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Cource constructor- Sanjida Maisha

Abdur Rahman Siam-


Job seeking..................................................................................................................................................1
Various types of job seeking methods.........................................................................................................1
Literature review.........................................................................................................................................1
1. Traditional method..............................................................................................................................1
Local Paper Advertisements................................................................................................................2
Local Employment Office Postings.......................................................................................................2
Temp Agencies....................................................................................................................................2
Internal Hiring......................................................................................................................................2
2. Modern method..................................................................................................................................2
Go Digital.............................................................................................................................................3
Develop Online Presence.....................................................................................................................3
Get Social.............................................................................................................................................3
Be Online.............................................................................................................................................3
Network More.....................................................................................................................................3
Social platforms used to find jobs in Canada...........................................................................................4
Discussion and analysis................................................................................................................................4
Advantages of traditional job seeking method........................................................................................4
Dis-advantages of traditional job seeking method..................................................................................5
Advantages of digital job seeking............................................................................................................5
Disadvantages of digital job seeking........................................................................................................6
Skills for digital employability..................................................................................................................7
Discuss possible limitations to obtain these skills....................................................................................7
Ways to overcome these skills.................................................................................................................8
Reference list...............................................................................................................................................8
Bibliography list.........................................................................................................................................11
Job seeking
Quest for new employment practices happen across different settings, including assorted
populaces of occupation searchers scanning for business openings. Specifically, people may
look for their first occupations following a time of training, may look for reemployment
following employment misfortune, or may scan for new chances while as of now utilized.
Research in every one of these settings has advanced to some degree independently, yet there
is an incentive to applying the thoughts and discoveries from one pursuit setting to other hunt
settings. (Manroop and Richardson, 2015)

Various types of job seeking methods

With regards to work looking for there are a few types of occupation looking for which comes in
two unique manners a) Traditional strategy and b) The cutting edge technique. Extra time there
have commonly been two distinct sorts of enlistment strategies that are utilized by HR directors
over the United States. One is the conventional enlistment technique, while the other is the
cutting edge enrollment strategy. One may contend which techniques for enlistment are the
best, yet additional time both have their encouraging points in helping associations enlist the
most ideal applicants. (Joyce, 2020)

Literature review
1. Traditional method
Local Paper Advertisements
The most ideal approach to get the message out about new openings is through nearby paper
promotions. One can contend this is the least complex type of enlistment but then the best
technique for all also. (Green, et,al, 2011)

Local Employment Office Postings

Numerous associations have utilized enlistment strategies that depends on postings at
neighborhood joblessness workplaces, where there will undoubtedly be individuals searching
for a vocation and you are probably going to discover various types and sorts of
representatives. (Green, et,al, 2011)

Temp Agencies
One of the most utilized enlistment strategies is through transitory business offices that can
waitlist potential contender for your organization and discover you encountered experts in your
field without any problem. (Guner, 2010)

Internal Hiring
Another method for enrollment which has been very fruitful throughout the years has been the
inner recruiting program, through which the organization frequently advances workers who are
as of now part of the association into the situations for which they are employing. This is
probably the most secure strategy for enrollment, since you thoroughly understand the
representative and the degree of work you are getting from them.. (Guner, 2010)
2. Modern method

Go Digital
Resumes, introductory letters, and employment forms are on the whole on the web. You have
to have advanced duplicates of your archives, accreditations, and other significant data. It's
exceptionally uncommon that you'll go after any position with a printed copy. Everything is sent
carefully. (Ahmed, Tahir and Warsi, 2015)

Develop Online Presence

An online nearness is a tremendous preferred position for each activity searcher. Spotters and
recruiting supervisors will Google you. They need to find out however much about you as could
be expected. Make a blog or a site that features your resume, achievements, portfolio, or
thoughts. Guarantee that you have an expert and individual brand that is anything but difficult
to track down. (Ahmed, Tahir and Warsi, 2015)

Get Social
Web based life is a stunning method to find out about brands, interface with organizations, and
associate with different experts. Be dynamic on different social channels, including LinkedIn.
Online life is an extraordinary spot to find out about an organization's way of life, employment
opportunities, and brand. (Guner, 2010)

Be Online
A cell phone is work searcher's closest companion. It gives steady access to the Internet. With
the intensity of the Internet you can scan for occupations, look into organizations, answer to
messages, connect with experts, and consistently be responsive. Without this pursuit of
employment apparatus, you'll be path behind the opposition. (Guner, 2010)
Network More
While innovation has changed the manner in which the world works, it's as yet compulsory to
get out and log some acknowledgment. Become more acquainted with individuals.
Manufacture your expert system since who you know is regularly how you land the best
occupations. (Blog, 2016)

