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Organization (or Work Unit):

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Team Members (if applicable):

Organizational Profile Assessment

(Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence)

This self-assessment tool details key criteria of performance excellence for an

organization or work unit. The criteria and scoring are adapted from the 2015-2016
Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence.

Using a combination of available resources, consider whether the criteria are evident in
the organization you have selected for an analysis. Are the criteria evident throughout
the organization, in most areas, in a few areas, or not at all? Circle the appropriate
response for each criterion. When you have completed the entire assessment, sum up
the scores for each section and enter into the “point subtotals” column. On the last
page transfer the subtotals to obtain an overall grand total.
Assessment Category Non- Evident in Evident in Evident Point
existent some most through- subtotals
areas areas out

1.0 Leadership: Examines how the organization’s leaders personal actions guide and sustain the organization,
Also examined are the organization’s governance system and how the organization fulfills its legal, ethical, and
societal responsibilities and supports its key communities.

1.1 Senior Leadership (70 pts) a. Vision, Values, and Mission

1. Leaders set organizational 0 4 9 14

vision and values.
2. Leaders promote an 0 4 9 14
environment that fosters legal and
ethical behavior.
3. Leaders take actions to 0 4 9 14
develop future leaders and a
sustainable organization.
b. Communication and
Organizational Performance
1. Leaders communicate and 0 4 9 14
engage the entire workforce.
2. Leaders focus on actions to 0 4 9 14
accomplish the organization’s
1.2 Governance and Societal a. Organizational Governance
Responsibilities (50pts)
1. Leaders are transparent and 0 3 7 8
accountable for actions.
2. Leader performance is 0 3 7 8
evaluated appropriately.
b. Legal and Ethical Behavior
1. Leaders address adverse 0 3 6 9
impacts of products and operations.
2. Leaders monitor legal and 0 3 6 9
ethical behavior.
c. Societal Responsibilities
1. Leaders consider societal well- 0 3 6 8
being as part of daily operations.
2. Leaders actively support and 0 3 6 8
strengthen key communities.

Subtotal 1.0

Please list at least one action step that could be taken to improve the organization’s
performance in the Leadership category:
Assessment Category Non- Evident in Evident in Evident Point
existent some most through- subtotals
areas areas out

2.0 Strategy: Examines how an organization strategic objectives and action plans are developed implemented and
progress measured.

2.1 Strategy a. Strategy Development Process

(45 pts) 1. A strategic planning process 0 3 6 8
is employed.
2. Innovation is stimulated by 0 3 6 8
identifying strategic opportunities.
3. Strategic challenges and 0 3 6 8
advantages are identified and
4. Core competencies and key 0 1 3 5
work systems are identified and
b. Strategic Objectives
1. Strategic objectives are 0 3 6 8
2. Strategic objectives address 0 3 6 8
strategic challenges.
2.2 Strategy a. Action Plan Development and
Implementation (40pts) Deployment
1. Key short and longer-term 0 2 4 6
action plans are identified.
2. Key action plans are 0 2 4 5
implemented throughout the
3. Financial resources are 0 2 4 6
available to support objectives.
4. Workforce plans and other 0 2 4 5
resources are available.
5. Key performance measures or 0 2 4 6
indicators are identified.
6. Key performance projections 2 4 6
are identified and benchmarked.
b. Action Plan Modification
1. Action plans may be modified 0 2 4 6
if circumstances change.

Subtotal 2.0

Please list at least one action step that could be taken to improve the organization’s
performance in the Strategy category:
Assessment Category Non- Evident Evident Evident Point
existent in some in most through- subtotals
areas areas out

3.0 Customers: Examines how an organization engages its customers and stakeholders for long-term success and
uses information to improve and innovate.

3.1 Voice of the Customer a. Customer Listening

1. Current customer input and 0 3 7 10
feedback is solicited and used.
2. Potential customer input and 0 3 7 10
feedback is solicited and used.
b. Determination of Customer
Satisfaction and Engagement
1. Customer satisfaction and 0 3 7 10
engagement levels are measured
and monitored.
2. Satisfaction levels relative to 0 3 7 10
competitors and industry
benchmarks are measured and
3.2 Customer Engagement a. Product Offerings and Customer
(45pts) Support
1. Product offerings in need of 0 3 7 10
improvement or innovation are
2. Mechanisms to support 0 3 7 10
customers seeking information are
in place.
3. Information is used to 0 1 3 5
identify market segments.
b. Customer Relationships
1. Positive relationships with 0 3 7 10
customers are built.
2. A complaint management 0 3 7 10
process is in place.

