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Short Academic Response #3: Creating a Pitch

Deadline: See syllabus

Assignment: Every product contains a pitch. Analyze the pitch of either a movie trailer, TV
show trailer/ commercial, Kickstarter campaign, or commercial for a product.

Answer each question with a one paragraph response:

1.) Summarize the main events that took place within the pitch. (Remember, no plagiarism)
2.) Did the pitch follow the guidelines discussed in class? If so, explain. If not, explain. If both,
explain. Give examples.
3.) Do you feel that the pitch was effective? Why or why not? Explain. Length: 300 to 500 words

Organization: When completed, this assignment will include three paragraphs. You may only
use first person in paragraph three; eliminate all use of second person in this response. The
paragraphs should NOT be numbered. Use topic sentences, supporting details, and transitions to
create well-organized paragraphs. Your analysis should be clear and free of grammatical errors.
Please use an MLA header, heading, Times New Roman, size 12 font. Responses lacking a
heading and header will be given an automatic 50. Your entire paper should be double-spaced.

Citations: Only in-text citations are required, if necessary.

*Late assignments will not be accepted.*

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