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Postgraduate Assembly Minutes

Secretary: Elizaveta Strygina


Third Meeting
Monday 17 January 2011, 14:00
OLD 3.28

1. Welcome: Daniel Kroop, Postgraduate Sabb and Assembly Chair

• The plan for this term: Creating structure of students taking initiative in
events they are interested in.
• Cooperation between Dan and Team leaders
• Claire and Dan met last Friday to discuss social events rota.

2. Officer Updates and Proposal discussion (10 mins each a. – d.)

a. Social Events Team: Claire, Eva, Katya

i. The Graduate 3.0: Sensation White Party
b. Next Friday Party, pre-sale starts Tuesday, social fund- revenue from
ticket sales. Non-alcoholic during the day event, Big night of Campus.
c. Charlie- you might want to check with the societies, looking for new
venues for this year, maybe you would want to make separate for
postgrads- but adjust to the timetable- meeting with AU- Friday
d. Claire- who to discuss with?
e. Charlie- e-mail more information, Summer Ball, AU Ball- discounts
doing multiple events in one venue. (will exchange e-mails)
f. Dan- Martin talked about the Debut- big venue, good idea
g. Gitte- where the ticket sales are? –Claire- Garrick.
h. Dan- to point towards the event rota, discussion- create rota events that
everyone is aware of, where get tickets etc
i. Friday 21 January Graduate 3.0.
ii. Salsa class: not alcohol based
iii. Gitte- scavenger Hunt- pictures with animals, run around, find
meeting point, Dan- use some of treasury to add a prize
iv. Gitte- silly tasks
v. Dan- when?
vi. Gitte- sometime soon?
vii. Hero- make a collage of all the pictures, you can see what
everyone is doing?
viii. Charlie- challenges are a really good one- training, tale pictures
of random stuff,
ix. Hero- different points for different tasks
x. Gitte- do it in March-April
xi. Charlie- adjust to deadlines and
xii. Gitte- it might be department specific
xiii. Dan- a Bar event? Ticket events online? Establish the capacity-
Quiz or Karaoke- off campus fun event, end of the year ball,
Picnic at the end of their- with families- wives, husbands, open
to the large variety of events
xiv. Gitte- do it Saturday? Like the idea. You could target student
parents and link with the nursery etc Charlie- nursery day out?
xv. Day out with other people?
xvi. Hero- contact the nursery.

i. Head of Academic Initiatives: Gitte- 8-9 people submitted interest

j. Dan- innovative cross-year intermingling, want this to be used in MT
so important to make it happen now as a pilot
k. Gitte- third years are applying for masters etc, run a pilot, turn in report
and implementation report- institutional pick up, nice for keep caring
this forwards, Base- 10-20 students, Target –total 40- to 80 students,
Jar is helping out, Rugina from SU ARTS helping with matching
undergards and postgrads, will be out in the street all next and this
week, after an event with beers and pizza, and (people ask Gitte what
l. Dan – anyone wants to sign up? Let’s all sign up., come see us on Houghton Street
i. TIPS: update, getting involved, feedback on moving forward
ii. Dan: create a rota to sign up for standing on the Houghton
iii. Gitte- help out, create hype
iv. Dan- pretty Logo, Lisa send out the rota
v. Gitte- any questions concerns?
vi. Charlie- are you putting it up in the newsletter?
vii. Dan I will put it in the newsletter, people can get forms and
submit over the weekend, all the info where people are- on the
e-mail which al postgrads get today (Danny Bartlett)
m. Chair and SU Immigration Officer: Dan and Michael Lok
3. Griffin –the Campaign- not much to update, before last term, met the
immigration reforms and consultation, seeking students feedback, dramatic ,
trying to figure out the strategy, who we are targeting to oppose on this
reforms ( majority of lse are intl)
a. Post-Study Work Route (Tier 1) – before easy to stay and work-
incentive for people to apply, government is scraping it and abusing
the programme to stay in the country- government meet the campaign
promises- through student to reduc migration
b. Dan- other propositions- working during the term- restricted
c. Gitte- only from the campus provider
d. Griffin- or not working at consultancy or any other work experiences
e. Dan- disincentive for people to come and brain drain for the UK (80%
postgrads not UK) problematic, dependence- potentially not able to
bring dependants- very tough not to ask to bring family for a year.
Ashok do you have any ideas?
f. Ashok- defending global education, Charlotte talking to Goldmiths
sabb, calling to other sabbs around London, very broad and organizing
mechanism- local target and then inform people. Tomorrow busy with
demo Wednesday, purpose to kick start broader campaign- no
campaign at the moment. NUS- not focusing enough.
g. Charlie- contact other societies- national to connect with other unies
international societies.
h. Hero- final- school is on board and in line with students about this
campaign. Howard Davies is on board,
i. Dan- joint letter from school to Guardian, publicity campaign- “I am
international” stall to take pictures and a line about photo wall- to raise
awareness of people. Howard meeting- make Paul Kelly and
academics will be willing to help as much as they could. Main
question- how to develop awareness on campus and the campaign
going, how? Needs to be broad
j. Griffin- curious about what strategy is? We have power and help on
our side, companies- with global offices, companies let help to work
around it- there is room to work. We are fighting against the perception
of the immigrants and what they do and how they contribute to the
community- what is immigration- the faces? LSE student will not help
only- we need to affect the decision makers int his issue.
4. Dan- if internationals knew, they would be more willing to get involved. Put
in email to PGTs.
5. Charlie- campaign and awareness and what we are lobbying-, pacific measure
6. Hero- > strategy will come out of the meeting tomorrow, people coming out<
be able to see what others do? London- wide day of student forum- discussion,
not able to have any strategies right now.
7. Dan- Agreed. The purpose is to assemble a coalition of people, international
students who are on board. Let’s get a sense of the dates in the government?
Keep moving with the Government’s game.
8. Ashok- tomorrow, people said that ACS National, International based student
organizations, we will get a big turnout but not end-all.
9. Griffin- the consultation- the document open and loud that from student
letters- responses to the government- spam- extra step.
10. Hero –SU putting a response to the Gvt, more technical lobbying side and
covered all that from Advice Centre.
11. Dan- tomorrow- 17.30 in the underground tomorrow.
Dan- any other discussions, suggestions:

