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US 2013 0216456A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2013/0216456A1
Dahal (43) Pub. Date: Aug. 22, 2013
FROMA COMPOSITE SULPHIDE ORE CPC ...................................... C22B 19/02 (2013.01)
DEPOSIT, TAILINGS, CRUSHED ORE OR USPC ......................... 423/105:423/101; 252/186.1
(75) Inventor: Madhav Dahal, Toronto (CA) Zinc and lead are usually concomitantly present in Zn-Pb
ores and tailings. A novel non-polluting hydrometallurgical
(73) Assignee: YAVA TECHNOLOGIES INC., process for selectively leaching and recovering Zinc (Zn)
Toronto, ON (CA) from a composite lead (Pb) and Zinc sulphide containing
mineral, crushed untreated rock or unconsolidated mineral
(21) Appl. No.: 13/876,901 particles, mill tailings and/or agglomerated or unagglomer
ated Sulphidic Zinc containing waste material without neces
(22) PCT Filed: Sep. 30, 2011 sitating Smelting and refining operation has been developed.
A combination of selected oxidant and alkali metal hydroxide
(86). PCT No.: PCTACA.11?01094 has been found effective. A leachant consisting of e.g. a
S371 (c)(1), mixture of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and sodium hypochlo
(2), (4) Date: Apr. 22, 2013 rite (NaOCl) is employed to selectively dissolve zinc sulphide
at high pH at standard temperature and pressure (STP). The
Related U.S. Application Data kinetics of leaching along with the effect of varying concen
tration (preferably of sodium hydroxide and sodium
(60) Provisional application No. 61/404.244, filed on Sep. hypochlorite) were systematically investigated. Feedore con
30, 2010. taining diverse set of minerals e.g. Sulphides and carbonates
can also be conveniently treated to selectively and almost
Publication Classification quantitatively recover Zinc as high purity Zinc carbonate. This
technology can be employed either in-situ or ex-situ based on
(51) Int. Cl. the amenability of a particular type of mineral depositor feed
C22B 9/02 (2006.01) O.

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Patent Application Publication Aug. 22, 2013 Sheet 1 of 3 US 2013/021645.6 A1

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US 2013/021645.6 A1 Aug. 22, 2013

