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Syska Pathlabs

Lab Ratelist

Name Fee
ABG 100
AEC 100
AFB 100
AFP 100
A/G Ratio 100
Anti-HAV 100
Anti-HBc 100
Anti-HBe 100
Anti-HBs 100
Anti TPO 100
APTT 100
Arthritis Profile 100
Ascitic Fluid Examination 100
ASO Titer 100
Beta hCG 100
Bilirubin Total, Direct and Indirect 100
Blood C/S 100
Blood Group & Rh. 100
Blood Sugar Fasting & PP 10
Blood Sugar PP 100
BT 100
BT & CT 100
BUN 100
BUN / Creatinine Ratio 100
CA 125 100
CA 15-3 100
CA 19-9 100
CA 242 100
CA 50 100
CA 72-4 100
Calcitonin 100
CBC (with absolute counts) 100
CBC with ESR 100
CCP 100

Name Fee
CMV IgG 100
CMV IgM 100
Coagulation Profile 100
Complete Blood Count (CBC) 100
CPK-MB 100
CRP (Qualitative) 100
CRP (Quantitative) 100
CSF Fluid Examination 100
CT 100
Culture and Sensitivity 100
D-Dimer 100
Dengue (Card Method) 100
Dengue NS1 Antigen 100
DHEA 100
Differential Leukocyte Count (Absolute count) 100
Direct Coomb's Test 100
DLC 100
Electrolytes Panel 100
ESR (Westergren) 100
ESR (Wintrobe) 100
Estradiol 100
Fasting Blood Sugar 100
Ferritin 100
Fluid C/S 100
Fluid Examination 100
FNAC (Fine Needle Aspiration) 100
Free PSA 100
Free Thyroid Function Test (FTFT) 100
FSH 100
FT3 100
FT4 100
Fungal scraping smear 100
G6PD 100
GGT 100
Globulin 100
Glucose 200
Gram's Stain 100
GTT 100
H-ALB 100
HAV IgM 100
Hb 100
Name Fee
HbA1c 100
HBeAg 100
HBsAg 100
HB, TLC, DLC 100
Hct 100
HCV 100
HDL Cholesterol 100
HIV (Card Test) 100
HSV-1/2 IgG 100
HSV-1/2 IgM 100
HSV-2 IgG 100
iCalcium 100
IgA (Urine) 100
Indirect Coomb's Test 100
Iron 100
Iron Studies 100
Kidney Function Test (KFT) 100
LDL Cholesterol 100
LDL / HDL 100
LH 100
Lipase 100
Lipid Profile 100
Liver Function Test (LFT) 100
Malaria Antigen 100
Mantoux test 100
MCH 100
MCHC 100
MCV 100
MF 100
Microalbumin Creatinine Ratio, Urine Random 100
MP (Card Test) 100
MP (Microscopic) 100
MPV 100
Occult Blood, Stool 100
PAP Smear 100
PBS / GBP 100
Platelet Count 100
Pleural Fluid Examination 100
Pregnancy Profile - 1 100
Pregnancy Profile - 2 100
Name Fee
Pregnancy Profile - 3 100
Preoperative 100
PRL 100
Protein Fraction 100
PT/INR 100
Random Blood Sugar 100
RA (Qualitative) 100
RA (Quantitative) 100
Reticulocyte Count 100
Rubella 100
Rubella IgG 100
Rubella IgM 100
Semen Examination 100
Serum Albumin 100
Serum Alkaline Phosphatase 100
Serum Amylase 100
Serum Bilirubin (Direct) 100
Serum Bilirubin (Indirect) 100
Serum Bilirubin (Total) 100
Serum Calcium 100
Serum Chloride 100
Serum Creatinine 100
Serum Electrolyte 100
Serum IgA 100
Serum IgE 100
Serum IgG 100
Serum IgM 100
Serum Phosphorus 100
Serum Potassium 100
Serum Protein 100
Serum Sodium 100
Serum Sodium & Potassium 100
Serum Urea 100
SGOT 100
SGPT 100
Skin smear for AFB 100
Skin test for Leprosy 100
Stool C/S 100
Stool reducing substances 100
Stool Routine Examination 100
Swab C/S 100
Name Fee
T3 100
T4 100
TG / HDL 100
Throat C/S 100
Thyroglobulin Antibody (TgAb) 100
Thyroglobulin (TG) 100
Thyroid Function Test (TFT) 100
TLC 100
Torch Profile 100
Total Calcium 100
Total Cholesterol 100
Total Iron Binding Capacity 100
Total Lipid 100
Total PSA 100
Total RBC Count 100
Toxo IgG 100
Toxo IgM 100
Transferrin Saturation 100
Triglycerides 100
Troponin I 100
TSH 100
Typhidot Antibodies 100
UCT 100
UPT 100
Urea / Creatinine Ratio 100
Uric Acid 100
Urine Cortisol 100
Urine C/S 100
Urine for AFB 24 hours 100
Urine for Chyle 100
Urine for creatinine 100
Urine for ELISA (Pregnancy) 100
Urine for Fungal 100
Urine for Ketone 100
Urine for Microalbumin 100
Urine for Protein 100
Urine Routine Examination 100
Urine Sugar Fasting 100
Urine Sugar PP 100
Urine Sugar Random 100
Name Fee
VDRL 100
Viral Marker 100
Vitamin B12 100
Vitamin D3 100
VLDL Cholesterol 100
WBC Count 100
Widal (Slide Method) 100
Widal Test (Slide Method) 100
Widal (Tube Method) 100

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