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ANSI/IEEE Std 1-1986

(Revision of IEEE
Std 1 - 1969)

IEEE Standard General Principles for

Temperature Limits in the Rating of
Electric Equipment and for the
Evaluation of Electrical Insulation

Published by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc 345 East 47th Street, New York, N Y 10017, USA
Std 1-1986
(Revision of IEEE
Std 1-1969)

An American National Standard

IEEE Standard General Principles for
Temperature Limits in the Rating of
Electric Equipment and for the
Evaluation of Electrical Insulation

IEEE Standards Coordinating Committee 4,
Thermal Rating

Approved March 13, 1986

IEEE Standards Board

Approved August 7, 1986

American National Standards Institute

@ Copyright 1986

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc

345 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017, USA
No part of this publication m a y be reproduced in a n y form,
in a n electronic retrieval system or otherwise,
urithout prior written permission of the publisher.
IEEE Standards documents are developed within the Technical Com-
mittees of the IEEE Societies and the Standards Coordinating Commit-
tees of the IEEE Standards Board. Members of the committees serve
voluntarily and without compensation. They are not necessarily mem-
bers of the Institute. The standards developed within IEEE represent
a consensus of the broad expertise on the subject within the Institute
as well as those activities outside of IEEE which have expressed an in-
terest in participating in the development of the standard.
Use of an IEEE Standard is wholly voluntary. The existence of an
IEEE Standard does not imply that there are no other ways t o pro-
duce, test, measure, purchase, market, or provide other goods and ser-
vices related t o the scope of the IEEE Standard. Furthermore, the view-
point expressed a t the time a standard is approved and issued is subject
t o change brought about through developments in the state of the art
and comments received from users of the standard. Every IEEE Stan-
dard is subjected t o review at least once every five years for revision
or reaffirmation. When a document is more than five years old, and has
not been reaffirmed, it is reasonable t o conclude that its contents,
although still of some value, d o not wholly reflect the present state of
the art. Users are cautioned t o check to determine that they have the
latest edition of any IEEE Standard.
Comments for revision of IEEE Standards are welcome from any
interested party, regardless of membership affiliation with IEEE. Sug-
gestions for changes in documents should be in the form of a proposed
change of text, together with appropriate supporting comments.
Interpretations: Occasionally questions may arise regarding the mean-
ing of portions of standards as they relate t o specific applications. When
the need for interpretations is brought to the attention of IEEE, the
Institute will initiate action t o prepare appropriate responses. Since
IEEE Standards represent a consensus of all concerned interests, it is
important t o ensure that any interpretation has also received the con-
currence of a balance of interests. For this reason IEEE and the mem-
bers of its technical committees are not able to provide an instant re-
sponse to interpretation requests except in those cases where the matter
has previously received formal consideration,
Comments on standards and requests for interpretations should be ad-
dressed to:
Secretary, IEEE Standards Board
345 East 47th Street
New York, NY 10017

(This Foreword is not a part of ANSI/IEEE Std 1-1986, IEEE Standard General Principles for Temperature Limits in the Rating
of Electric Equipment and for the Evaluation of Electrical Insulation.)

Technical progress since 1969 revision of this standard has resulted in general agreement that a
number of service stresses or factors, influence the life of electrical insulation, in materials tests and in
systems used in electric equipment. While earlier editions of this standard made note of this fact, no
guidance was provided to equipment committees who found a need to incorporate these additional
factors into specifk test guides.
With the text of the newly revised 1969 version of this standard as a starting point, the first meeting
of International Electrotechnical Commission Technical Committee No 63, Insulation Systems, began
the development of IEC Publication 505, Guide for the Evaluation and Identification of Insulation
Systems of Electrical Equipment, which was published in 1974. This standard provides a guide for
equipment committees t o use in devising test procedures for insulation systems exposed in service to
aging caused by thermal, electrical, environmental, and mechanical stresses.
During the revision process of IEEE Std 1 international attention was focused on a much needed
revision of IEC Publication 85, Thermal Evaluation and Classification of Electrical Insulation. The
available 1957 edition of this IEC document was similar t o the 1954 revision of IEEE No 1. The
contributions of experts from the United States to the revision of IEC Publication 85, who were also
members of the Standards Coordinating Committee No 4, delayed work on the current revision of IEEE
Std 1. However, the experience gained by this diversion has been utilized to make this edition of
ANSI/IEEE Std 1-1986 a better standard and in harmony with the IEC publications.