a. Head of Social Initiatives: Eugene

i. “Your Master’s Degree: What’s It Worth?” A proposed speaker
forum, open discussion, and peer networking event

Considered having a debate series on Israeli and Palestinian issues, but have decided
to focus on specifically Postgrad issues. Graduation soon- how to get a job, is this
even worth it? Supplement available careers resources. An event to get alumni and
people from the outside to discuss and share experiences. Raise awareness- how to
sell yourself with masters, what to do? And networking with ppl in the industry.
Sometime in late February. Any progress careers? Dan- not yet I do no want to do
anything careers are doing and before classes are over?
Charlie what is th epurpose?
Eugene- explain how it helped or dodnt help them?
gitte- gret ideas- any more events that are not business lead? Not finacne accounting?
Many study areas to do? Th spin?
Eugene- everyoen is stressing out and its PA job to keep the motivation
Dan- dots colours with interests at alumni event to come u and dicuss?
Eugene- ho we do? Where? Who we invite? Panel discussion? Netwroking event
Gitte- mix of two
Eugene- everything but banking
Gitte – yes, haha anthropology
Dan- maybe one
Charlie- society groups similar to alumni- media group, people who worked and came
back to study. Media department- worth saking- what was the value of doing the
Eugene- international wanting to stay and etc,
Gitte- smart to have an element of that? Not exclusively- not forcing something do
not need to
Dan- big room, Senior room, discussion, q&a and some wine, have an instigator fpr
discussions, to shake it up.
Charlie- you mgiht link it up with TIPS- what advantages-networking and worth
doing the msters
Eugene- what happens afterwards? Database of jobs or CV ,
Charlie- link with careers, I think they do these events but do not target them properly
adn they might help to package it well
Dan- Work with careers and have shared experiences, they have those but not enough.
Any reservations about this?
Pearl- good to link with undergrdas- whether do it or not?
Charlie – target people and flash out ideas and take it to craeers what they alreadt
Dan- was it useful- different reas and invite 5 major divisions( Media finance ir
environment? NGOS)
Gitte- dk who to talk to but European Institute- a lecture series with people in think
tanks (jenny robottom) –tell how they connected to those people
Eugene- older people?
Gitte- not quite young 30's

Other Discussion:

Eugene- immigration- Letter is a good idead and LSE is unique not representative of
the country- we have a unique lobby, Howard Davies, WE ARE small part of
immigarton population- or self-irghteous or it could be young ambitious people who
want to stay and work, Guardian- good idea
Gitte- clearly there is a lot rectionary against- low-skilled but restrciting the high-
skilled, the types of groups that staff the positions british do not fill. Pusihing high-
skilled not elitist
Seba- Like the idea of letter and have companies and firms sign it and administration
sign it- education company and student.
Charlie- ask Howard what to put into them?
Gitte- european intsitue is international
Charlie- shameless plug- Give it a go!
Gitte- Cant go oxford etc
Pearl-eugene- discusioon of opportunities
Charlie- a pilot and new, comment feedback- get involved, spread the word.
Meeting adjourned.

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