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ELED 302/317 Lesson Plan – Day of the Dead Reading and Papel Picado

Your Name: Lillian Blizzard

Grade Level: 2nd grade
Date: October 28, October 31, and November 1, 2019
Mentor Teacher Name: Heather Orr
Reading Genre: Non-fiction informational text
MDCCRSS and National RI.2.1 Ask and answer questions as who, what, where, when,
Arts Standards: why and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a
VA: Cr1.2.2a: Make art or design with various materials and
tools to explore personal interests, questions, and curiosity.
Objective: Students will be able to identify three key details from the
text, Day of the Dead, in a small group with at least 80%
correct on the key details graphic organizer.

Students will be able to identify three key details in the text

Day of the Dead. Students will be able to create papel picado.

Students will be able to describe why papel picado is

important to Day of the Dead.

Materials and Supplies:  Pencils

 Day of the Dead by Rachel Grack books
 Day of the Dead Vocabulary worksheet
 Day of the Dead vocabulary PowerPoint
 SMART Board
 Day of the Dead key details graphic organizer
 Day of the Dead sentence bank
 Key details rubric
 Main Idea and key details anchor chart
 Main idea and key details chart with sentence strips
 Tissue paper in bright colors
 Scissors
 String
 Glue
 Tape
 Sticky Notes
 Chart paper with key art question
 Day of the Dead vocabulary walkthrough
 Papel Picado PowerPoint
 Smartboard/projector
Before Reading: 5 minutes  Today, we are going to read a book. Before we do, we
need to go over how to behave and participate in the
1. We raise our hand when we have a question,
ELED 302/317 Lesson Plan – Day of the Dead Reading and Papel Picado

an answer to a question, an idea, and a

2. When I say, “if you can hear me touch your
…,” you stop what you are doing and listen.
3. When others are speaking, we listen to them.
4. When sharing, we face our partner and take
turns sharing ideas.
5. When working on your own, we choose a
work buddy to sit by, not a breakfast buddy.
6. Pencils are down when the teacher is talking.
 Students will turn and talk to the person sitting
next to them (partner) when the teacher says
 Monday: the vocabulary sentence worksheet
will be distributed in the beginning of class.
One student will pass out pencils.
 Wednesday: The sentence banks will be
distributed after I read the book (there is not
enough books for everyone). The key details
graphic organizer will be distributed after I
model how to find a key detail. Students will
grab their own pencils after the organizer has
been handed out.
 Introducing the text:
o Hold up the book. Ask the following questions
and statements:
 “What is the title?”
 “What do you notice about the cover?”
 “Is Day of the Dead a holiday?”
 “What do you think is celebrated on
this holiday? (based on answer to
question above)”
 Brainstorm what you think this book is
 Turn to your partner and share
what you think the book is
about (pair share).
 Call on a few students to share their
ideas on what they think the book is
o Purpose of Reading:
 Say, “We are working on identifying
key details today.”
 Say, “I am going to read this book,
Day of the Dead, to you.”
 While I am reading, think of the
ELED 302/317 Lesson Plan – Day of the Dead Reading and Papel Picado

most important thing you

During Reading: 1 hour 10  Teacher Modeling (I Do)
minutes Monday October 28th, 2010 (Tiger PAWS given throughout)
 Introduce vocabulary for Day of the Dead
o Say, “Meet me in the front of the classroom.”
o Pass out the vocabulary worksheet.
o Tell one student to pass out pencils to
o Pull up the vocabulary PowerPoint and
introduce vocabulary.
 See vocabulary walkthrough
o Tell students to put their vocabulary papers in
their drawers.
o Say, “We’re going to revisit this on Thursday.”
Thursday October 31st, 2019 (Tiger PAWS given throughout)
 Tell students to meet me in the front of the room on
the floor.
 Recap vocabulary
o For each word, ask if anyone can tell me what
it means.
o Confusion go over vocab words in sentences
 Read aloud the book Day of the Dead to the students.
o Show the pictures are around the room
 Group Discussion
o “What was your favorite thing from the
 Call on students to answer.
o “What was the most important think you
 Call on students to answer.
o “Do you have any questions?”
 Call on students and answer their
o “I asked you to think about the most important
thing you learned from the book Day of the
Dead.”— “Do you know what this called?”
 Turn to you partner and share what you
think this is called.
 Call on students to share their answers.
 “It is called the main idea.”
o “The main idea is the most important point an
author makes about a topic.”
o “There can be more than one main idea in a
ELED 302/317 Lesson Plan – Day of the Dead Reading and Papel Picado