SELECTIVE LEACH RECOVERY OF ZINC sulphides. Neither of these methods suggests selective leach
FROMA COMPOSITE SULPHIDE ORE ing of Zinc from composite lead-zinc Sulphidic minerals pro
0005. A new hydrometallurgical method has been found
0001 Lead and Zinc sulphides generally undergo similar for selective dissolution of Zinc from composite Zinc sul
oxidation-reduction reactions. As a result, there is no known phidic minerals.
method to leach and recover Zinc selectively from composite 0006. The invention comprises a process for selective
lead-zinc sulphidic minerals. This invention deals with a leaching of Zinc from mixtures and ores containing Zinc sul
selective leaching and recovery of Zinc from composite Zinc phide, comprising:
and usually lead-bearing Sulphides, which are either in the 0007 a. contacting the mixture or ore with an aqueous
form of complex Zinc and lead metal containing Sulphidic leachant comprising: 1) an oxidant selected to oxidize
minerals, or in the form of zinc Sulphide concentrates, in-situ the Sulphur present only to elemental Sulphur, and 2)
or ex-situ in an economic and environmentally friendly man alkali metal hydroxide in amounts sufficient to form
. soluble alkali metal Zincate;
0002 Zinc is the fourth most common metal in use, trail 0008 b. extending the contact time between leachant
ing only iron, aluminium, and copper. It is normally found in and Solids to give the desired Zinc recovery and selec
association with other base metals such as copper and lead in tivity in the leachate while maintaining operative
naturally occurring ores. Zinc has a low affinity for oxides and reagent concentrations;
prefers to bond with sulphides. Sphalerite, which is a form of 0009 c. separating the desired leachate from the
Zinc sulphide, is the most heavily mined zinc-containing ore. residual Solids; and
The major uses of Zinc are anti-corrosion coatings on Steel 0.010 d. recovering zinc from the leachate.
(galvanizing), precision components (die casting), construc 0011. The oxidant may be selected from the group con
tion material, brass, dry batteries, pharmaceuticals and cos sisting of an oxygen-containing gas, a water-soluble peroX
metics and micronutrient for humans, animals and plants. The ide, a water-soluble perchlorate and a water-soluble
oxide is used in the manufacture of paints, rubber products, hypochlorite.
floor coverings, plastics, printing inks, soap, textiles, electri 0012 Preferably the oxidant is a hypochlorite in a concen
cal equipment, and other products. tration sufficient to oxidize all of the Sulphides present.
0003 Conventional extractive metallurgical process gen 0013 When the starting solids also contain lead sulphide,
erally involves pyrometallurgical methods for recovering the resulting leachate is substantially free of lead after an
Zinc values from Zinc Sulphides. Known recovery process extended contact time.
mostly involves grinding the ore, froth flotation (which selec 0014. The desired oxidation potential of the leachant for
tively separates minerals from gangue by taking advantage of steps a) and b) is maintained by reagent addition. The desired
differences in hydrophobicity) to get an ore concentrate, alkali metal hydroxide content of the leachant is maintained
roasting and reduction with carbon or electrowinning. How throughout the leaching steps a) and b). The contact time in
ever, such treatment often entails expensive mining and ben steps a) and b) is extended for up to about 24 hours to attain
eficiation process steps to concentrate the Sulphides. In addi desired recovery and selectivity.
tion, the production of Zinc employing the known technology 0015 The invention includes an aqueous leachant compo
from Sulphidic Zinc ores produces large amounts of Sulfur sition selected to solubilize Zinc selectively from Zinc sul
dioxide, carbon dioxide and cadmium vapor. Smelter slag and phide-containing Sulphidic minerals and mixtures, compris
other residues of process also contain significant amounts of 1ng:
heavy metals. The dumps of the past mining operations leach 0016 1) an oxidant selected to oxidize the sulphur from
significant amounts of zinc and cadmium. Soils contaminated the Sulphides only to the elemental Sulphur stage; and
with Zinc through the mining of zinc-containing ores, refin 0017 2) an alkali metal hydroxide selected to form
ing, or where zinc-containing sludge is used as fertilizer, can Soluble alkali metal Zincates from Zinc Sulphide oxida
contain several grams of Zinc per kilogram of dry soil. Levels tion products.
of zinc in excess of 500 ppm in soil are deemed to interfere 0018. In a preferred aspect the composite sulphides are
with the ability of plants to absorb other essential metals, such treated with a mixture of sodium hydroxide and sodium
as iron and manganese. Further, strict adherence to environ hypochlorite at ambient temperature and pressure. Sodium
mental regulations governing mining operations may Sub hypochlorite is used as an oxidant to oxidize Sulphide in the
stantially increase the cost of recovering Zinc from its ores by composite mineral to elemental Sulphur. Zinc oxide thus
conventional processes. formed reacts with sodium hydroxide to form soluble sodium
0004. A patent search revealed only approaches to simul Zincate which is Subsequently treated to recover Zinc as high
taneously leach both lead and Zinc from composite lead-zinc purity Zinc carbonate, Zinc carbonate can be easily converted
sulphidic minerals. Geisler in U.S. Pat. No. 5,523,066 and to other Zinc products based on end-user requirements.
Turner in U.S. Pat. No. 6,726,828, describe use of in-situ 0019. In another embodiment of the invention zinc sul
leach mining utilizing a mixture of acetic acid and hydrogen phide containing unconsolidated minerals, including discrete
peroxide (for sulphide oxidation) to recover Ca, Mn, Pb and blocks of rocks and agglomerated ore particles and concen
Zn as a combined leachate from a permeable geological host. trate, agglomerated and unagglomerated Zinc Sulphide bear
Both methods employ hydrogen peroxide as an oxidant. The ing mill tailings of mineral beneficiation and similar Zinc
decomposition of hydrogen peroxide with time and its effect Sulphide containing by-products and waste products of recy
on the overall recovery process is left unexplained. U.S. Pat. cling processes, are leached ex-situ, at ambient temperature
No. 4,500,398 uses fluosilicic acid with an oxidant to dissolve and pressure, with a solution containing sodium hydroxide
US 2013/021645.6 A1 Aug. 22, 2013

