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My sense of justice

a. Some people are biologically predisposed to become criminals.

b. Crime is a consequence of poverty.
c. A criminal cannot be reformed.
d. To reduce crime, we just need more police.
e. Some criminals deserve the death penalty.

I agree and I disagree in some things. I think some people´s conduct is genetic, but
there are possibilities of these caused too by some situation lived in the childhood.
Nowadays we living in a society with many shortage and without opportunities, this
generate situations of criminality. I think that if there would be more opportunities
for example in education sure will reduce crime and in the little cases will be
possible reform this conducts with help professionals.
I think that nobody has law remove the life nobody.

Nelson Mandela (1918 – 2013)

"The greatness of life does not consist in never falling, but in getting up
every time we fall."
He said that it was important fall out for learn, but that it was more important get up
and go ahead for achieve our goals.
The reason I chose is because with He I feel inspired, He always fought for the
human´s rights of his people, and this I do stronger for keep fighting for my dreams
and goals.

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