Social platforms used to find jobs in Canada

As indicated by national enlistment organization Hays Canada, half of bosses need enrollment
techniques and occupations are regularly showcased to an inappropriate crowd. The report
shows that businesses despite everything will in general kindness conventional online
employment sheets, post-optional vocation destinations and customary online promotions,
however nowadays applicants incline toward internet based life.

job hunt in canada

Twitter 5%
Facebook Facebook
36% Linked in
Google+ Google+
18% Twitter

Linked in

About 100 percent of Canadian experts and gifted people are on in any event one online life
40% of Canadians utilize web based life to scan for employments, as per information from
Randstad Canada, an enrollment and HR firm. Of those, 60% use Facebook, 51% use LinkedIn,
30% use Google+, 20% use Twitter, and 8% use Instagram. (Randstad, 2020)
Discussion and analysis
Advantages of traditional job seeking method
1. Serves as a depiction of duties that is settled upon between the business and
candidate. (Wisner, Gillard, Kelman, December 13, 2011)
2. Serves as a benchmark for pay organizing over the business. (Wisner, Gillard,
Kelman, December 13, 2011)
3. Sets up a desire for results dependent on the settled upon range of abilities of
the candidate. (Wisner, Gillard, Kelman, December 13, 2011)
4. Serves as a hierarchical and group improvement apparatus for the employing
director. (Wisner, Gillard, Kelman, December 13, 2011)

Dis-advantages of traditional job seeking method

1. Highlighting a specific number of long periods of experience required limits the
potential pool of up-and-comers. It disposes of the individuals who can possibly
move far inside the association, who have light understanding, and vocation
changers. (Hu, 2016)
2. Many visual cues recorded on a set of working responsibilities as a rule can't be
evaluated as a presentation objective or a proportion of achievement. (Hu, 2016)
3. If the set of working responsibilities isn't composed by both HR and the recruiting
chief, it's a useless archive that will hurt the two gatherings over the long haul.
With basically HR composing it, key parts of the position will be forgotten about
— and with simply the recruiting administrator composing it, it will be ambiguous
to the peruser and hugely long on the grounds that employing supervisors aren't
prepared to compose sets of responsibilities. (Carre, et,al, 2003)
4. It doesn't depict the drawn out objectives and goals of the position. (Carre, et,al,
Advantages of digital job seeking
1. Wide Audience Reach: Companies would have the option to target more individuals with
negligible exertion. Employment opportunities can be made open through various online
life stages, which widens an organization's compass. (Manroop and Richardson, 2015)
2. Cost-Effective: An online enlistment device would be an extraordinary long haul venture
for any organization. This could be increasingly effective when joined with a customary
enlistment process. (Manroop and Richardson, 2015)
3. Time-Saving: Indeed, time is cash. Online enrollment furnishes scouts with a quicker
recruiting process, empowering them to meeting and waitlist more candidates every day.
This likewise permits them to deal with a few employment opportunities simultaneously.
(Jain, Thomas, Dubey, 2020)
4. Application Process Automation: Since time is of most extreme significance, the
moderate turnaround time of conventional enrollment is the thing that organizations are
attempting to stay away from. On account of online enlistment devices, application
process robotization requires less time for coordinating up-and-comer profiles to
employment opportunities. This likewise permits scouts to concentrate on sourcing more
up-and-comers by focusing on the correct market per work post. (Jain, Thomas, Dubey,

Disadvantages of digital job seeking

1. Extremely Diverse Audience: Since online enrollment produces countless candidates
every day, organizations should be increasingly cautious when utilizing this. Selection
representatives must guarantee productivity consistently and abstain from tapping unfit
competitors, just as applicants who live excessively far from the workplace. (Sohankar and
Davidson, 2017)

2. System Issues: In the advanced age, online access requires a steady web association.
Framework issues, for example, poor web association will thwart you from getting to
your documents on the web. It is ideal to have a back up of your online documents saved
money on your organization's server to guarantee that you would in any case have the
option to keep working until your association balances out. (Sohankar and Davidson, 2017)
3. Less Behavioral Assessment: For organizations that don't require assessments, the
majority of the enrollment procedure is done on the web. Telephone and Skype
interviews are regularly rehearsed, particularly for seaward organizations. For this
situation, employing administrators and selection representatives won't have the option
to guarantee the expert morals of an individual, particularly for explicit circumstances
and conditions. (De Leon, 2020)

Skills for digital employability
A sense of competence and mastery: obtained by being allowed to perform over the desire for
our job, and to develop through learning openings that improve us.
A sense of community or affiliation: the result of reasonable and deferential associations with
partners, and the feeling that one is refreshing grinding away. This is the reason organization
culture is such a vital factor in driving fulfillment or disappointment among workers. (Chamorro,
A sense of meaning and purpose: an inclination that we are committed to something that issues,
and that lines up with our basic beliefs and drivers. (Dondon, 2009)

