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Makes 3 large loaves or 5-6 smaller loaves

2 quarts sourdough starter

13 cups freshly ground spelt, kamut or hard winter wheat
2 ½ tablespoons coarse sea salt
about 1½ cups cold filtered water

Traditional sourdough bread, prepared with a starter rather than with yeast, has a delicious flavor
but tends to be heavy for modern tastes. Spelt gives the most satisfactory loaf.

Your starter should be at room temperature and have gone through the bubbling, frothy stage.

Place starter, salt and 1 cup water in a large bowl and mix with a wooden spoon until the salt
crystals have dissolved. Slowly mix in the flour. Towards the end you will find it easier to mix
with your hands. You may add the other ½ cup of water if the dough becomes too thick. It
should be rather soft and easy to work. Knead by pulling and folding over, right in the bowl, for
10 to 15 minutes; or knead in batches in your food processor.

Without pressing down the dough, cut or shape loaves into the desired shapes or place
into 3 large well-buttered loaf pans or 5-6 smaller loaf pans. Cut a few slits in the top of the
dough, cover and let rise from 4 to 12 hours, depending on the temperature. Bake at 350 degrees
for about an hour. Allow to cool before slicing.

The bread will keep for up to a week without refrigeration.

Variation: Sourdough Herb and Nut Bread

To each loaf, add 1 tablespoon rosemary or 1 tablespoon dill during kneading and ¼ cup
chopped crispy pecans or walnuts (crispy pecans) at the end of the kneading process.

Variation: Sourdough Cheaters Bread

Use 3 cups unbleached white flour and 10 cups whole wheat flour for a lighter loaf.

Where do we find these lactic-acid-producing bacteria that cause milk to sour, that gives bread its
aroma and that conserves vegetables?
They are in the living soil and on healthy plants, in particular those that grow close to the soil. A
protective coat of acid, truly an acid sheath, envelopes all higher organisms. In the mouth, the
stomach, the intestine and in the reproductive organs one finds a flora that produces lactic acid.
Annelies Schoneck Des Crudites Toute L'Annee

No single substance will maintain vibrant health. Although specific nutrients are known to be more
important in the functions of certain parts
of the body, even these nutrients are totally dependent upon the presence of other nutrients for their best
effects. Every effort should therefore be made to attain and maintain an adequate, balanced daily intake of
all the necessary nutrients throughout life. Lavon J. Dunne Nutrition Almanac
Raw honey is noteworthy for having considerable plant amylase. The amylase does not come from the bee
but is a true plant enzyme, concentrated from the pollen of flowers. . .. If you wish to predigest a starchy
food, such as bread, spread some raw honey on it. The moment the honey and bread come into contact, the
honey enzyme starts predigestion; and as you chew more digestion takes place. If the bread with its
honeyenzyme coating is allowed to stand at room temperature for 15 minutes before you eat it, there will be
less work for salivary amylase. Edward Howell, MD Enzyme Nutrition

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