text as long as there is information in the text

to support it.”
 “What are key details?”
o “Turn to your partner and tell each other what
key details are.”
o “Call on students to share their answer.”
o “Key details are the sentences that describe or
explain the main idea. Their job is to support
 Bring out the main idea and key details anchor chart.
o “What is the red circle on the pizza?”
 Call on a student.
o “What is the gray shape on the pizza?”
 Call on a student.
o “What is the green shape on the pizza?”
 Call on a student.
o The main idea is like the whole pizza. The
pizza cannot be the main idea without its
toppings. The toppings are the key details that
support the main idea.
 “Do you understand what the main idea and key
details are?” Show me with your thumbs. Thumbs up
is yes. Thumb in the middle is maybe. Thumb down is
o Go over it again if the students are not
comprehending what the main idea and key
details are.
 Guided Practice (We Do)
o Get out the main idea and key detail chart with
sentence strips.
o We are going to do this together.
o Go over the main idea of the story (given on
the sentence strip).
 Call on a student to read it.
o “If this is the main idea, the key details need to
support it.”
o Bring out the two detail sentence strips.
o “I have two details from the story here and we
have figure out which one is a key detail from
the text.”
o Call on two students to read the sentence
o Reread the first sentence strip.
 “All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day
also honor the dead.”
ELED 302/317 Lesson Plan – Day of the Dead Reading and Papel Picado

 “Does is support the main idea?”

Reread the main idea.
 Call on the student to answer.
 This detail does not support the main
idea. This is called a detail in the story
that is not important to the main idea.
o Reread the second strip.
 “People create altars to hold candles,
photos, and belongings of the dead.”
 “Does this support the main idea?”
Reread the main idea.
 Call on a student to answer.
 This does support the main idea. This
detail is called a key detail. This is an
important detail in the story.
o This is what you are going to do in a little bit.
o Meet me at the back table.
o Go over the graphic organizer worksheet.
 On this worksheet, you are going to
write three key details from the text in
the boxes to support the main idea.
 Read the main idea to the students.
 Show the students the sentence banks.
On the sentence bank, there are six
sentences. There are three sentences
that are key details. There are three
sentences that are not key details. You
need to decide which sentences are the
key details and write them in the blanks
on the graphic organizer.
After Reading: 35 minutes  Independent Practice (You Do)
o Call the students by name. Give the students
the worksheet and sentence bank. Tell the
students to get a pencil once they have their
papers. Once you have your pencil, work on
the worksheet at your desks on their own.
o Work one-on-one with one student to find the
key details in the text. The student struggles
with reading English but understands English
 Allow him to orally tell me the key
details he remembers or points to in the
book when we are rereading the text
o Work one-on-one with the student who
struggles with comprehension with the
ELED 302/317 Lesson Plan – Day of the Dead Reading and Papel Picado

sentence bank. Allow her to talk through the

o Provide feedback by giving out Tiger
P.A.W.S. and by explicitly stating how good
of a job they are doing on their work.
o Use the “if you hear me touch your …” to get
the students attention to stop working or to
clarify something.
o Students will hand me their graphic organizer
when they are done.
Post Assessment:  Post Assessment (You Do)
o Collect the key details graphic organizers to
o Use the key detail rubric to grade the key
details graphic organizers.
Bringing Closure  Closure/Sharing
o Praise the students for how well they were
working, if they were working well.
o Go over some of the sentences that were the
key details.
o Was is hard trying to figure out which details
supported the main idea?
o Did you like the story?
o Now, let’s learn more about papel picado.
o Switch to creative arts lesson.
Creative Arts Teacher Thursday October 31, 2019
Modeling:  Say “now that we learned about the Day of the Dead,
it is time to learn more about papel picado.”
 Ask “does anyone remember what papel picado is?”
o Say “turn to someone sitting next to you and
 Call on someone to tell me what papel picado is.
 Show the papel picado PowerPoint.
o Ask “does someone know what fragile
means?” (once on the slide).
 Call on a student to answer
o Say fragile with me (once on the slide).
o Show examples of papel picado.
o Ask “what do you notice about these photos of
papel picado?”
o Call on students to tell me about what they
notice in the examples of papel picado.
 Say “meet me at the back table.”
 Model how to create papel picado (if there is not
enough time for them to string, I will tape the string to
ELED 302/317 Lesson Plan – Day of the Dead Reading and Papel Picado

the papel picado to hang it up).