Negotiation, persuasion and influencing skills: these abilities all identify with finding commonly
pleasing answers for issues or circumstances, regardless of whether by convincing others that
your answer is ideal, or finding a superior option by sharing thoughts. (Gibb, 2004)
Conflict resolution and mediation: or the aptitudes required to determine contradictions in a
constructive manner, regardless of whether your own differences or those including others.
These abilities are regularly underestimated until there is an issue. (Supplements, ALONG and
Andaleeb, 2020)

Problem-solving and decision-making: or the aptitudes expected to work viably with others to
distinguish, characterize and take care of issues, including settling on choices about the best
strategy. Obviously, it is likewise conceivable to settle on choices and take care of issues all
alone, however being required to do as such with others adds an additional measurement to
the circumstance. (Bates, 2020)
Discuss possible limitations to obtain these skills
Presentation problem: The introduction issue is perhaps the greatest obstruction to learning. Now and
then individuals can't comprehend the importance of a subject on the off chance that it is introduced
orally without utilizing any sort of visual techniques for introduction. (Andrews and Higson, 2008)

learning is changing the expectation of new culture: Another hindrance to learning is changing the
desire for another culture. On the off chance that individuals go to another culture, in some cases they
don't get the normal condition and it hampers the learning procedure. (Saterfiel and Mclarty, 1995)

Sometimes employees cannot concentrate properly: Sometimes representatives can't focus

appropriately on the learning procedure as a result of their family, individual or authoritative issues.
There are a portion of the adapting course which requires a measure of cash. (Bridgstock, 2009)

Ways to overcome these skills

Routine: This is indispensable to lighten disarray and give individuals a feeling that all is well with the
world. At the point when schedules must be broken, guarantee that individuals are readied at whatever
point conceivable and that somebody talks them through what will occur. (Suleman, 2016)

Verbal Instructions: Verbal directions ought to be short and exact. The mentor ought to guarantee that
students know he/she is tending to them, not another person. The coach ought to guarantee that
students know he/she is tending to them, not another person. (Suleman, 2016)

Giving ICT and Presentation Facilities: For effectively directing the learning meeting, the coach or the
association should utilize the ICT and visual introduction offices. (Suleman, 2016)

Plainly a scope of logical elements encroach on quest for new employment and pursuit of employment
strategies. These incorporate factors, for example, area – with the writing proposing that conventional
quest for new employment strategies assume a more conspicuous job in urban than in rustic zones –
people'/family units' entrance to the Internet, social issues, work searchers' understanding of quest for
new employment, and their aptitudes and more extensive employability characteristics, and so forth.
The condition of the large scale economy is likewise a significant relevant factor.
Reference list
1. Manroop, L. and Richardson, J. (2015) "Job Search: A Multidisciplinary Review and Research
Agenda", International Journal of Management Reviews, 18(2), pp. 206-227. doi: 10.1111/ijmr.12066.

2. (Blog, 2016)

3. Randstad, T. (2020) How Canadians Use Social Media To Find Employment | Randstad
Canada, Available at:
releases/how-canadians-use-social-media-to-find-employment/ (Accessed: 7 May 2020).

4. De Leon, M. (2020) Pros and Cons of Online Recruitment in the Digital Age, Medium. Available at:
4a899b0e3299 (Accessed: 7 May 2020).

5. (Premuzic, August 20, 2019) Chamorro, T. (2020) Why Are We So Bad at Choosing the Right
Job?, Harvard Business Review. Available at:
the-right-job (Accessed: 7 May 2020).

6. Bates, A. (2020) 1.2 The skills needed in a digital age, Available at:
digital-age/ (Accessed: 7 May 2020).

7. (Supplements, ALONG and Andaleeb, 2020)


8. (Joyce, 2020)

9. (Gelberg, 2020)
10. (Ahmed, Tahir and Warsi, 2015)

11. (Guner, 2010)


12. (Wisner, Gillard, Kelman, December 13, 2011)

13. (Hu, 2016)


14. (Jain, Thomas, Dubey, 2020)
15. (Carre, et,al, 2003)

16. (Sohankar and Davidson, 2017)

17. (Dondon, 2009)

18. Bridgstock, R., 2009. The graduate attributes we’ve overlooked: enhancing graduate
employability through career management skills. Higher Education Research & Development,
28(1), pp.31-44.
19. Andrews, J. and Higson, H., 2008. Graduate Employability, ‘Soft Skills’ Versus ‘Hard’ Business
Knowledge: A European Study. Higher Education in Europe, 33(4), pp.411-422.

20. (Suleman, 2016)

21. (Saterfiel and Mclarty, 1995)

22. (Gibb, 2004)

23. (Green, et,al, 2011)



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