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-population (or age) pyramid: to track and compare changes in population age distributions over time

EXPANSIVE PYRAMID: a pyramid with a broad base and a tall, pointed shape, which represents a rapid rate of population
growth and a low proportion of older people.
-this pointed top shape shows that many people are dying in each birth cohort year so that very few persons are in the older age
cohorts at the top of the pyramid

STATIONARY PYRAMID: more block-shaped, indicating low fertility and low mortality
-this represents a more industrialized society, with effective public health measures in place, good socioeconomic conditions nad
good medical care; life expectancy is high with large numbers of age cohorts in older groups

CONSTRICTIVE PYRAMID: a population pyramid showing a lower number or percentage of younger people
-the people are generally older, with a low death rate but a low birthrate
-occur more frequently in European countries

DEPENDENCY RATIO: the ability to contribute, or the dependency a group has on others
-reflects the amount of potential dependency in a population and the work life span
-describes the relationship by age between those who have the potential to be self-supporting and the dependent segments of
the population (those segments of the population not in the workforce)
15-20 years: the beginning age of economic self-sufficiency

Eg. Suppose in a given region 25% of the population are less than 15 years of age and 5% are 65 years of age or older. This
means that 70% of the people are between ages of 15 and 64 years.
-The dependency ratio is 43 ([(25+5)/70]*100), that is there are 43 dependents for every 100 people of working age

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