and sodium hypochlorite. The pregnant leach Solution is Sub ate. Sodium hydroxide (one of the most common laboratory
sequently removed and is treated for Zinc recovery. reagents) combined with sodium hypochlorite (commonly
referred to as bleach) ensures that the reagents utilized in the
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS leaching process are not likely to damage the environment.
0020. In the drawings, which form part of this application: The leaching process is conducted at ambient temperature
and pressure.
0021 FIG. 1 is a flowsheet of the process of the invention.
0022 FIG. 2 is a graph showing cumulative lead concen 0029. In one preferred embodiment, at a concentration e.g.
tration in solution at various NaOH and NaOCl concentra of about 0.48M sodium hypochlorite and e.g. about 1.35M
tions; sodium hydroxide, about 96% of zinc was extracted in less
0023 FIG. 3 is a graph showing NaOH and NaOCl con than 24 hours while lead recovery was less than about 1%.
centration influence on lead extraction; and Zinc leaching kinetics was observed to be the exact opposite
0024 FIG. 4 is a graph showing NaOH and NaOCl con of lead leaching kinetics. While lead recovery percentage
centration influence on Zinc extraction. rapidly declined from an initial about 15-25% extraction,
largely attributable to the precipitation of lead as lead dioxide
DESCRIPTION OF PREFERRED due to over-oxidation, Zinc recovery percentage rapidly
EMBODIMENTS increased initially and formed a plateau. Zinc is recovered
from the Solution as Zinc carbonate and Sodium chloride
0025 FIG. 1 is a flowsheet of the process of recovery of dissolved in Solution is electrolyzed to regenerate the original
Zinc as Zinc carbonate/zinc metal from the leachate obtained leachant forming a closed-loop process.
by leaching a composite lead-zinc sulfide mineral with a 0030 The recovery of metals from their sulphides by
leachant consisting of a mixture of Sodium hypochlorite and hydrometallurgical methods usually necessitates the oxida
Sodium hydroxide. tion of the sulphide ion in the metal sulphide to render the
0026. A leachant consisting of a mixture of sodium metal soluble and hence recoverable from the solution. It has
hydroxide and Sodium hypochlorite is prepared by diluting been found that for best results the sulphide in the sulphidic
concentrated reagent grade Solutions to a pre-determined minerals is oxidized only to elemental Sulphur, hence the
concentration level and mixing them thoroughly in a stirred oxidation potential of the oxidant in the leach solution is
tank reactor. A composite lead-zinc sulfide mineral is then adjusted such that it is insufficient to oxidize the sulphide to
treated with the leachant thus prepared for the dissolution of the hexavalent state. The oxidation potential of a reagent is
sulfides by oxidative dissolution process. The leach liquor understood to mean the power of the reagent to remove elec
containing the dissolved metal ions is collected in a pregnant trons and it may be expressed quantitatively in millivolts. In
leach solution (PLS) holding tank. Any lead present in the the present process for leaching Zinc from Zinc Sulphidic
leachate is separated and recovered as lead metal employing minerals by a mixture of sodium hydroxide and Sodium
cementation, a well known art in the industry. Carbon dioxide hypochlorite, the oxidant (sodium hypochlorite) could be
gas is bubbled through the lead depleted leachate to precipi potentially replaced by oxygen or air, making the process
tate Zinc as Solid Zinc carbonate, which is separated by Solid even more economic. Other alkali metals e.g. K could replace
liquid filtration. Zinc carbonate thus recovered is dissolved is Sodium. Selective dissolution of Zinc Sulphide from compos
sulfuric acid to produce Zinc sulfate solution for electrolytic ite zinc-lead sulphidic minerals is largely attributed to over
recovery of Zinc as Zinc metal. oxidation of lead leading to reprecipitation of lead as lead
0027. The lead and Zinc depleted leachate is passed dioxide during the leaching process attributable to the follow
through an electrochemical cell to regenerate sodium ing reactions:
hypochlorite. The regenerated Solution mixture containing
Sodium hypochlorite and sodium carbonate is treated with
quicklime or calcium oxide to precipitate calcium carbonate
and regenerate sodium hydroxide. The precipitated calcium
carbonate is separated by solid-liquid filtration. The filtrate 0031. The chemistry involved in the alkaline leaching pro
consisting of a mixture of sodium hypochlorite and sodium cess is as follows:
hydroxide is recycled for further leaching. Calcium carbonate 0.032 1. Chlorine and sodium hydroxide are produced
is roasted to produce carbon dioxide gas and calcium oxide. by electrolysis of aqueous Sodium chloride solution.
Carbon dioxide gas is recycled to precipitate Zinc carbonate
and calcium oxide is recycled to regenerate Sodium hydroxide
Solution. The overall process runs as a closed-loop operation. 0033 2. Sodium hypochlorite is produced by mixing
0028. In one aspect of the present process for solubilizing chlorine with sodium hydroxide.
Zinc from composite zinc-Sulphidic minerals in the ore body,
crushed ore or tailings, a solution consisting of a mixture of
Sodium hydroxide and sodium hypochlorite is used. In one of 0034 3. Sodium hypochlorite reacts with zinc sulphide
the preferred embodiments of the present invention the sul in presence of sodium hydroxide to produce soluble
phide bearing minerals in the ore are brought into contact with Sodium Zincate, Sodium chloride and elemental Sulphur.
a mixture of Sodium hydroxide and sodium hypochlorite at
high pH. The leach solution reacts with the sulphidic minerals
to attain the highest metal ion concentration to render the 0035. 4. Soluble sodium zincate produced in step 3 is
leaching process economical as determined by the kinetics of treated with carbon dioxide gas to precipitate insoluble
the process. The pregnant Solution containing the dissolved Zinc carbonate.
value metals, in particular solubilized Zinc, are recovered
from the leach solution by precipitating Zinc as Zinc carbon
US 2013/021645.6 A1 Aug. 22, 2013

