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5 ICT Policies
 Using the document I have provided you with answer these

◦ What does an IT Policy do?

◦ You could say that the IT Policy is divided in to two main sections, what are they?
◦ What security issues are covered in the IT Policy?
◦ According to this policy when will all the training take place?
◦ Do you think training should take place at other times also and if so when?
◦ What is a TNA?
◦ Why are legal legislations mentioned in this policy?
◦ In your opinion is this is a thorough ICT Policy?
◦ What might you ad to the policy?

 Highlight what you believe to be the most important parts of this

 ICT policies outline how the ICT Strategy will
be put into operation

 ICT policies will tend to cover:

◦ Training
◦ Security
◦ Procurement

 It is important that policies are reviewed

regularly to ensure that they still meet the
objectives of the organisation
 Many policies will be written into the
employee’s contract of employment.

 It will outline these policies and by signing

the contract the employee is signing a legal
agreement to comply with the policies.

 The contract of employment will be backed

up by disciplinary procedures
 What would you do if you were in charge of
writing this policy?
◦ What would it cover?
◦ How would you conduct the training?
◦ When would you conduct the training?
◦ Who monitors the training?
 An ICT Training Policy will include a
statement of who needs to be trained, what
training they need and how this training will
be delivered.
 What would you do if you were in charge of writing this policy?

◦ What would it cover?

 Who needs to be trained
 Training needs for specific jobs
 What type of training to be used (e-learning, in-house, external courses, guest speakers etc.)
 Funding

◦ How would you conduct the training?

 Find out staff abilities (skills audit)
 Weigh up in-house vs external training

◦ When would you conduct the training?

 During Inductions (When someone new starts)
 When new hardware or software are introduced
 When/if new legislations are introduced
 New ventures within an organisation may generate training
 After appraisals
 As ongoing CPD

 Who monitors the training

 HR Department
 You have been asked to write the ICT Training

 Give an overview of 8-10 aspects it will cover

1. Review the ICT skills gap for the organisation
4. Build in time for an employee to consolidate newly acquired skills
 You have been asked to write the ICT Training

 Give an overview of 8-10 aspects it will cover

1. Review the ICT skills gap for the organisation
2. Review individuals training needs
3. Encourage an atmosphere of on-going ICT learning
4. Build in time for an employee to consolidate newly acquired skills
5. Ensure training individual staff benefits all by asking them to pass on
6. Consider training costs
7. Ensure during induction training is given
8. Take immediate steps to replace any valuable ICT skills of leaving staff
 Covers how an organisation intends to protect it’s assets

 Should lay down procedures that employees must follow in order to

protect its data and equipment from theft, misuse and unauthorised

 Organisations have the responsibility to maintain security measures

so that they meet the requirements of the law

 Should aim to cover the security and privacy of data

 What’s the difference between security of data and privacy of

◦ Security – making sure the data is correct, kept confidential and safe
◦ Identify potential threats to data and manage these threats

◦ Allocate responsibilities for data security

◦ State what resources are needed to maintain security

◦ Lay down staff responsibilities in the prevention of misuse

 Steps that should be taken to provide protection against
viruses and physical security of computers

◦ Lay down disciplinary procedures for breaches of security

 A security policy will tend to have the following
◦ Introduction – states purpose of policy
◦ Network Security – usernames and passwords (min/max length etc.)
◦ Data Transfer – Internet usage, data encryption, firewalls
◦ Change control and monitoring – security logs
◦ Use of Laptops- rules on usage (personal/private), storage, etc.
◦ Backup and Recovery – how backed up and recovered
 IT is then important that all staff within an
organisation are made aware of the security

 How can this be done?

◦ Induction
◦ Training
◦ Leaflets, fliers, posters
◦ Bulletin boards (on company intranet)
◦ Emails
 Covers ways in which ICT hardware and
software is obtained

 A centralised policy will

◦ ensure consistency and compatibility amongst all
◦ Provide possible discounts for bulk buys
◦ Reduce costs of all hardware and software
maintenance and support if consistent
 A timescale for replacement of hardware should be

 Communication and consultation with all

departments is important, departments should feel
involved with the decision process so as to be
aware and to take ownership.

 Consider the flexibility of the hardware and

software, can be upgraded if requirements change
or grow?
 Consistency in hardware is ideal e.g. same model
and make of laptops, desktops etc. will simplify

 Consistency in software is similar e.g. same

operating systems, generic software applications
etc. would insure a consistent look and feel, ease
maintenance, training and support.

 However, certain departments may require

specialist software, communication is important
 May also cover disposal of unwanted or obsolete
◦ Selling
◦ Donating
◦ Recycling

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