G005 自我防卫机制 - 精神科心理学

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Classification of Self-Defence Mechanism 自我防卫机制的分类

(Jenis-jenis Mekanisme Membela Diri)

Level 1: Psychotic denial Delusional projection Distortion

pathologica Penafian/ Penyangkalan 妄想投射;被害妄想 失真;扭曲
l 否认
病理学的 (否认已发生的事实,反指 (关于外部现实的妄 (全面改造外部现实以
是假消息,并尝试忘记以便 想,通常是迫害性 满足内部需求。)
不再唤醒痛苦记忆) 质。)

Level 2: Fantasy Projection Passive aggression Acting out Regresi 回归;还童

immature Fantasi / Khayalan 假想 Projeksi 投影;推卸 间接地敌对表达 直接表达潜意识的愿望或行 (展示出类似(可能)幼儿时
未成熟的 (通过假想、幻想来减轻内 (尝试通过责怪他 动冲动 期已学过的某种举动;举
心伤痛和避开负面情绪;病 人,来隐蔽自己的过 Tingkah Laku Provokatif Keagresifan 侵略 动、言行不符合当下年龄)
者所幻想出的某种其他情况 失或缺点;这类人通 挑衅行为 (因面对失望而做出激进的 Kelekatan 依赖
不会对自我造成伤害且能在 常不接受自己的弱点 (因为个人无能为力做 伤害和破坏行为。例:小孩 (病者通常在更早的幼儿时
现实中感到舒适) 和把错误怪罪于他 出抗议/改变某种情况 没得跟随妈妈出门而大哭、 日期发展受阻,个人情绪发
人) 而做出挑衅行为) 大叫、跺脚等。) 展受影响,导致长大后过度
Level 3: Intellectualization Reaction formation Dissociation Displacement Repression
neurotic Interlekstualisasi Pembentukan Reaksi Pemencilan Pindah Gantian Represi/Pedaman
神经质的 合法化、智能化 反应形成 解离;分裂 交替切换 抑制
(隐藏不愉快情绪,并将自 (表里不一;向他人 (不经思索地回忆起往 (把情绪发泄在、把注意力 (尝试忘记痛苦、危害和羞
己与现实相分离;通常通过 展示于内心真实感受 事;往往这些记忆将引 转至某人、某物上;采用方 愧与自己的事件,潜意识中
逻辑语言展现出理性思想; 相反的行为。例:一 导病者拆散想法和情 式消极、负面) 影响其思想和行为)
大部分故意避开同事、亲友 名员工加班到很晚, 感,并尝试隐藏恶念;
的问题,难与他人建立亲密 由于在办公室的轮岗 具体表现行为: Pemindahan/Penyaluran Penarikan 退出
关系。) 环境夜深寂静,于是 临时性地大幅度修改个 移位/分配 (指某个体不自觉每次从不
他仿佛愉快地吹口 人身份或性格,以避免 (病者因无法对实际对方发 愉快的情况中一个个避开/
 Solitude 独处(seclution 保 哨,但实际上只为了 情绪困扰;通常会伴随
密、isolation 隔离特点凸出,
怒而转向他人泄愤) 退出,通常拒绝出席活动、
抵消内心的恐惧。) 某种情况或思想感觉的 参与社交等。例:一名员工
 Ritual 仪式(一般通过传统宗 分离或推迟。) Penukaran 转换 因担心未能与同学进行交流
教仪式使心灵得到寄慰。) 而决定缺席一项团聚会。)
 Rasionalisasi 合理化(尝试通
过合理的理由、借口以证明自 转移的一种过程;将主动自
Pengenalpastian 鉴定
己的行动正确;如:欺瞒、将 我变换成被动自我。例:原
谎言、坏事等情况合理化) (一般对于同性别、具有
才能、成就和地位的人为 本对父母的偏心感到厌恶转
 UNDOING 撤销(尝试通过一
切可行方法弥补某种已经毁坏 仰望对象;通常在潜意识 变成讨厌自己。)
的事物,以便最大化降低罪恶 里调整,从而自己拥有学
感。) 习对象的部分特点而不自
 Pampasan/ Kompensasi 赔偿/ 知(模仿/抄袭他人以提升
得成就,使自身的弱点和强项 自我(esteem)、降低焦
之间取得平衡) 虑和害怕一面对现实;帮
 Magical /Superstitious Thinking 助现实化解决问题))
魔幻 / 迷信思想
(通过灵异事件、都市传说或 Introjeksi 注入/摄取

Level 4: *Humour 幽默 Sublimation 升华 *Suppression 抑制 *Altruism 利他主义 *Anticipation 预期;悬念

mature 公开表达思想和感受(尤其 (把情绪发泄在、把 (为了应对当前现实而 (为他人提供建设性服务, (实际规划未来以应对“未来
成熟的 注意力转至某人、某 有意识地决定推迟关注 带来愉悦和个人满足感。) 不适”)
可怕而无法直接谈论的思想 物上;采用方式积 一种思想、情感或需
和感受),使他人感到高 极、正面) 求;使以后可以在获得
兴。这些思想保留了其先天 它们的同时接受不舒服
困扰的一部分,但由于诸如 /令人沮丧的情绪)