0036 5. Sodium hydroxide is regenerated by treating 0043. Detailed kinetic leaching tests were performed at
Sodium carbonate produced in step 4 with quicklime. various sodium hydroxide and sodium hypochlorite concen
trations. Table 1 summarizes the experimental results illus
trated in FIGS. 2, 3 and 4.
0037 6. Calcium carbonate produced in step 5 is cal
cined to regenerate quick lime and carbon dioxide gas, TABLE 1
which are recycled. Experimental results for leaching composite lead-zinc sulfide mineral
Time Volume 96 Lead Extraction 96 Zinc Extraction
0038 7. Pure zinc metal is produced by the electrolysis (h) (ml) % %
of Zinc Sulphate solution produced by dissolving Zinc a) 1 450 11% SO%
carbonate precipitate from step 4 in Sulphuric acid. 0.24MNaOCl. 2 442 9% S8%
O.67SMNaOH 4 434 6% 66%
24 426 190 76%
48 418 2% 74%
S1 460 190 74%
72 452 O% 75%
A bleed solution is intermittently treated to remove the impu b) 1 450 25% 46%
0.24MNaOCl. 2 442 23% 57%
rities built up during the leaching process. 1.35M NaOH 4 434 21% 69%
0039. The present invention has the additional advantage 24 426 14% 84%
48 418 79% 83%
that it does not entail preconcentration of the minerals, which S1 460 4% 85%
may require costly mining expenditures and equipment. The 72 452 O% 86%
process does not create acid drainage problems and uses c) 1 450 59% 55%
relatively environmentally benign reagents. 0.48MNaOCl.
24 426 190 81%
EXAMPLE1 48 418 190 79%
72 410 190 74%
d) 1 450 20% 61%
0040 50 g of crushed ore was placed in a bottle with 450 0.48MNaOCl. 2 442 1796 71.9%
ml lixiviant. The lixiviant was prepared by mixing 300 ml 1.35M NaOH 4 434 15% 80%
consumer grade sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) with 150 ml 24 426 190 96%
48 418 190 95%
deionized water and 24.3 g sodium hydroxide (NaOH). The 72 410 O% 89%
target concentrations prior to testing were 1.35M NaOH and
0.6M NaOCl. The mixture was continuously stirred with a
magnetic stirrer. 20 ml samples were collected at fixed inter 0044 FIG. 2 shows the quantity of lead that remains dis
val of time and quantitatively analyzed for both lead and Zinc Solved in the leachate after leaching a composite lead-zinc
concentration. Approximately 96% of zinc was recovered in Sulfide mineral employing a leachant consisting of a mixture
less than 24 hours. Lead concentration in the Solution at the
of sodium hydroxide and sodium hypochlorite. The effect of
end of 24 hours period of the experiment was found to be less variable concentrations of Sodium hypochlorite at various
than 1%.
Sodium hydroxide concentrations clearly indicates that there
is a rapid decrease in the quantity of dissolved lead in the
EXAMPLE 2 leachate with time.