Subtotal 3.0

Please list at least one action step that could be taken to improve the organization’s
performance in the Customers category:
Assessment Category Non- Evident Evident Evident Point
existent in some in most through- subtotals
areas areas out

4.0 Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management: Examines an organization’s performance measurement
system and how it analyzes performance data and information.

4.1 Measurement of a. Performance Measurement

Organizational Performance
(45pts) 1. Tracks daily operations 0 2 4 6
including progress relative to
strategic objectives.
2. Uses key comparative data to 0 2 4 6
support operational and strategic
decision making.
3. Uses Voice-Of-The-Customer 0 2 4 5
market information and data to
support decision making.
4. Keeps measurement systems 0 2 4 5
agile and aligned with business
b. Performance Analysis
1. Reviews and assesses 0 2 4 6
performance and capabilities
relative to strategic objectives.
c. Performance Improvement
1. Identifies high performing 0 2 4 6
areas and shares best practices.
2. Projects future performance 0 2 4 6
and develops key action plans.
3. Uses methods and procedures 0 2 4 5
performance reviews for continuous
improvement and innovation.
4.2 Management of Information, a. Organizational Knowledge
Knowledge, and Information
Technology (45pts) 1. Organizational knowledge and 0 3 6 8
best practices are collected and
2. Knowledge and resources 0 3 5 7
utilized to promote learning.
b. Data, Information, and
Knowledge Management
1. Ensures that data is accurate, 0 2 4 6
reliable, and timely.
2. Ensures that data is secure 0 2 4 6
and confidentiality maintained.
3. Data is made available to 0 2 4 6
appropriate people.
4. Hardware and software are 0 2 4 6
reliable, secure, and user-friendly.
5. Business continuity plans are 0 2 4 6
in place in case of emergencies.

Subtotal 4.0

Please list at least one action step that could be taken to improve the organization’s
performance in the Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management category:
Assessment Category Non- Evident Evident Evident Point
existent in some in most through- subtotals
areas areas out

5.0 Workforce: Examines how an organization engages, manages, and develops its workforce to utilize its full
potential in alignment with its overall mission, strategy, and action plans.

5.1 Workforce Environment a. Workforce Capability and

(40 pts) Capacity
1. Workforce skills, 0 2 4 7
competencies, and staffing levels
are assessed.
2. Processes are in place to 0 2 4 7
recruit, hire, place and retrain new
members of the workforce.
3. The workforce is effectively 0 2 4 6
organized and managed to address
business needs.
4. The workforce is prepared 0 2 4 6
and flexible to address changing
capability and capacity needs.
b. Workforce Climate
1. Environmental factors 0 2 4 7
including workforce health, safety,
and security are measured.
2. Benefits and policies are 0 2 4 7
tailored to the needs of a diverse
5.2 Workforce Engagement a. Workforce Engagement and
(45 pts) Performance
1. The organizational culture 0 2 4 6
supports open communication and
2. Key factors that affect the 0 2 4 6
workforce engagement have been
3. Formal and informal methods 0 2 4 6
are in place to measure workforce
satisfaction and work engagement.
4. A workforce performance 0 2 4 6
system is in place that supports
b. Workforce and Leader
1. A learning system is in place 0 2 4 7
that provides development
opportunities and addresses
transfer of knowledge from
departing or retiring workers.
2. The effectiveness of the 0 2 4 7
learning and development system is
3. An effective career 0 2 4 7
progression and leadership
succession plan are in place.

Subtotal 5.0

Please list at least one action step that could be taken to improve the organization’s
performance in the Workforce category:
Assessment Category Non- Evident Evident Evident Point
existent in some in most through- subtotals
areas areas out

6.0 Operations: Examines the key aspects of an organization’s products, services and work systems including
design, management, improvement and effectiveness in order to deliver customer value and achieve ongoing
organizational success.

