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Session : 2017-18(Even Sem.) Semester : VI
Course : DIPLOMA Subject Code : DME 6003
Branch : ME Subject Name :Production Technology Lab
Group : 61,62,63,64 Name of Faculty Member: Ms. Apurva Chitranshi
Mr. Aman Shukla
Date : 24/04/2018 Duration : 15Min. Max. Marks : 8 SET No. : I

University Roll No.

(To be filled by the Student)

Note: Attempt all questions

1. The correct sequence of operations in production planning and control is
a. Routing-Scheduling-Dispatching-Follow up
b. Scheduling-Routing- Dispatching-Follow up
c. Dispatching-Routing-Scheduling- Follow up
d. Routing-Scheduling-Follow up-Dispatching

2. Which of the following is true for ‘Routing’?

a. It is flow of work in the plant
b. Route sheets include list of machine tools that are to be followed
c. It depends upon material handling facilities
d. All of the above

3. Cranes are used for

a. lifting and lowering
b. vertical transportation
c. both ‘a’ and ‘b’
d. none of the above

4. Fork lift truck is used for

1. lifting and lowering
2. vertical transportation
3. both ‘a’ and ‘b’
4. none of the above
5. If all the processing equipment and machines are arranged according to the
sequence of operations of a product the layout is known as
a. Product layout
b. Process layout
c. Fixed position layout
d. Combination layout

6. The following type of layout is preferred to manufacture a standard product

in large quantity
a. Product layout
b. Process layout
c. Fixed position layout
d. Combination layout

7. The following type of layout is preferred for low volume production of non
standard products
a. Product layout
b. Process layout
c. Fixed position layout
d. Combination layout

8. ‘Buffer stock’ is the level of stock

a. Half of the actual stock
b. At which the ordering process should start
c. Minimum stock level below which actual stock should not fall
d. Maximum stock in inventory
Session : 2017-18(Even Sem.) Semester : VI
Course : DIPLOMA Subject Code : DME 6003
Branch : ME Subject Name :Production Technology Lab
Group : 61,62,63,64 Name of Faculty Member: Ms. Apurva Chitranshi
Mr. Aman Shukla
Date : 24/04/2018 Duration : 15Min. Max. Marks : 8 SET No. : II

University Roll No.

(To be filled by the Student)

Note: Attempt all questions

1. In a …………. Layout all machines or process of the same type are grouped
a. Fixed position
b. Factory
c. Process
d. Product

2. Mass production is characterized by

a. Low volume high variety
b. High volume low variety
c. High volume high variety
d. Low volume low variety

3. Material handling consists of movement of material from

a. one machine to another
b. one shop to another shop
c. stores to shop
d. all of the above

4. Loading may be defined as

a. Sending the raw material to the machine
b. Sending the finished material to the store
c. Assign the work to the facilities
d. Uploading a software in machine control panel

5. Gantt chart is mostly used for

a. Routing
b. Scheduling
c. Follow up
d. Inspection and quality control

6. Economy in material handling can be achieved by

a. employing gravity feed movements
b. minimizing distance of travel
c. by carrying material to destination without using manual labour
d. all of the above

7. Which of the following is not an inventory?

a. Machines
b. Raw material
c. Finished products
d. Consumable tools

8. In ship manufacturing, the type of layout preferred is

a. Product layout
b. Process layout
c. Fixed position layout
d. Combination layout

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