Kneel容Ng And Fann冒Ng: (C) Exchange Piaces As In Figure Ii (C)

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foot alte「nately in f「ont and Iooks partner f「Om undemeath the fan" Hands on

(C ) Exchange piaces as in figure Ii (C)

(d) repeat a= (a-C), finishing in proper places… ‥


〃usic A。

(a) Sta面ng with R foot言ake three steps fo博ard to cente「, Gi「冊oids

Skirt, Boys places hands on waist (CtS・1,2,3). Gi「」 kneel on R wh=e Boy

PaSSeS a「Ound on right of gi「=o stand behind her and faces the same
di「ection as Girl’s. Partners places hands on waists (CtS, 1,2,3) 2M

(b) Boy - Point R and L foot fou「 times altemate!y in f「Ont, looking at
Gi「l over her R and L shou!der altemate!y, Gi「口n the meantime, looks at

Pa血er over he「 R and L shoulder aItemately. Both place hands on waists‥:
(C ) Boy - Tum 「ight about, Girl stands and exchange places as in

(d) Repeat a= (a-C), bu=his time Boy kneels down and girさfans Boy
over his R and L shoulde「 aitemately as she points her R and L foot
alte「nate!y. Finish in p「OPe「 Places … "………"… 8M



(a) Partners meet at centeras in figure I看(a) (cts. 1,2,3,1)・ Boys takes
「andkerchief from pocket. Pa「tners hold handkerchief at co「ne「S in a

pe「pendicula「 position between thei「 faces with Boy’s hands on top at

face level (CtS,2,3〉 2M
(b) Partners point R and L foot aitemately four times as in figure ll (b)"
invert handkerchief at every measure, that is, One meaSu「e With Boy’s hands
on top wh=e pointing R foot and the next measure with Gi「l’s hands on top
w輔e pointing with L foot. When own hands are down look at pa加er’s face
from below and when up言OOk above handkerchjef… … … … … … … "‥ ・"

(C) Gir! reieases handkerchief・ Partners exchange places as in figure I容

(d) Repeat a= (a-C) finishing in p「OPe「 Places・ This tjme Girl keeps
ーandkerchief a=he end of this figure ‥‥… 8M



Music A,
Note二lf oniy one pa両s dancing’Pa「tnerS may gO tO any
direction so Iong as they finish in proper pIaces a=he end of this figure"
(a) Partners tum R shoulders toward each other" Sta面ng with R foot
take eight wa-tz steps forward moving a「Ound cIockwise" GirI - Hold
handkerchief at one co「ne「 and plaoe it over her R and L shou!de「 a旺e「nately
at every measure, looking back at Boy atthe same time. Boy in the meantime
fo=ows behind G時St「etChing out R and L hand aite「nateIy as if trying to
catch the free end of the handkerchief
(b)丁u「n right about and repeat (a) counterc!ockwise, Gi「。eads again・
Finish improper places………………"……"‥



(a) Starting with R foo=ake two waitz steps to meet at center" Gi「ls
a「ms in late「al position moving sidewa「d right and left, boy’s hands on
(b) With G刷eading in front, PartnerS take six waltz steps forward
moving a「ound c-ockwise. Sam叩OSition of hands as in (a) but Girl’s fingers
fluttering in time with the mus-C aS She looks ove「 her R and L shouide「
a!temately at Boy who is fo!lowing he「 C!osely

(C) Tu后I right about. Repeat (b) counterciockwise・丁his time Boy

leads G帥holds sk吐Boy’s a「ms in iate「al position fingers.潮nk at Gi「i once
in awhile, Finish side by side, Giri at right side of Boy


Execute a three-SteP tum 「ight in place and bow to each other, Gi「l ho聞ng
Skirt, Boy’s hands on waist

Chapter IV

Ba肝oom Dances

軸oom dancing sometlmes ca闇Soαa/軸ng lS uSuatry performed by co崎

for the嘩sure and satlSfactron elther at pr-Vate funcfron or岬ro dancmg haIIs

Dance steps are created from軸s basIC movements the wa k岬hop’Sk唖e,

!eap両and sway comb-natlOnS Of these have become軸ona- dance steps that

have been used often ln Styked manne「, for folk and ethnlC dances, SOClaha ba旧oom

dances’baHet and modem dance.

Some of the more jmpo軸feafu「es of ba冊oom danc`ng a「e rhythrn”r the

refatlVely fast o「 s軌epetltlon and vanat-On of movements, des-gn Or the arrangement

Of mus C accordmg to a pattern, dynamきCS Or var-atIOn ln force and軸y of

mOVements, and technlque証he degree of body contro回maste「y of basic steps

and positrons A-so置mPO軸In many dances are gesfure$ eSPeCratry hand

mOVements internatlOnal contes。n ba帖oom dancIng gal=ed favor ea「 y冊e 20th

Century. 1n the 1920’s ln London’dance teacher can modrty and encourage the basjc

StePS Of suc剛oom dances剛e waItzrengo, and foxtrot’and encourage dancers

tO learn the steps and圃Ce tO P「OfessIOna。ze. The compe帥e type of ba旧oom

danc-ng now bears冊e re軸n to what IS danced in socjety.

The steps have become so `ntricate and artIfjc-a。hat only people who have for constant

圃Ce can accom幽them. The fohowng va'ues can be achreved by軸oom


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