0041 Column test was conducted to mimic in-situ leach 004.5 FIG. 3 shows the kinetic efficiency of lead extrac
ing. Approximately 120g crushed ore, containing composite tion on leaching a mixture of composite lead-zinc sulfide
lead and Zinc sulphidic minerals was lightly ground with a mineral employing a leachant consisting of a mixture of
mortar/pestle and packed in a 1.27 cm-ID (internal diam sodium hydroxide and sodium hypochlorite. The effect of
eter)x51 cm-L clear vinyl tube. Small plugs of glass wool variable concentrations of Sodium hypochlorite at various
were placed on the ends of the tubing, acting as particulate Sodium hydroxide concentrations again indicates that there is
filters as the liquid goes through the column, Tapping the a rapid decrease in the efficiency of lead extraction with time.
sides of the column ensured uniform packing. Prior to leach 0046 FIG. 4 shows the kinetic efficiency of zinc extrac
ing, N. sparged deionized water was pumped through the tion on leaching a mixture of composite lead-zinc sulfide
column to remove any entrapped air. The deionized water was mineral employing a leachant consisting of a mixture of
left in the sealed column overnight. Sodium hydroxide and Sodium hypochlorite. In direct con
0042. The lixiviant (0.675M NaOH and 0.48M NaOCl) trast to lead extraction efficiency, the effect of variable con
was pumped upward through the column, at relatively con centrations of Sodium hypochlorite at various sodium
stant flow rate using a peristaltic pump. The effluent was hydroxide concentrations clearly indicates a rapid and a
collected in a separatory funnel. 10-15 ml aqueous samples highly efficient recovery of zinc extraction with time.
were collected at the exit of the column at pre-set time inter 0047 Although the present invention has been described
vals and quantitatively analyzed for lead and Zinc concentra with reference to the preferred embodiments, it is to be under
tion. The target flow rate was 1 ml/min, translating into stood that modifications and variations may be resorted to
approx 20 minutes residence time in the column. The actual without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention,
average flow rate throughout the 22.5 hours testing period as those skilled in the art readily understand. Such modifica
was 1.05 ml/min. While approximately 81% of zinc was tions and variations are considered to be within the purview
recovered, only about 1% lead was extracted. and scope of the invention and the appended claims.
US 2013/021645.6 A1 Aug. 22, 2013

We claim: 5. The process of claim 1, wherein the starting solids also

1. A process for selective leaching of Zinc from mixtures contain lead Sulphide, and the resulting leachate is substan
and ores containing Zinc sulphide, comprising: tially free of lead after an extended contact time.
a. contacting the mixture or ore with an aqueous leachant 6. The process of claim 1, wherein the desired oxidation
comprising: 1) an oxidant selected to oxidize the Sulphur potential of the leachant for steps a) and b) is maintained by
present only to elemental Sulphur, and 2) alkali metal reagent addition.
hydroxide in amounts sufficient to form soluble alkali 7. The process of claim 1, wherein the desired alkali metal
metal Zincate; hydroxide content of the leachant is maintained throughout
b. extending the contact time between leachant and solids the leaching steps a) and b).
to give the desired zinc recovery and selectivity in the
leachate while maintaining operative reagent concentra 8. The process of claim 1, wherein the contact time in steps
tions; a) and b) is extended for up to about 24 hours to attain desired
c. separating the desired leachate from the residual Solids; recovery and selectivity.
and 9. The process of claim 1, in which zinc in step d) is
d. recovering Zinc from the leachate. recovered by precipitation as Zinc carbonate.
2. The process of claim 1, wherein the oxidant is selected 10. An aqueous leachant composition selected to solubilize
from the group consisting of an oxygen-containing gas, a Zinc selectively from Zinc Sulphide-containing Sulphidic min
water-soluble peroxide, a water-soluble perchlorate and a erals and mixtures, comprising:
water-soluble hypochlorite. 1. an oxidant selected to oxidize the sulphur from the
3. The process of claim 2, wherein the oxidant is a Sulphides only to the elemental Sulphur stage; and
hypochlorite in a concentration sufficient to oxidize all of the 2. an alkali metal hydroxide selected to form soluble alkali
Sulphides present.
4. The process of claim 1, wherein the leachant contains metal Zincates from Zinc Sulphide oxidation products.
Sodium hypochlorite and sodium hydroxide. k k k k k

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