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Day 1 Lisa P Block 1 – MACROS- Upper and HIIT

1)Seated Back Row

4 sets – 5-8 reps (please reach failure by set 2- weight should be challenging)- Focus on neutral
spine- great form in video.

2)a)Band Assisted Pull-Ups – wide grip (if you don’t have a band- then use the machine)

4 sets- 8reps- Focus on using as much upper body as possible and hitting chest to bar

2)b) Seated incline dumbbell curl

4 sets 5-6 reps per side- heavier than you are used to

Rest for 1 minute before returning to 2)a)


4 sets 5-8 reps

3)b) High Cable Bicep Curl

4 sets 12-15 reps

Rest 1 minute before returning to 3)a

4)a)Concentration Curl

3 sets of 6-8 reps per side

4)b) Hammer Curl

3 sets of 10-15 reps

Rest 45 seconds to minute before returning to 4)a)

Cardio: Bike Intervals- 6 rounds of 30 seconds all out and 1 minute 30 moderate.

***For a warm up- preform 2 sets of each movement with minimal weight focussing on range
of motion. Aim for 20 reps each exercise one set for warm up.

***For each exercise rest 45 sec-1 minute between sets. Complete all sets of one exercise
before moving to the next one, unless otherwise stated. Try and reach failure at each one.

Foam roll and stretch

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