At the time this standard was approved the IEEE Standards Coordinating Committee 4, Thermal
Rating, had the following membership:

E.A. Boulter, Chairman P.E.Alexander, Vice Chairman

H. E. Reymers, Secretary

D. E. Armstrong M. Fort M. L. Manning

E. L. Brancato H. N. Galpern K. N. Mathes
L. W. Buchanan W. H. Gottung H. Rosen
C. de Toureill T. B. Jenkins H. R. Sheppard
G. I. Duncan c. Y. Lu W. T. Starr
R. J. Flaherty C. Willmore

The following persons were designated by SCC4 as the balloting committee that approved this
document for submission to the IEEE Standards Board:

P. E. Alexander G. I. Duncan M. L. Manning

D. E. Armstrong M. M. Epstein K. N. Mathes
E. A. Boulter R. J. Flaherty H. E. Reymers
E. L. Brancato H. N. Galpern H. Rosen
L. W. Buchanan T. B. Jenkins H. R. Sheppard
C. de Toureill c. Y. Lu W. T. Starr

When the IEEE Standards Board approved this standard on March 13, 1986, it had the following

John E. May, Chairman Irving Kolodny, Vice Chairman

Sava I. Sherr, Secretary

James H. Beall Jack Kinn Robert E. Rountree

Fletcher J. Buckley Joseph L. Koepfinger* Martha Sloan
Paul G. Cummings Edward Lohse Oley WanaseUa
Donald C. Fleckenstein Lawrence V. McCall J. Richard Weger
Jay Forster Donald T. Michael* William B. Wikens
Daniel L. Goldberg Marco W. Migliaro Helen M. Wood
Kenneth D. Hendrix Stanley Owens Charles J. Wylie
Irvin D. Howell John P. Riganati Donald W. Zipse
Frank L. Rose

'Member emeritus


Part I

1. Purpose and Scope ....................................................................................... 7

2. Definitions ................................................................................................. 8
2.1 General Definitions .................................................................................. 8
2.2 Definitions Related to Electric Equipment ......................................................... 8
2.3 Definitions Related to the Evaluation of Thermal Capability .................................... 8
3. References ................................................................................................. 9
4 . General Concepts .............................................. .................................... 10
5. Basic Considerations in the Preparation of Standards .... ..................................... 12

Part I1
Evaluation of the Thermal Capability of Insulating Materials

1. Purpose and Scope ...................................................................................... 13

2. Thermal Aging .. .......................................................................... 13
3. Thermal Designation of Irfsulating Materials ......................................................... 14
4. Determination of Temperature Index by Test ........................................................ 15
4.1 General ..........................................................................................
4.2 Statistical Criteria .............................................................................
4.3 Acceleration of Thermal Aging Tests .............................................................. 16
5 . Determination of Material Temperature Class by Experience ....................................... 16
5.1 General ................................................................. ....................... 16
5.2 Service Experience Data ............................................. ..................... 17

Table 1 Relationship of Temperature Index to Material Temperature Class .......................... 14

Part I11
Limiting Temperatures and Their Measurement for Electrical Insulation Systems

1. Purpose and Scope ...................................................................................... 18

2. Derivation of Temperature Rise ...................................................................
2.1 Limiting Insulation Temperature .............................................................
2.2 Ambient Temperature .............................................................................. 19
2.3 Hottest-Spot Temperature Allowance ................................................. 19
2.4 ObservableTemperatureRise ........................................................ 19
3. Methods of Temperature Determination .............................................................. 20
3.1 Other Temperature-Measuring Devices ........................................................... 20
3.2 Selection of Methods of Temperature Determination ........................................... 20
4 . Effects of Altitude .......................................................... ................. 21


Fig 1 Derivation of A Value of Limiting Insulation Temperature for

Equipment-Rating Purposes ...................................................................... 18