Penerbitan Helah Bela Diri.
Unit Kauseling Staf, Bahagian Sumber Manusia, Jabatan Pendaftar.
Dipetik daripada: https://registrar.utm.my/counseling/files/2019/04/Penerbitan-Helah-Bela-

Psychiatrist George Eman Vaillant introduced a four-level classification of defence mechanisms:

精神科医生乔治·伊曼·威廉对心里防卫机制类别提出的 4 个等级:

Level 1:  Delusional projection(妄想投射): Delusions about external reality, usually of a persecutory

pathologica nature(关于外部现实的妄想,通常是迫害性质)
l  Denial (拒绝;抵赖;否认): Refusal to accept external reality because it is too threatening;
arguing against an anxiety-provoking stimulus by stating it does not exist; resolution of emotional
conflict and reduction of anxiety by refusing to perceive or consciously acknowledge the more
unpleasant aspects of external reality
 Distortion(失真;扭曲): A gross reshaping of external reality to meet internal needs
Level 2:  Acting out (付诸行动): Direct expression of an unconscious wish or impulse in action, without
immature conscious awareness of the emotion that drives the expressive behavior
不成熟的  Hypochondriasis (软骨病;过度担心): An excessive preoccupation or worry about having a
serious illness
 Passive-aggressive behavior (被动攻击行为): Indirect expression of hostility
 Projection(投射/责怪他人): A primitive form of paranoia. Projection reduces anxiety by
allowing the expression of the undesirable impulses or desires without becoming consciously aware
of them; attributing one's own unacknowledged, unacceptable, or unwanted thoughts and emotions
to another; includes severe prejudice(偏见) and jealousy(妒忌), hypervigilance(过度警惕) to
external danger, and "injustice collecting", all with the aim of shifting one's unacceptable thoughts,
feelings and impulses onto someone else, such that those same thoughts, feelings, beliefs and
motivations are perceived as being possessed by the other.
 Schizoid fantasy (精神分裂幻想): Tendency to retreat into fantasy in order to resolve inner and
outer conflicts.
Level 3:  Displacement(换置;移位): Defence mechanism that shifts sexual or aggressive
neurotic impulses to a more acceptable or less threatening target; redirecting emotion to a safer outlet;
神经质的 separation of emotion from its real object and redirection of the intense emotion toward
someone or something that is less offensive or threatening in order to avoid dealing directly
with what is frightening or threatening.
 Dissociation(离解; Dissociative 解离性): Temporary drastic modification of one's personal
identity or character to avoid emotional distress; separation or postponement of a feeling that
normally would accompany a situation or thought.
 Intellectualization (智能化): A form of isolation; concentrating on the intellectual
components of a situation so as to distance oneself from the associated anxiety-provoking
emotions (引起相关的焦虑情绪); separation of emotion from ideas; thinking about wishes in formal,
affectively bland terms and not acting on them; avoiding unacceptable emotions by focusing on
the intellectual aspects (solitude, rationalization, ritual, undoing, compensation, and magical
 Reaction formation (反应形成): Converting unconscious wishes or impulses that are
perceived to be dangerous or unacceptable into their opposites; behaviour that is completely
the opposite of what one really wants or feels; taking the opposite belief because the true belief
causes anxiety
 Repression (压制;压迫): The process of attempting to repel desires towards pleasurable
instincts, caused by a threat of suffering if the desire is satisfied; the desire is moved to the
unconscious in the attempt to prevent it from entering consciousness; seemingly unexplainable
naivety, memory lapse or lack of awareness of one's own situation and condition; the emotion is
conscious, but the idea behind it is absent
Level 4:  Altruism (利他主义): Constructive service to others that brings pleasure and personal
mature satisfaction 为他人提供建设性服务,带来愉悦和个人满足感。
成熟的  Anticipation(预期;悬念): Realistic planning for future discomfort
 Humour(幽默;滑稽;迎合): Overt expression of ideas and feelings (especially those
that are unpleasant to focus on or too terrible to talk about directly) that gives pleasure to
others. The thoughts retain a portion of their innate distress, but they are "skirted around" by
witticism, for example, self-deprecation.
 Sublimation(升华): Transformation of unhelpful emotions or instincts into healthy actions,
behaviours, or emotions, for example, playing a heavy contact sport such as football or rugby
can transform aggression into a game
 Suppression(抑制): The conscious decision to delay paying attention to a thought,
emotion, or need in order to cope with the present reality; making it possible later to access
uncomfortable or distressing emotions whilst accepting them

Wikipedia website. Vaillant, George (1994). "Ego mechanisms of defense and personality
psychopathology" (PDF). Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 103 (1): 44–50. doi:10.1037/0021-

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