealthy lifestyle of students in the MBHS-SA and not
that knowledgeable in talking about the right and nutritious food
: Ms. Briones will present the statement of the problem

(Statement of the problem)

Briones :In this research we want an answer why students prefer the food that actually harms their
health and can reduce their life span than a food that actually provides them an enough nutrients from
cells, tissues, organs, nerves, and other parts of the body that let the body works extraordinary
: Here's are Ms. Lapid, Ms. Apac, Ms. Bracero, Ms. Lopena, and Ms. Bermundo to present
our possible solutions to resolve our main problem

(Solution 1)
Lapid: Surround the school by vegetable garden because vegetable nowadays has a big price that
affects the daily eating habits of the consumers in addition, there are some vegetarians within the
school community and must give attention to their needs to avoid discrimination and respect to their
own opinions.
(Solution 2)
Apac: As a researcher we recommend a monthly seminar for all the students so that they can be
informed and remained having the nutrition that they need, to be knowledgeable by something is one
of the best way to protect yourself from everything that can harm you. Remember that the simplest
knowledge that you can imply to yourself is one of the most important things that you can do to

(Solution 3)
Añes : One of the best solutions that we can recommend to improve and upgrade the facilities in our
school is using a fast and new technology for all the facilities, that will make sure the security of all
foods and how is the capacity and capability of all equipment are being use in the school canteen.
And improve a higher production that school canteen will serve.
(Solution 4)
Lopena : In our school, there's a lot of different club that provides the needs and concern of the
students like, Math club provide the concern about math and the events that may happen in math
month, so we examine the possibility having a club that concern about the food that our school
canteen serve to every student in here, in the MBHS-SA. This club can recruit a member like a
teacher, canteen stuff and the student. This club will aim to inform and educate the student to be
more practical and concern by what they are eating and shall be different from TLE Month that is
only celebrating within a month.
(Solution 5)
Bracero : We present the a simple solution to attach all the students to their desire food at the same
time they get a nutritious food that their body need. We will imply a monthly survey to all the
students to know what is the possible food that they wanted to be sell in our school canteen, so that
the canteen stuff will be prepared to cook the and never out of supplies that students need.
:Ms. Ibanez and Ms. Bermundo will further explain our progress rate

(Nutritious food)
Ibanez: The results of the progress rate is quite negative, because it's basically show that most of the
students wanted the food that has a good taste without knowing it contains a lot of preservatives that
obviously not good for our health, generally this expose that we must do something before it's to late
(Unhealthy food)
Bermundo : A lot of the students would rather pick a piece of fries than to have a whole piece of
water melon, this is basically one of best interpretation that we can for all issue and problem that we
encounter and analyze , almost of the result starting in figure 1- 12 present a negative choice by the
students. But if ever we do something about this issue we can change something, the students can be
wise by choosing their food, the school canteen will elevate by the capacity and capability that they
must provide to every student. The school of MBHS-SA will shine for another future.

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