Table 1 Suggested Values of Observable Temperature .................................................. 20

Table 2 Methods of Temperature Determination ........................................................ 21

Part rv
Evaluation of Electrical Insulation Systems

1. Purpose and Scope ...................................................................................... 23

2. Temperature Classification of Insulating Systems .................................................... 23
2.1 General ............................................................................................... 23
2.2 Insulation Systems Classes ......................................................................... 24
2.3 Functional Evaluation .............................................................................. 24
2.3.1 Acceleration of Thermal Aging Procedures ................................................. 24
2.3.2 Test Procedure Outline ....................................................................... 24
3. Multifactor Functional Evaluation of Insulation Systems ........................................... 25
3.1 General Principles .................................................................................. 25
3.2 Procedures for Multifactor Functional Evaluation .............................................. 25
3.2.1 General ........................................................................................ 25
3.2.2 Test Specimens ................................................................................ 26
3.2.3 Aging Procedure .............................................................................. 26
3.2.4 Acceleration of Functional Tests ............................................................ 26
3.2.5 Test Procedure Outline .......... ....................................................... 26

Appendix A Illustration of Thermal Endurance Graph, TI, RTI, and HIC ............................. 27
Appendix B List of Important Factors of Influence ..................................................... 28
Appendix C Bibliography .................................................................................. 28

Fig A1 (a) Thermal Endurance Graph Temperature Index and Halving Interval ..................... 27
(b) Relative Temperature Index and Halving Interval ........................................... 27
An American National Standard

IEEE Standard General Principles for

Temperature Limits in the Rating of
Electric Equipment and for the
Evaluation of Electrical Insulation

Part I

1. Purpose and Scope factor tests or they may be combined with or

without thermal aging into a multifactor test.
Guiding principles for developing insulation sys-
These principles are intended to serve as a tems test procedures for single and multifactor
guide in the preparation of IEEE and other aging are included in this standard.
standards that deal with the selection of tem- Insulating materials, as referred to herein, are
perature limits and the measurement of temper- substances in which the electric conductivity is
ature for specific types of electric equipment. very small (approaching zero) and provide elec-
They include an outline of the fundamental con- tric isolation.
siderations and a review of the elements to be Insulation systems, as referred to herein,
considered in applying the principles to specific include an insulating material or a suitable com-
cases. Guiding principles are included for the bination of insulating materials specifically de-
development of test procedures for signed to perform the functions needed in elec-
( 1) Thermal evaluation of electrical insulating tric and electronic equipment.
materials Other definitions necessary for the use of these
(2) Thermal evaluation of insulation systems principles are listed in Section 2.
(3) Thermal classification' of insulation sys- The Principles are presented in the following
tems for use in rating electric equipment. order:
For many types of equipment proper evalua- Part I. General
tion of their electrical insulation for service con- Part.II. Evaluation of Thermal Capability of
ditions requires controlled exposure to a range Insulating Materials
of aging stresses which may or may not include Part 111. Limiting Temperatures a n d Their
thermal aging. The aging factors of influence may Measurement for Electrical Insulation
include thermal, electric, ambient (environmen- Systems
tal), and mechanical stresses. Thermal aging has Part IV. Evaluation of Electrical Insulation
been widely used as a single factor test method. Systems
The other factors may also be evaluated by single In the application of these principles, varia-
tions will be necessary to suit the widely different
types of equipment and service conditions that
are considered in equipment standards. The
temperature limits and other. provisions given

lHistorically, the term therrnal classification has been

used in reference to both insulation systems and to electric herein are not intended to be used for rating or
equipment. Thermal classification should always be used in testing equipment for which specific IEEE, or
combination with the words system or equipmat to clearly
denote to which the term applies. For example, Class 155 other recognized standards based on these prin-
System. ciples, are available.


