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The Denver Express & Inflationary Effects Kevin J.

An Aces & Eights unofficial accessory Sep. 25, 2009
Denver Express Stage Line
Passenger Stage Schedule South Bound

Leg Arrive Depart Distance Time

Denver ------- Mon 7:00 a.m. 25 miles 3:00

Sedalia Mon 10:00 a.m. Mon 10:30 a.m. 33 miles 4:00
Monument Mon 2:30 p.m. Mon 3:00 p.m. 21 miles 2:30
Colorado Springs Mon 5:30 p.m. Tue 6:30 a.m. 45 miles 5:20
Pueblo Tue 11:50 a.m. Tue 12:20 p.m. 49 miles 6:40
Walsenburg Tue 7:00 p.m. Wed 6:00 a.m. 47 miles 9:30
Fort Garland Wed 3:30 p.m. Wed 4:00 p.m. 26 miles 3:30
Alamosa Wed 7:30 p.m. Thu 6:00 a.m. 47 miles 6:20
South Fork Thu 12:20 p.m. Thu 12:50 p.m. 42 miles 8:30
La Esperanza Thu 9:20 p.m. Fri 6:00 a.m. 59 miles 9:20
Muskeegee Fri 3:20 p.m. Fri 3:50 p.m. 36 miles 4:20
Lazarus Fri 8:10 p.m. -------- -------- ----

Passenger Stage Schedule North Bound

Leg Arrive Depart Distance Time

Lazarus ------- Wed 6:00 a.m. 36 miles 4:20

Muskeegee Wed 10:20 a.m. Wed 10:50 a.m. 59 miles 9:20
La Esperanza Wed 8:10 p.m. Thu 6:00 a.m. 42 miles 8:30
South Fork Thu 2:30 p.m. Thu 3:00 p.m. 47 miles 6:20
Alamosa Thu 9:20 p.m. Fri 6:00 a.m. 26 miles 3:30
Fort Garland Fri 9:30 a.m. Fri 10:00 a.m. 47 miles 9:30
Walsenburg Fri 7:30 p.m. Sat 6:30 a.m. 49 miles 6:40
Pueblo Sat 1:10 p.m. Sat 1:40 p.m. 45 miles 5:20
Colorado Springs Sat 7:00 p.m. Sun 7:00 a.m. 21 miles 2:30
Monument Sun 9:30 a.m. Sun 10:00 a.m. 33 miles 4:00
Sedalia Sun 2:00 p.m. Sun 2:30 p.m. 25 miles 3:00
Denver Sun 5:30 p.m. -------- -------- ----

The Denver Express Stage Line also has a daily route that runs the 106 mile
Denver to Cheyenne route, where the railroad arrived last year. Construction
is ongoing on the Denver-Cheyenne railroad spur route.

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The Denver Express & Inflationary Effects Kevin J. Iness
An Aces & Eights unofficial accessory Sep. 25, 2009
Freight rates to the Cauldron are based on the Cheyenne to South Fork
distance of 399 miles. Distances from Cauldron towns to South Fork (and
Cheyenne) are as follows:

City South Fork Cheyenne

Batesburg 182 miles 581 miles

Black Horse 161 miles 560 miles
Cortez 147 miles 546 miles
La Esperanza 42 miles 441 miles
Lazarus 129 miles 528 miles
Muskeegee 102 miles 501 miles
Pritchett’s Rock 101 miles 500 miles
Rancho Bucareli 143 miles 542 miles
Roca De Galleon 168 miles 567 miles
Silver Town 149 miles 548 miles
South Fork -------- 399 miles
Trinity 76 miles 475 miles

Customers can see the benefits of the Cheyenne railhead in the comparison
to our Texican competition. Pritchett’s Rock is 494 miles from the
(developing) Sweetwater railhead, which is 141 miles from the New Echota
railhead. The unfavorable distance to the competition’s railhead is noted at
the far right.

