B。1。 Modem Dance

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Dance Fo肋s/Cfassi舶atfons

These a「e the varied identities of dance acco「ding to its 「OOtS and begimings.

A。 Classical Dance

Dances with standa「dized rules and restrictions, it can be religious related dance
Or COurt and royal entertainment fo「m.

B。 CIassica看Ba=et

A dance of supreme standa「ds Ieamed from an academe. This o「iginated from

ltaly from the word “ballo’」 meaning to dance, and flourished in the royaI court of

B。1。 Modem Dance

A divjsion from the p「inc圃es of classical ba=et developed by lsadora
Duncan. She believed in the p「inciple of naturalness and t「ue exp「ession of the
human body and soul,

B。2。 Contemporary Dance

丁his is a combination of ballet and mode「n dance whe「eby it uses the
Varied medium of othe「 dance fo「ms =ke folk, ethnic o「 tribal dance.

C, Popular Dance

This is hig回y 「ecognized as a dance form in television and othe「 dance centers
like discotheque houses and social gatherings.

D, Foik Dance

丁he term imp=es the traditiona=lavor and cha「acteristics of the people, their
feelings and sentiments. 1t is also 「efer「ed to sometimes as traditional dance.

E。 EthnicITribal Dance

A dance pa面Cuia「!y found in a g「OuP Of people Iiving together in a loca冊y with

COmmOn beliefs and customs,

F。 Ba!!room Dance
A popular term for dance perfo「med on ba旧OOm a「eaS Or fo「 pu「poses of
「ecreation and entertainment,

Example二  Latin American dances (tango, Cha-Cha, boogie)

Popular Ame「ican dan∞ C「aZe ( foxtrot, LA, Wa!k and others)



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Aquino, F「ancisca Reyes Fundamental Dance Steps and Music, Manila, 1952.

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Discove「ing Music Togethe「 Book 7, Fo=ett Pub"shing Company, Chicago.

Andin, Carmen Tabije, Handbook on Rhythmic Activities Modem Educators

Pub=shing Cooperative lnc" PNC 1984 Edition.

Ronda, Martin C, Chair, Physicai巨ducatjon Department De Ia Salle Unive「sity,

de Djos, Conco「dia, Ve「ginia J. lndon, and Zenaida E, Omampo Physical

Education 2 Rhythm And Dance Moduies Fa「 Easte「n Universjty Pu闘Catjons

Andjn, Carmen Tabije, and Prjsc冊a Legaspi - Minas, Dance Education in the
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Aquino, Francjsca Reyes Ph岬Pine Folk Dances" Vo!ume 2 Mani!a, Ph=ippines


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