2. Definitions 2.2 Definitions Related to Electric Equipment

2.2.1 ambient. The medium (for example, air,
gas, liquid, earth) in which electric equipment
2.1 General Definitions operates.
2.1.1 electrical insulating material. A sub-
stance in which the electrical conductivity is very 2.2.2 ambient temperature. The temperature
small (approaching zero) and provides electric of the ambient medium.
2.2.3 limiting ambient temperature. The
2.1.2 electrical insulation system. An insulat- highest (or lowest) ambient temperature at
ing material or a suitable combination of insulat- which electric equipment is expected to give
ing materials specifically designed to perform specified performance under specified condi-
the functions needed in electric and electronic tions, for example, rated load.
2.2.4 observable insulation temperature. The
2.1.3 simple combination of insulating mate- temperature of the insulation in electric equip-
rials. A number of insulating materials, which ment, which is measured in a specified way, for
together make possible the evaluation of any example, with a thermometer, embedded ther-
interaction between them. mocouple, resistance detector, or by winding
resistance or other suitable procedure.
2.1.4 useful service life. The length of time
(usually in hours) for which an insulating mate- 2.2.5 observable temperature rise. The dif-
rial, insulation system, or electric equipment per- ference between the observable insulation tem-
forms in an adequate or specified fashion. perature and the ambient temperature.

2.1.5 estimated life (performance). The ex- 2.2.6 hottest-spot temperature (hot spot).
pected useful service life based upon service ex- The highest temperature attained in any part of
perience or the results of tests performed in the insulation of electric equipment. (Difficulties
accordance with appropriate evaluation proce- in its determination are encountered. See Sec-
dures established by the responsible technical tion 4).
committee, or both.
2.2.7 limiting hottest-spot temperature. The
2.1.6 aging. The irreversible change (usually highest temperature attained in any part of the
degradation) that takes place with time. insulation of electric equipment, which is operat-
ing under specified conditions, usually at maxi-
2.1.7 thermal aging. The aging that takes mum rating and the upper, limiting ambient
place at an elevated temperature. temperature.

2.1.8 factor of influence. A specific physical 2.2.8 hottest-spot temperature allowance.

stress imposed by operation, environment, or The designated difference between the hottest-
test that influences the performance of a n insu- spot temperature and the observable insulation
lating material, insulation system, or electric temperature. (The value is arbitrary, difficult to
equipment (Appendix B). determine, and depends on many factors, such
as size and design of the equipment).
2.1.9 aging factor. A factor of influence that
causes aging. 2.3 Definitions Related to the Evaluation of
Thermal Capability
2.1.10 service condition. A combination of 2.3.1 functional test. A means of evaluation in
factors of influence, which are to be expected in which an insulating material, insulation system,
a specific application of electric equipment. or electric equipment is exposed to factors of
influence, which simulate or are characteristic of
2.1.11 service requirement. The specified per- actual service conditions.
formance to be expected in a specific application 2.3.2 test model. A representation of equip-
under a specified service condition. ment, a component or part of equipment, or the


equipment itself, that is suitable for use in a rial for which considerable test and service
functional test. experience has been obtained. Both new and ref-
erence material are subjected to the same aging
2.3.3 accelerated test. A functional test in and diagnostic procedure in a comparative test.
which one or more factors of influence are in- See Fig Al.
creased in magnitude or frequency of applica-
tion so as to decrease the time needed for the 2.3.11 halving interval (HIC). The number
test. corresponding to the interval in "C determined
from the thermal endurance relationship ex-
2.3.4 diagnostic factor. A variable or fixed presses the halving of the time-to-end-point cen-
stress, which can be applied periodically or con- tered on the temperature of the TI or RTI. In
tinuously during an accelerated test, to measure case of graphical derivation the times corre-
the degree of aging without in itself influencing sponding to the TI or RTI (for example, 20 000 h)
the aging process. and one half that value (for example, 10000 h)
will usually produce an acceptable approxima-
2.3.5 end-point criterion. A value of property tion. See Fig A l .
or property degradation (either absolute or per-
centage change) which defines failure in a func- 2.3.12 temperature class. A standardization
tional test. designation of the temperature capability of the
insulation in electric equipment, as defined by
2.3.6 proof test. A means of evaluation in the appropriate technical committee. I t may be
which an arbitrary fixed level of a diagnostic fac- determined by experience or test and expressed
tor is applied periodically. In this case, the by letters or numbers.
number of failures among multiple test speci-
mens (rather than the magnitude of the diagnos- 2.3.13 material temperature class. The lowest
tic factor, see 2.3.4) defines the end-point of the value of a range of temperature indices for insu-
test. lating materials.