City Distance to (and longer than the Denver Express by):

Pritchett’s Rock Sweetwater New Echota

Batesburg 200 mi. 694 mi. (+113 mi.) 835 mi. (+254 mi.)
Black Horse 139 mi. 633 mi. (+73 mi.) 774 mi. (+214 mi.)
Cortez 165 mi. 659 mi. (+113 mi.) 800 mi. (+254 mi.)
La Esperanza 60 mi. 554 mi. (+113 mi.) 695 mi. (+254 mi.)
Lazarus 117 mi. 611 mi. (+83 mi.) 752 mi. (+224 mi.)
Muskeegee 120 mi. 614 mi. (+113 mi.) 755 mi. (+254 mi.)
Pritchett’s Rock ------ 494 mi. (-6 mi.) 635 mi. (+135 mi.)
Rancho Bucareli 121 mi. 615 mi. (+73 mi.) 756 mi. (+214 mi.)
Roca De Galleon 146 mi. 640 mi. (+73 mi.) 781 mi. (+214 mi.)
Silver Town 167 mi. 661 mi. (+113 mi.) 802 mi. (+254 mi.)
South Fork 101 mi. 595 mi. (+196 mi.) 736 mi. (+337 mi.)
Trinity 25 mi. 519 mi. (+44 mi.) 660 mi. (+185 mi.)

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The Denver Express & Inflationary Effects Kevin J. Iness
An Aces & Eights unofficial accessory Sep. 25, 2009
Railhead Distance Inflationary Effect:

Per section 5.5, Goods & Services, the standard inflationary effect (I. E.) is
+10% percent of the list price for every 25 miles from the train stop or
railhead (New Echota: K&C 5002, p. 235, Cattle Drive Map; Sweetwater: KODT
#130, p. 36; Cheyenne: this article)

Railhead to: Sweetwater New Echota Cheyenne

Miles I. E. Miles I. E. Miles I. E.
Amarillo 117 +40% 258 +100%
Vega 153 +60% 294 +110%
San Jon 207 +80% 348 +130%
Tucumcari 231 +90% 372 +140%
Tremintina 291 +110% 432 +170%
San Miguel 337 +130% 478 +190%
Santa Fe 402 +160% 543 +210%
Espanola 428 +170% 569 +220%
Pritchett’s Rock 494 +190% 635 +250% 500 +200%
Trinity 519 +200% 660 +260% 475 +190%

Railhead to:
Denver 106 +40%
Sedalia 131 +50%
Monument 164 +60%
Colorado Springs 185 +70%
Pueblo 230 +90%
Walsenburg 279 +110%
Fort Garland 326 +130%
Alamosa 352 +140%

Trinity to: Mi.

La Esperanza 35 554 +220% 695 +270% 441 +170%
Lazarus 92 611 +240% 752 +300% 528 +210%
Rancho Bucareli 96 615 +240% 756 +300% 542 +210%
South Fork 76 595 +230% 736 +290% 399 +150%

La Esperanza to:
Lazarus 87 --- ---- --- ----- --- -----
Muskeegee 60 614 +240% 755 +300% 501 +200%
South Fork 42 --- ---- --- ----- --- -----

Lazarus to:
Rancho Bucareli 14 --- ---- --- ----- --- -----
Muskeegee 36 --- ---- --- ----- --- -----

Rancho Bucareli to:

Black Horse 18 633 +250% 774 +300% 560 +220%

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The Denver Express & Inflationary Effects Kevin J. Iness
An Aces & Eights unofficial accessory Sep. 25, 2009
Roca De Galleon 25 640 +250% 781 +310% 567 +220%

Muskeegee to:
Cortez 45 659 +260% 800 +320% 546 +210%
Silver Town 47 661 +260% 802 +320% 548 +210%

Cortez to:
Batesburg 35 694 +270% 835 +330% 581 +230%
Roca De Galleon 42 --- ----- --- -----

South Fork to Denver Route:

Some of the towns that the route passes through, as well as their
approximate populations in 1868 are as follows:

City/Town Pop.

Del Norte: 544

Fort Garland: 136
Walsenburg: 58
Pueblo: 647
Colorado Springs: 1,439
Monument: 97
Sedalia: 146
Littleton: 146
Lincoln Park: 175
Denver: 4,757

Competition - Pritchett’s Rock to Amarillo Route:

Pritchett’s Rock: 533
Santa Fe: 4,739
San Miguel: 2,240

Note: Tierra Amarilla estimate used for Aces & Eights town of
Pritchett’s Rock. The Las Vegas estimate was used for San Miguel.

Population Notes: Estimates were derived from populations listed in the book
“Population History of Western U.S. Cities and Towns, 1850-1990” by Riley
Moffat as well as U.S. Federal Census records for 1860 and 1870.

Towns and Town names: Alamosa was founded in 1878 with the advent of the
railroad in the area. With the additional activity in the Cauldron in the
Aces & Eights setting, the founding was advanced by 10-12 years for purposes
of the Denver Express Stage Line. Town names used for the Aces & Eights
setting were used if known; otherwise the actual names were used.

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