6.1 Work Processes (45 pts) a. Product and Service Work Design
1. Key product and service 0 3 6 8
requirements are determined.
2. Work processes are designed 0 3 5 7
to meet all key requirements.
b. Work Process Management
1. Day-to-day operations and 0 3 6 8
work processes are managed to
ensure that they meet all key
2. Key support processes are 0 3 5 7
determined and requirements met.
3. Improvement processes are in 0 3 5 7
place to enhance products and
services and reduce waste and
c.. Innovation Management
1. Key work processes are in 0 3 6 8
place to intelligently pursue strategic
opportunities of high value and
discontinue pursuing opportunities
of low priority.
6.2 Operational Effectiveness a. Process Efficiency and
(40 pts) Effectiveness
1. The costs of work processes 0 4 8 12
and productivity losses are
controlled and minimized.
b. Supply-Chain Management
1. Suppliers are selected that 0 4 8 12
enhance operational performance
and customer satisfaction.
c. Safety and Emergency
1. Safety systems are in place to 0 3 6 8
address accident prevention,
inspection and root-cause analysis.
2. Disaster and emergency 0 3 6 8
preparedness systems are in place
that consider prevention,
management and continuity of

Subtotal 6.0

Please list at least one action step that could be taken to improve the organization’s
performance in the Operations category:
Assessment Category Non- Evident Evident in Evident Point
existent in some most through- subtotals
areas areas out
7.0 Results: Examines an organization’s performance and improvement in key areas – product outcomes,
customer–focused outcomes. Financial and market outcomes, workforce-focused outcomes, process effectiveness
outcomes, and leadership outcomes. Performance levels are examined relative to those of competitors and other
organizations with similar offerings.
7.1 Product and Service Process a. Customer-Focused Product and
Results (120 pts) Service Results
1. Key product and service results are 0 10 20 30
compared and segmented by customer
groups, market segments and compared
with the performance of competitors with
similar offerings.
b. Work Process Effectiveness Results
1. Current key work processes 0 10 20 30
including productivity, efficiency, and
innovation are measured and compared
with the performance of competitors.
2. Current operational work systems 0 10 20 30
and emergency preparedness are
measured by location and/or process.
c. Supply-Chain Management Results
1. Supply-chain performance is 0 10 20 30
measured including contributions to
overall organizational performance.
7.2 Customer-Focused Results a. Customer Focused Results
(80 pts) 1. Current customer satisfaction and 0 13 26 40
dissatisfaction is measured and results
compared with competitors.
2. C Current customer engagement 0 13 26 40
is measured and results compared by
product offerings and market segments.
7.3 Workforce-Focused Outcomes a. Workforce-Focused Results
(80 pts) 1. Current workforce and staff 0 7 14 20
capability and trends are measured.
2. Workforce climate including health, 0 7 14 20
safety, are benefit trends are measured.
3. Employee engagement and 0 7 14 20
satisfaction are measured.
4. Current workforce and leader 0 7 14 20
development is measured.
7.4. Leadership and Governance a. Leadership, Governance and Societal
Results (80 pts) Responsibility Results
1. Engagement of leadership with the 0 5 10 14
workforce and customers and
encouragement of communication.
2. Fiscal accountability and 0 4 8 13
governance are monitored and reported.
3. Regulatory and legal compliance are 0 4 8 13
monitored and reported.
4. Ethical behavior of leaders and 0 4 8 13
governance of the organization are
monitored and reported.
5. Fulfillment of the organization’s 0 4 8 13
societal responsibilities and support for
communities are monitored and reported.
b. Strategy Implementation Results
1. Accomplishment of organizational 0 5 10 14
strategy is measured against plans.
7.5 Financial and Market Results a. Financial and Market Results
(90 pts) 1. Current financial performance is 0 15 30 45
measured and compared with budgetary
2. Current marketplace performance 0 15 30 45
including market share, growth, and new
products / markets are measured.
Subtotal 7.0

Please list at least one action step that could be taken to improve the organization’s
performance in the Results category:
Criteria for Performance Excellence (Points) Sub-Total
1.0 Leadership (120 pts) ……………………………………………..

2.0 Strategy (85 pts) …………………………………………………..

3.0 Customers (85 pts) ……………………………………………….

4.0 Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management (90 pts)

5.0 Workforce (85 pts) ……………………………………….……….

6.0 Operations (85 pts) ………………………………………………..

7.0 Results (450 pts) ……………………………………………………

GRAND TOTAL (1000 pts) …………………………………………..

Comments / Action Planning - Please summarize the action steps that could be taken to
improve the organization’s performance related to the seven categories and criteria for
performance excellence:

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