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English Assignment

Name : Mukhlis Akmal Taher Nurhidayat

Class : XI 1 MIPA
Number : 15

Jl. R.E. Martadinata No. 261

Kota Tasikmalaya telp./fax. (0265) 331331 Kode Pos 46151 Jawa Barat -
Indonesia E-mail :\

1. Watch the video on link

2. Answer the question based on the video that you have watched:
a. What is the video about?
b. How could the rain happen?
c. Does the process happen naturally? Why?
d. Why does the video include being an explanation text?
3. One of languages feature in the explanation text is passive voice. Change the active into
the passive sentence!
a. Look! Someone is feeding the tiger.
b. Very few people watch that TV show.
c. How do people make candles?
d. They are going to build a new hospital for Covid-19 patients.
e. Did they invent the medicine for Covid-19?
f. They speak Sundanese in West Java.

4. Please draw the process of either text 1, or text 2, or the video on HVS or your own book
with a very brief notes/ explanation, mention the name, class, and absent number!
2.a. The video tells us about process of water cycle and tells us what happened with water in the
b. The phenomenon of rain is actually a water circle. The concept of the water cycle involves
the sun heating the Earth’s surface water and causing the surface water to evaporate and its
called evaporation. The water vapor then rises into the Earth’s atmosphere. The water in the
atmosphere cools and condenses into liquid droplets and called condensation. The droplets grow
until they are heavy and fall to the earth.When the doprelts fall to the earth, it is called rain.
c. Yes it happens naturally, because the cycle is natural from the nature without intervention
from people and the water cycle or rain will happen as long as earth exist, maybe the cycle will
be damaged by the people like global warming or some people behavior that make the cycle
damaged in the future.
d. We know that the meaning of explanation text is a text which tells processes relating to
forming of natural, social, scientific and cultural phenomena. In that video we can see the
process of natural phenomena. The natural phenomena is rain or it is called as water cycle that is
explained by the video.So the video is include as explanation text because we can see the process
of natural phenomena.
3. a. Look! The tiger is being fed by someone
b. That TV show is watched by very few people
c. How candles are made by people?
d. A new hospital for COVID-19 patients is going to be built by them
e. Was the medicine for covid-19 invented by them?
f. Sundanese is spoken by them in West Java / Sundanese is spoken in West Java by them.
4. Please draw the process of either text 1, or text 2, or the video on HVS or your own book with a very
brief notes/ explanation, mention the name, class, and absent number!

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