Governing Document 2020

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Name of Organisation: ​The Goodes Education Trust for Boys

Purpose of Organisation: ​This organisation is set up to offer free tutoring

sessions for students from low-income backgrounds. The first priority for
tutoring sessions will be given to male students currently attending
non-selective state schools due to research findings this the demographic
most likely to underachieve. More information on this to follow in a separate
document. The organisation will also offer support with essay writing and
university applications. Donations are not expected or encouraged by the
Trust but should they be received they will be put towards providing
resources such as books, textbooks and stationery for students unable to
purchase their own and contributing books to local school libraries. Should
enough be collected, we would also like to look at supporting families by
providing computer/ internet access.

Services Offered:
On the date of latest publication (09/08/2020), The Goodes Education
Trust was able to support with:

A Level Tutoring in: 
Maths, English Literature, English Language, Politics, Art, Biology, Economics, Business, 
Finance, Geography, History, Music, German, French and PE 
GCSE Tutoring in: 
The majority of other subjects (please state what you require on the form!) 
KS3 Tutoring (Students in Y7-Y9 or preparing to sit the 11+ exams) 
- Essay feedback emailed  
- Support with university applications or personal statements 
- SEN support for primary students 
- Help and support for students with English as a second language. 
- Sign Language lessons available for hearing impaired students!   


Thank you for your interest in supporting the Goodes Education Trust with our
work towards diminishing the wealth gap in the education system! The
organisation would not be able to provide any services without the wonderful
volunteers from the teaching community and beyond. We look forward to making
a difference with you!

- Safeguarding
All volunteers will be required to present a current DBS check prior to
beginning their work with the Trust to ensure adherence to our
safeguarding policies. Lessons will take place online or with the
parent/carer of students present to ensure the safety and wellbeing of both
parties. Online lessons will have the option of a third party present should

volunteers/student families request it. Email correspondence may also be

shared with a third party should you wish to safeguard yourself in this
manner. Any worries or concerns should be reported to the designated
safeguarding lead for the trust (Megan Goodes) via
-Working Hours
The aim of the organisation is to have an appropriate number of volunteers
to ensure no one has to take on more than one hour of lessons per week
(unless you wish to do more). When it comes to email correspondence with
your students beyond the lesson time this is left entirely to your discretion
and there are no expectations for you to provide this (unless you are solely
assigned essay feedback as your volunteering time).

-Further Involvement
If you wish to become further involved with the organisation please get in
touch (​​). We are always looking for
assistance with administrative work/ social media promotion/ flyering and
promoting our services in the community!

The Trust will have a Treasury Bank Account with Santander and details for
this will be available on the ‘Donate’ page of the website. This will be an
account used for any donations the trust may receive (although this is not
the organisation’s aim). A financial statement will be published on the
website anytime the organisation uses donation money for any purpose.
There are also a series of ideas for how potential funding could be spent on
the ‘Donate’ page but we are open to suggestions from volunteers too!
Please get in touch with ideas or places we can help to support.

Annual Meetings:
Meetings for an organisation’s board should be held annually at a
minimum. As the Trust is just beginning there will be no physical meetings
and instead any key information will be communicated by a virtual

newsletter to volunteers with the trust and the families we support. There
will also be an open invitation to all involved with the Trust to email any
ideas/ suggestions/ thoughts etc at any time to help with the development
of the organisation (​​).

Structure of the Organisation:

​The Goodes Education Trust was founded and, as of latest publication
date (09/08/2020), is led by Megan Goodes. Currently there are no trustees
for the organisation but if you wish to become involved in this role please
email. All other volunteers for the organisation will be featured on the ‘Meet
The Team’ page of the website (with permission from individual

Contact Details:
We are currently based in Maidstone, Kent and available via

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