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simple present and continuous, action and • We use the present continuous (not the simple present)
for actions in progress at the time of speaking, e.g., things
nonaction verbs that are happening now or around now. These are usually
simple present: I live, he works, etc. temporary, not habitual actions.
• Remember the spelling rules, e.g., livins, studyins, Bet tins.
I work in a bank. She studies Russian. 10>)) • We also use the present continuous for future arrangements
We don't have any pets. Jack doesn't wear glasses. (see lB).
Where do you live? Does your brother have a car?
2 She usually has cereal for breakfast. action and nonaction verbs
I'm never late for work.
We only eat out about once a month. A What are you cooking? 12>))
B I'm making pasta.
We use the simple present for things that are always true or A Great! I love pasta.
happen regularly. A What are you looking for?
• Remember the spelling rules for third person singular, e.g., B My car keys.
lives, studies, watches. A I'll help you in a minute.
• Remember the word order for questions: (question word), B But I need them now!
auxiliary, subject, base form of verb. Do you know David?
What time does the movie start? • Verbs that describe actions, e.g., cook, make, can be used
2 We often use the simple present with adverbs of frequency, in the simple present or continuous. I'm maltins lunch.
e.g., usually, never, or expressions of frequency, e.g., every day, I usually make lunch on the weekend.
once a week. • Verbs that describe states or feelings (nor actions), e.g., love,
• Adverbs of frequency go� the main verb, and� be. need, be, are nonaction verbs. They are not usually used in
• Expressions of frequency usually go at the end of the the present continuous, even if we mean "now."
sentence or verb phrase. • Common nonaction verbs are a8ree, be, believe, belong,
depend,forget, hate, hear, know, like, love, matter, mean, need,
present continuous: be+ verb + -ing prefer, realize, recognize, remember, seem, suppose.

A Who are you w aiting for? 11 >)) p Verbs than can be both action and nonaction
B I'm waiting for a friend. A few verbs have an action and a nonaction meaning,
e.g., have and think.
A Is your sister still going out with Adam?
I have a cat now. = possession (nonaction)
B No, they broke up. She isn't going out with anyone
I can't talk now. I'm having lunch. = an action
right now.
I think this music's great. = opinion (nonaction)
What are you thinking about?= an action

a Complete the sentences with the simple present or b @the correct form, simple present, or continuous.
present continuous forms of the verbs in parentheses). �/ I'm not believinB that you cooked this
We� to Chinese restaurants very often. (not go) meal yourself.
These days, most children ____ too many sugary Come on, let's order. The waiter comes/ is cominB.
snacks. (have) 2 Kate doesn't want/ isn't wantinB to have dinner now.
2 you any vitamins right now? (take) She isn't hungry.
3 Don't eat that spinach if you it. (not like) 3 The head chef is sick, so he doesn't work/ isn't working
4 your friend how to cook today.
fish? (know) 4 The check seems/ is seeminB very high to me.
5 We ____ take-out pizzas during the week. (not get) 5 We've had an argument, so we don't speak/
6 What your mother ? It smells aren't speakinB to each other right now.
great! (make) 6 My mom thinks/ is thinkinB my diet is awful these days.
7 You look sad.What you 7 Do we need/ Are we needinB to go shopping today?
about? (think) 8 Can I call you back? I have/ I'm havinB lunch right now.

The diet in my country worse. (get) 9 I didn't use to like oily fish, but now I love/ I'm lovinB it!
9 How often you seafood? (eat) 10 What do you cook/ are you cookinB? It smells delicious!
IO I usually fish. (not cook)

future forms - BOinB to shows that you have made a decision.

We're BOinB to Bet married next year.
be going to+ base form - the present continuous emphasizes that you have made
the arrangements. We're BettinB married on October 12th.
future plans and intentions 17>)) (= we've ordered the invitations, etc.)
My sister's going to adopt a child. • We often use the present continuous with verbs relating
Are you going to buy a new car or a used one? to travel arrangements, e.g., 80, come, arrive, leave, etc.
I'm not going to go to New York City tomorrow. The I'm BoinB to Tokyo tomorrow and cominB back on Tuesday.
meeting is canceled.
will + base form
predictions 18 >))
The Yankees are going to win. They're playing really well. instant decisions, promises, offers, predictions, 20>))
Look at those black clouds. I think it's going to rain. future facts, suggestions
I'll have the steak. (instant decision)
• We use Boine to (NOT will/ won't) when we have already I won't tell anybody where you are. (promise)
decided to do something. NOT My sisterwill atlopt a el1iltl. I'll carry that bag for you. (offer)
• We also use BoinB to to make a prediction about the future, You'll love New York City! (prediction)
especially when you can see or have some evidence I'll be home all afternoon. (future fact)
(e.g., black clouds).

present continuous: be + verb + -ing

future arrangements 19>))