o Say “grab your piece of tissue paper.”
o Say “fold your tissue paper in half hamburger
o Say “fold your tissue paper in half hamburger
style again.”
o Say “fold your tissue paper in half hamburger
style again.”
o Say “notice how one side of the tissue paper
has all the folds.” Show the paper to the
students. Say “we do not cut on this side.”
o Say “you can cut on the other 3 sides.” Make
hands like scissors and show which sides to
o Ask “how many times are we folding the tissue
paper?” Say “show me with your fingers and
call on a student to tell the answer.”
 If the students are confused, unfold the
tissue paper and show how many times
to fold it again.
o Say “then, take your scissors and cut shapes
into the tissue paper.”
o Say “when you are done, gently unfold the
tissue paper (it can tear).” Show how it can
o Say “raise your hand when you are done. I will
give you string and a glue stick.”
o Show how to glue the string to the papel
picado. Say “notice how I am using the tips of
my fingers to gently fold the top part I glued
over the string. Be very careful not to pull too
much on the paper because it can tear.” Show
how it can tear.
o Say “we are not gluing all over the papel
picado. We are just gluing a small piece on the
top so the string will stay. We put our caps on
the glue when we are done. We do not eat
o Say “throw your trash away when you are
finished cutting your piece of tissue paper.”
o Say “bring me your finished papel picado to
the back table when you are done. You may
put some in your mailboxes after you have
created at least one to hang up.”
o Say “ask me to get you another piece of tissue
ELED 302/317 Lesson Plan – Day of the Dead Reading and Papel Picado

paper when you are done.”

o Ask “how many times are we folding the tissue
paper?” Say “show me with your fingers and
call on a student to tell the answer.”
Creative Arts Independent Thursday October 31, 2019
Practice:  Call on students one by one. Ask the students what
color tissue paper they want. Give the tissue paper to
the student and they may go back to their seat.
 Students are working at their desks but will
collaborate with each other while they are working.
 “If you can hear me touch your ---.” Say “it is time to
clean up. Clean up your area and make sure to put
your papel picado in the correct place.”
 While students are at specials, either tie the string
together or tape the string to the back of the papel
picado if there was not enough time for the students to
glue. Then string the papel picado together.

Creative Arts Guided Friday November 1, 2019

Discussion and Independent  Reread the book Day of the Dead.
Practice:  Discussion about papel picado
o Have one student help me hold up one of the
banners of the papel picado they created.
o Ask “what is papel picado?”
 Call on a few students
o Ask “what kind of colors are used for papel
 Call on a few students
o Ask “what did you like about creating papel
 Call on a few students
o Ask “what was hard about creating papel
 Call on a few students
o Ask “why is papel picado important to Day of
the Dead?”
 Call on a few students
 Bring up the chart with the key art question (see photo
o Ask one student to pass out pencils.
o Pass out sticky notes (me).
o Tell the students to “write your name on the
sticky note and put your pencil down.”
o Read the question out loud.
o Tell students to “write your answer to the
ELED 302/317 Lesson Plan – Day of the Dead Reading and Papel Picado

question on the sticky note.”

o Tell students “when you are done with your
sticky note, place it in the box on the chart. Go
back to your seat and wait quietly until
everyone finishes.”
Bringing Closure
 Once all the sticky notes are on the chart, go over the
answer to the question.
Creative Arts Assessments: Thursday October 31, 2019
 Students will receive a participation grade for their
creation of papel picado.
Friday November 1, 2019
 Essential Question: Why is papel picado important to
Day of the Dead?
 Students will write their answer to the essential
question on sticky notes, which will be collected for a
grade. The students will be graded with either yes or
no to their answer to the essential question.

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