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Discourse Analysis

Submitted to: Dr. Masroor Sibtain

Submitted by: Muhammad Sanwal

Section A
Roll No. 09
Programme M. Phil. (English)
Semester 2

Institute of Southern Punjab (ISP)

Discourse Analysis of A Newspaper


I have chosen an editorial of The Down titled “Khattak’s Disappearance” for CDA analysis. It
was published on 21st June 2020. Khattak, 56 has not been seen sice November 13, 2019, when
unidentified armed men intercepted his car near Swabi in Pakistan’s Khybar Pakhtunkhaw
province. Khattak’s family filed a habeas corpus petition in the Peshawar High Court, which
ordered the government to report on Khattak’s whereabouts, but the authorities have repeatedly
stalled proceedings.


The article starts from the mention of Amnesty Internationl , a human rights watch dog. The
editorial starts that Amnesty International in the request of the family of Khattak has appealed to
the Prime Minister to enquire into the matter and hold a legal and fair trial. It shows that the
writer does not want to express his personal or private opinion but he only mentions what
Amnesty International has stated. It shows the objectivity of the article as newspapers reporting
requires. But at the end of the editorial he declares in loud and clear terms that the very detention
of Khattak is unlawful and in justifiable and in future such arrests should be avoided. He
emphatically states that it would be a brutal murder of justice and fair play.


His selection of the title is also apt as he does not take any sides in the beginning. There is no
bias reflected in it and it looks like that he is only reporting the disappearance of Khattak in
objective terms.


He has used passive sentences to show that the “forces” to be must not be highlighted. He on
purpose avoid active constructions so the agents of such acts may remain clothed in secrecy.
These constructions also highlights how in the name of security, anyone can be etained without
proper filing of the charges against the detainee.

So by this stable use of passivity, he brings forth the contentious role played by these security
agencies. He has used active constructions for the family and lawyers of Khattak to show that the
onus is on them to prove their innocence. Nobody would appear their grievance and ensure
justice for them.

At the end, he suggests that anyone can be blamed for espionage and he is not allowed to defend
himself against those charges. Even the person who is detained does not know why he is being
interrogated. His family is not informed and this is very painful and organized for them.

His tone is sharp and serious as he wants to question why the state does this to its citizens. He
thinks that this practice is totally against the dictates of law and civil rights and someone put a
full stop to it.

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