Lorna and James are getting married in October.
We're meeting at 10:00 tomorrow in Jack's office.
Jane's leaving on Friday and coming back next Tuesday. We use will/ won't (NOT the simple present) for instant decisions,
promises, offers, and suggestions. NOT lea,,, that basfa• yoa.
• We often use the present continuous for future arrangements. • We can also use will/ won't for predictions, e.g., I think the
• There is very little difference between the present continuous Yankees will win, and to talk about future facts, e.g., The
and Boine to for future plans / arrangements, and often you election will be on March 1st.
can use either.

a @the correct form. Check./ the b Complete B's replies with a correct future form.
sentence if both are possible. A W hat's your stepmother going to do about her car?
My grandparents are BOing to retire/ will retire B She's going to bu)' a used one. (buy)
next year. ./ A I'm going to miss you.
We'll invite/ We're going to invite your B Don't worry. I promise I every day. (write)
parents for Sunday lunch? 2 A What are Alan's plans for the future?
2 I'm going to make/ I'll make a cake for your B He a degree in engineering. (earn)
mom's birthday, if you want.
3 A Can I see you tonight?
3 I'm not having/ I'm not going to have dinner
B No, I late. How about Saturday? (work)
with my family tonight.
4 A W hat would you like for an appetizer?
4 The exam will be/ is being on the last Friday
BI the shrimp, please. (have)
of the semester.
5 A There's nothing in the refrigerator.
5 You can trust me. I'm not telling/ I won't tell
anyone what you told me. B OK. we some take-out Mexican food? (get)
6 My cousin is arriving/ will arrive at 5:30 p.m. 6 A 1 don't have any money, so I can't go out.
7 I think the birthrate will go down/ is going to B No problem, I you some. (lend)
go down in my country in the next few years. 7 A Can we have a barbecue tomorrow?
B I don't think so. On the radio they said that it (rain)

8 I'm not going to go/ I won't go to my brother­
in-law's party next weekend. 8 A We land at about eight o'clock.
9 I'm going to help/ I'll help you with the dishes. B you a ride from the airport? (need)

Online Practice
present perfect and simple past simple past (worked, stopped, went, had, etc.)

present perfect: have/ has+ past participle (worked, seen, etc.) They got married last year. 43>))
What time did you wake up this morning?
past experiences 42 >)) I didn't have time to do my homework.
I've been to Miami but I haven't been to Tampa.
Have you ever lost your credit card? • Use the simple past for finished past actions
Sally has never met Bill's ex-wife. (when we say, ask, or know when they happened).
2 with yet and already (for emphasis)
I've already seen this movie twice. Can't we watch another one? present perfect or simple past?
My brother hasn't found a job yet. He's still looking.
Have you finished your homework yet? No, not yet. I've been to Miami twice. 44>))
(= in my life up to now)
We use the present perfect for past experiences when we don't say exactly I went there in 1998 and 2002.
when they happened. (= on two specific occasions)
• We often use ever and never when we ask or talk about past
experiences. They go� the main verb. • Use the simple past (NOT the present perfect)
2 In American English, we use the present perfect and the simple past with to ask or talk about finished actions in the past,
yet and already. when the time is mentioned or understood.
• already is used in G sentences and goes� the main verb. We often use a past time expression, e.g.,
• yet is used with El sentences and [Il It goes at the end of the phrase. yesterday, last week, etc.
• For irregular past participles see Irregular verbs p.165.

a Complete the mini dialogues with the b Right or wrong? Write a check./ or an X
present perfect form of the verb in next to the sentences. Correct the wrong
parentheses and an adverb from the list. sentences.
You can use the adverbs more than once. I've never been in debt. ./
already ever never yet How much has your new camera cost? X
How much did your new camera cost?
A you the
1 Dean inherited $5,000 from a relative.
lottery ? ( play)
B That's why I'm smiling -1 won $50! 2 Did your sister pay you back yet?
A you a flight online? (book) 3 We booked our vacation on line a
B Yes, of course. I've done it many times. month ago.
2 A When are you going to buy a motorcycle? 4 When have you bought that leather jacket?
B Soon. I almost $1,000. (save)
5 They've finished paying back the loan last
3 A you the electricity bill ___? (pay)
B No, sorry. I forgot.
4 A your parents ________ you money? (lend) 6 We haven't paid the gas bill yet.
B Yes, but I paid it back as soon as I could. 7 Have you ever wasted a lot of money on
5 A How does eBay work? something?
B I don't know. l ________ ____ it. (use) 8 I'm sure I haven't borrowed any money
6 A you to Thailand? (be) from you last week.
B No, I haven't. But I'd like to some day.
9 I spent my salary really quickly last month.
7 A Why don't you have any money?
B I my salary. I bought a new tablet 10 Have you seen the Batman movie on TV
last week. (spend) yesterday?
8 A Do you like Hugh Jackman? �p.16

B Yes, I his new movie twice! (see)

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