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Machine production process steps

Production No.: HD-180006

Contract No.: HD-180213

Customer name: Carlos Alexandre

Contact: Steve, Luis

Seller: Lisa (Sale manager)

Machine model : HEAD3020BA-5AC/HEAD38030Z

Machine production process steps

1. 2018.2.22 USD 28978 as deposit and make the production note to all

the relative departments

The production requirement for the machine, write all the requirement

of the order.
The CRM system of company, I deliver the production requirement to the

three departments to prepare the production.

2.26 1.send customer the layout drawing and the preparation work, and the

plan process step.

Already finish the intensifier pump and the structure of cutting table
2. Begin to prepare the documents for applying the visa and ask engineer

to prepare the invitation letter.

3.2 Buy the IGEMS CAM software
The Number of the software box is 7808, please remember this.

Already install the 5axis structure and will adjust it today.

3.6 prepare all the delivery documents and machine is at the last

adjustment for the whole day. To adjust and test the working of AC 5

3.12 prepare the documents for customer DE clearance in Switzerland

customs, invoice, packing list, and certificate of original.

Turn to customers to send new invitation letter. Will go to embassy on

3.19 for interviewing.

3.14 get the train bill of lading

3.20 send all the documents for customer customs to CMP, include

origin of certificate, invoice, packing list, contract. And engineer send

all visa documents to visa center to apply the visa, and will have news

after one week.

3.22 get the DHL tracking No. of documents and send to customer.


3.26 engineer can get the visa from the visa center

4.4 machine arrive at Germany Hamburg

4.12 will send goods to CMP factory, and client prepare all the items
Will prepare the booking of ticket.

4.17 pay for the ticket for engineer

5.3 finish the after sale service and go back to China

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