Providing Free Education To Everyone in Peru.: Neither

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Huayanay, Lisseth

1. Providing free education to everyone in Peru.

I think education should be free to everyone in Peru. Actually, education is a human
right, so it’s necessary for people to have it for free. Not only should governments
allow that, but they should also make them mandatory. I know the costs of education
are high, but they can use the taxes to afford it. Basically, the amount of money the
government allocates to education is very small. They spend almost 5.8% of the
national gross domestic product on education, it is just the amount they told us that
was assigned to education in 2019. But, is that the real percentage? Clearly, we all
know politicians are not that clear when it comes to numbers. Rarely do politicians
make a good management of the country’s money, and I even believe that they steal
people’s money, which is actually an open secret. Not only are they stealing our
money, but they are also earning a lot of money, so much more than the regular salary
in Peru. The question is: why don’t we use that money to invest on a better education
for all?
On many countries, such as Singapore and Finland, almost all education is free, and
they don’t have financial difficulties. They even provide free education for foreigners.
Only in countries like Peru are kids growing without receiving a good, free education.
And the little free education that the government provides is not enough, it lacks
quality and contents. Obviously, education doesn’t have enough quality because
teachers are poorly paid, schools have poor infrastructure and hardly do they own
good technologies. I think it can be possible to change this situation with more
investment, more care from the government. Hopefully, this situation will change in
the future. It’s important that education becomes a free right for all people in Peru,
because not all people have the same opportunities to pay for education. Actually,
there are many people who want to study, but they forego that option because they
don’t have enough money. Almost 20% of young people from 19 to 24 years old just in
Lima don’t work or study. This situation can change if the education becomes free for
all. And here comes the real problem of higher education. Even state colleges are not
free at all, they not only require you to have a super high score on the admission
exam, but they also charge students a lot of money for the exam and the entrance.
You must think the amount is not that higher compared to a private university, but
even middle-class family can’t afford it. And even if you have done all that effort and
you are finally admitted, the education they provide isn’t enough for a future
professional. Neither is the technological equipment of the university.
In conclusion, there are many reasons why education in Peru not only should be free,
but it also should have a greater quality. Many people are asking to the government to
invest more in education. So do I. Seldom do people have enough money to access a
good opportunity to study, since costs of education are very high. Education helps
countries to reduce poverty, and that’s something everybody should know.
2. Sports.
When I learn that I had to write a text about sports, my mind became blank. I used to
do exercise until I grow up and became more conscious about my studies. Actually,
I’ve been carrying some health problems because I became a sedentary person, and
that’s not something I’m proud to say. Since I joined university four years ago, I spend
a lot of time sitting on my desk in front of my computer, doing homework and projects
for the many courses I’ve been taking each semester. As I focused more on that, my
grade point average increased a lot. Even though being on the upper third of the
students may sound cool, the truth it that it made me lack exercise, and I developed
some problems that made me realize the effort was not worth it. Unless you give a
part of your time to exercise and practice sports, you won’t be healthy and that’s a
fact. Although your schedule is full, you can always create some time to practice
sports, at least half an hour.
Since I developed some health-related problems, I went to the doctor and she told
me to practice a sport, or if I couldn’t, at least I could walk for around 30 minutes
without stopping. Whereas I’m a sedentary person, my brother practices a lot of
sports, so I talked to him and he asked me to join him on some table tennis rounds
every day and to do some exercise with him. Even though we’re quarantined, we
managed to do some exercise at home, and I felt better once I started to do it. Sports
are good because they make you improve your physical condition and they can free
you from stress and chronical pains. Whenever you practice a sport, you reduce the
risk of developing many health issues such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension and
more. Also, it helps you not only physically, but emotionally. If you practice a sport
with a team, you can become more conscious about the importance of friendship,
teamwork, and also it helps you socialize with other people and learn more about
leadership. Though there are many advantages of practicing a sport, there are also
some drawbacks that are necessary to take into consideration. For example, as you
practice more, you can suffer an injure, and sports injures are mostly difficult to heal.
Even if you don’t get a physical injure, sometimes you can suffer some changes on
your personality as become more competitive, afraid to lose, pressured to always win,
and more. Unless you are conscious about sports are just for fun and health, you can
gain a lot of stress, especially when you practice with a team or professionally (or
both). Also, if you’re not used to practice a sport regularly, your body will feel so
much pain after the first session, so it’s better to start slowly.
In conclusion, sports are necessary in our life to improve our health. Only if you
practice some sport will your body feel good. You can eat well and sleep well, but it
needs to be complemented with a good session of sports or exercise every day, and I
can say it from my own experience. If you don’t feel comfortable with sports or
exercise, at least you can dance, the most important thing is to move your body.
Nowadays, whenever I practice a sport or do exercise, my body feels good and I don’t
have any pain or sorrow.
*Adverb clauses.

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