Bad News Message - Script

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Company: AB trading


1. Saadat (CEO)
2. Employee (Mairaj)
3. Manager (Rameez)
4. Haris (Sales Manager)

Mairaj & Haris:

Plot: When Mairaj Arrives, he finds Haris reading newspaper. He says “hi” and asks “what are you
reading?” Upon being asked, Haris replies with an enthusiasm “Hey did you read this—about our
competitor XYZ?”

 Informal/personal discussion (how is life going?)

 Discuss about our competitor (that you read in the newspaper)—Should be a little informal
 Discuss about the performance of the company

Rameez Arrives…
Saadat & Mairaj

Look Mr. Mairaj, we know you have throughout/constantly proved yourself as valuable asset for this
organization. We appreciate all your talent, your dedication, your commitment that you had given to
this company to make its name. You are truly a very hardworking and highly experienced accountant
who have always put his heart into work. We all do appreciate it!

But the thing is if we don’t adapt to change, we will not only be replaced by our competitors, but we will
rather be thrown away from this market. And there are so many such examples around you. Look at
what happened to Nokia. Look at what happened to General Motors. Look at what happened to Xerox.
These are all the example of failures which didn’t adapt to change. And To be very honest, Mr. Mairaj,
we will be become one of them if we don’t adapt.

Mairaj: But sir I have always served this company just like my own. I have worked overtime, have given
so many of my sleepless nights to this company. I’ have always been loyal to this company. Even the fact
I have been employee of the year twice in this company.

Me: Yes, we do realize it Mr Mairaj. But the thing is you are just not open to change. This traditional
accounting is not the future. We need to switch to computerized accounting. Therefore, we invite you to
seek the relevant training. You see we are losing our market share day by day, whereas since our
competitor has switched to computerized accounting, they have managed to minimize their costs and
have increased their market by 7% and that alone in one year. You see we are not able to minimize the
costs. Our revenues have gone down over the years. Our share price has significantly decreased. Our
shareholders are losing confidence in us. Even our auditors have shown potential red flags in our
financial statements and have strictly insist that we change our accounting practices.

Mairaj: So you mean I am being fired for being inefficient accountant?

Me: No, you are not inefficient, Mr. Mairaj. But this traditional accounting system is inefficient as
compared to computerized accounting. And we are not firing you; instead, we are giving you this
opportunity to realize your full potential. Because we believe you have got this potential. We are giving
you this opportunity to learn, for the sake of your own future, for the sake being a better version of

Mairaj: I understand sir.

Me: Thank you Mr. Miraj for your valuable contribution in this company. We wish you best of luck in
future endeavor. We hope that after you have acquired relevant training, you will join us So, See you
soon, I hope.

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