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Introduction When we write an essay or when we deliver a speech, it's better to give examples to
support our ideas. The examples can make our thoughts much more concrete, practical, and
understandable to the readers or listeners. Without examples, sometimes the readers or listeners are
difficult to comprehend, use, or apply the explanation. To add examples, we need linking words to show
examples in different location in our sentences. In this chapter, we are going to discuss the social
function, structure, and language features of text involving examples. Activity: Warming Up Nilal Let's
play a game! Do the following instructions and the example! 1. The teacher will give you an idea.
Teacher: Carnivores. 2. Each student should mention an example. Student A: Tiger Student B : Wolf
Student C: Eagle Etc. 3. The student who cannot give the example or says wrong example must stand up
until there is no example left. Student D: Goat 4. The teacher will give a punishment, that is mentioning
all the examples which his/her friends mention. Student D: Tiger, wolf, eagle, etc.

B. Giving Examples In academic writing, we can see that each paragraph starts with a topic sentence
using a reason, then add two or three sentences giving some examples that support the reason.
Sometimes they Introduce an example of list of material which exemplifies part of the argument.
Examples are often used in academic writing to support main ideas and claims. Writers provide
examples that ilustrate and clarify dificult to understand concepts or ideas. The example usually appears
in the same sentence as the new word or in sentences that come before or after the word and can help
the readers to figure out the meaning of a new word or concept. Pay attention to the following text!
Many teachers like playing music. Some of them join a group band or a music club Many teenagers leam
how to play instruments by themselves. They usually practice at school or at home. Sometimes, they
learn from somebody who is expert in playing instrument The text is not complete. It doesn't give
certain instrument. It wil be better if the writer gives some examples. Look at the following text Many
teachers like playing music. Some of them join a group band or a music club. Many teenagers learn how
to play instruments by themselves, for example, guitar, piano, drum, and flute. They usually practice at
school or at home. Sometimes, they learn from somebody who ie expert in playing instrument.
generalizations with examples. The examples in academic writing are specitic. This gives us points, more
authority and strengthens our arguments. 1. Social Function of Giving Examples a. To support arguments
in situations such as presentations, debates, and academic writing. b. To give clarification. C. To make
information clearer. 2. Structures of Giving Examples (for example, for instance, such as, and e.g.) To
give examples, we need linking words. These words are usually in the form of phrases. Phrases of giving
examples can be placed in the beginning, in the middle, and in the end of sentence before the list An
initial phrase A clause ending in a period or a semicolon comes before the introductory clause. Place a
comma after the introductory phrase for example. Structures: i for example, (list) For example,
(sentence) For instance, (sentence) Examples: I have read many books; for example, the novels, the
comics, and the magazines. My brother likes doing sports in diferent gymnasium. For example,
yesterday he went to a gymnasium in another town. The phrase such as cannot be used as initial phrase
to give example. b. A mid-sentence comment anorus afor example.. se uons Example: Swimming, for
example, has a lot of benefits for our body. C. A non-identifying detail Structure: for example.... for
instance...such as....
Examples: Fruits, for example, oranges contain vitamin C. Some school subjects, such as Engish need a
big effort fo leam. Fiction books, for instance, novels are interesting to read. Tourist destinations such as
Bali and Raja Ampat are very popular for foreigners. An added afterthought for example,...for
example...such as(non-restrictive)....such as(restrictive) Examples: I like reading fiction books, for
example, novels, short story, and comics. I like reading fiction books: for example, novels, short story,
and comics In this forest, you'll see many types of coniferous trees, such as pine and spruce. (There are
many other coniferous trees.) Such as is used to provide specific examples of something you're talking
about. If the specific examples aren't essential to the meaning of the sentence, then a comma is used
before such as and after your example to set off the non-restrictive clause. Example: Each will have their
own small room, with a sleeping cot and desk, and will eat food such as powdered cheese and canned
tuna- A list of item We usually use eg. The abbreviation eg stands for Latin exempli gratia and means Tor
example". It is usually used in technical writing. Example: Life events (eg. birth, marriage, and death)
enable you to make changes to your health care plans. 3. Language Features of Giving Examples a Use of
the phrases of giving examples For example Such as This is ilustrated'shown by In an instance of this This
is shown by the folowing examples Namely For instance b. Expressions used in asking for and giving
examples. Could you give me an example? Take me for example I have never tried smoking A case in
point is Margareth Thatcher. By way of illustration, let's look at Bali Island. In one case,.- Two common
expressions for introducing examples are for axample and such as. 1. For example it can introduce a
sentence. It can also introduce a noun or a list of nouns but only if the noun or list of nouns is part of a
sentence. For example, restaurants must provide accessible restrooms. A good school can provide many
kinds of rooms, for example, laboratory, library, and auditorium. 2. Such as it can introduce a noun or
list of nouns but only if the noun or list of nouns is part of a sentence. However, it cannot introduce a
sentence. A good school can provide many kinds of rooms, such as laboratory, library, and auditorium.
(correct) A good school can provide many kinds of rooms, such as it can build laboratory, Iibrary and
auditorium (incorrect) We usually use a comma before examples that are introduced by such as.

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