Infosys Ingenious 2020 Case Study Solution: College Name

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College Name:

Development Institute-
Murshidabad (MDI-M)
Team Members Name:
1) Abhishek Satpathy

2) Shivaansh Tiwari

3) Astha Agrawal
Name of The Course:
Post Graduate Program
in Management (PGPM)
in Marketing &
Duration of the Course:
18 months
Expected Month & Year
INFOSYS INGENIOUS 2020 of Passing: March’2021
Work Experience
Duration of each

CASE STUDY SOLUTION Member (in months): 1)

Abhishek Satpathy - 0
2) Shivaansh
Tiwari – 0 months
3) Astha
Agrawal- 17 months
Structure the problem- To decide which market entry strategy is required for Boston Kars to
enter into the Indian market with selecting the right operational strategy for the company.
Organize data- Import duty for the CKD containing engine or gearbox or transmission
mechanism not in pre-assembled condition is 15 % , Mid size cars from 1200-1500 cc=
CGST+SGST= 18% . The difference from the previous tax regime was 21%. Boston model A
product- base prices= 36,000, range of distances=230, top speed=135.
Conduct analysis- As per the current scenario, the end consumers are gaining an advantage
because of the reduction of taxes which they were paying previously due to excise & VAT. So
now for this segment they have to pay around 18% not 39%. Then as per the import duty
policies, they have to import only the CKD containing the engine or gearbox and they can
manufacture and assemble the remaining parts in India to save the cost. As per the competitive
scenario, the price should not exceed at least 25 lakhs with proper features as per the Indian
Recommendations- The Boston model A is feasible as per the pricing but no rear wheel drive
because of many limitations & Indian audience prefer front wheel drive.
Stage 1 (2 months before the launch event) : Mention the launch of the event and the car
description in various magazines, news etc. Also pre-registrations of event on registration portal
(to gauge the footfall) 
 Stage 2 : Launch event (conducted in major metro cities) providing free of cost trail of the
vehicle to interested customers. Showcase of tech innovations installed in the model.
The launch event is broadcasted on tv channels, YT streaming etc. With the launch of mobile
app by partnering with any service provider. The mobile app should be an one stop solution for
the tech savvy customers. Apart from that they can also add a Virtual showroom experience in
their website or app through ‘Augmented reality’, where the customers can feel the ambience
of a futuristic showroom with the features of the car while sitting at their homes. Also they can
start the pre booking window for a period of 3 months, providing benefits of free extended 2
year warranty of the battery etc.
Stage 3 (1 month after launch event): By this time forecasting of demand could be made.
Domestic assembly of units and opening of exclusive stores in metropolitan cities.
Plans to install charging stations at various locations near targeted metropolitan cities and cities
having significant pre bookings.
 Stage 4:  Delivery of the vehicles  
So, initially we have to focus on ‘make to order’ then we can go for make to stock as per the
demand forecast. So we are taking a combination of both strategies.
To know which technological innovations are suitable for the customers, they can conduct brief
online surveys with the page visitors (email sign ups). Also they can conduct a consumer deep
dive process to know the ‘WHY’ aspect of the consumer. They can do it by creating ‘discussion
guides’ having various questions addressing their pain points then inculcating those findings to
create the ‘communication challenge’ as per the Indian scenario. They can also use the
‘Business Model Canvas’ to draw a clear picture of the business in a new market with the 9
building blocks like- Key partners, key activities, value propositions, customer relationship

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