2.3.7 thermal endurance relationship. The

expression of aging time to failure as a function 3. References
of test temperature in an aging test.

2.3.8 thermal endurance graph. The graphical This standard shall be used in conjunction
expression of the thermal endurance relation- with the following publications:
ship in which time to failure is plotted against [ 11 ANWIEEE Std 98-1984, IEEE Standard for
the reciprocal of the absolute test temperature. t h e Preparation of Test Procedures for t h e
See Fig A l . Thermal Evaluation of Solid Electrical Insulating
2.3.9 temperature index (TI). The number
[2] ANSI/IEEE Std 99-1980, IEEE Recommended
that corresponds to the temperature in "C,
Practice for the Preparation of Test Procedures
derived mathematically or graphically from the
for the Thermal Evaluation of Insulation Sys-
thermal endurance relationship at a specified
tems for Electric Equipment.
time (often 20000 h). The temperature index
(TI) may be reported for materials and insula- [ 3 ] ANSI/IEEE Std 853-1984, IEEE Recom-
tion systems. However, for insulation systems it mended Practice for Voltage-Endurance Testing
may be preferable to make comparisons at a par- of Enameled Wire.
ticular temperature, for example, 130 "C, 155 T,
or over a range of temperatures (The TI is not [ 4 ] ANSI/IEEE Std 943-1986, IEEE Guide for
used for equipment.). See Fig Al. Aging Mechanisms and Diagnostic Procedures in
Evaluating Electrical Insulation Systems.
2.3.10 relative temperature index (RTI). The
temperature index of a new or candidate insu-
2ANSI publications are available from the Sales Depart-
lating material, which corresponds to the ac- ment of American National Standards Institute, 1430
cepted temperature index of a reference mate- Broadway, New York, NY 10018.


[5]IEEE Std 97-1969, IEEE Recommended Prac- electric equipment it is generally useful to take
tice for Speclfylng Service Conditions in Electric- into consideration constructional factors, such
al standard^.^ as method of cooling, although it is understood
that these factors are normally not included in
[6] IEEE Std 101-1972 (R 1980),IEEE Guide for
the standard proper.
the Statistical Analysis of Thermal Life Test
The ability of an insulating material, or an
insulation system to fulfill its function is also
[7] IEEE Std 119-1974, IEEE Recommended affected by the presence of other aging factors of
Practice for General Principles of Temperature influence. These factors will vary from one type
Measurements as Applied t o Electrical Ap- of equipment, or application, to another, but,
paratus. may include electric stresses, mechanical
stresses, and ambient (environmental) stresses.
4. General Concepts Mechanical stresses imposed upon the system
and its supporting structure by vibration and
differential thermal expansion may become of
The temperature limits for electric equipment increasing importance as the size of the appara-
should be selected so that the equipment will tus increases. Electrical stresses will be more
result in a satisfactory life under normal operat- significant with high-voltage apparatus, or with
ing conditions. In addition, permissable emer- equipment exposed to voltage transients. Mois-
gency temperature limits and corresponding rat- ture in the equipment environment and the
ings may be established, including the durations presence of dirt, chemicals, radiation, or other
and frequencies of emergency, or peak-load contaminents may have an injurious effect. All
operation to which these limits apply. In the such factors should be taken into account in
establishment of temperature limits, it should be establishing the standards of temperature rise
recognized that: for particular classes of apparatus.
(1) The ambient temperature is unlikely to be In choosing temperature-rise limits suitable
maintained at its minimum or maximum value for specific equipment and particular conditions,
for long periods of time the following general concepts may be followed:
(2) Load cycles are generally such that the
average load for a period of days to months is 4.1 The electric and mechanical properties of
appreciably lower than the rated continuous insulating materials are temperature dependent.
load. I n many applications where organic-based
Standards for electric equipment usually spec- materials are used, the melting point shall be
ify temperature rise rather than maximum higher than the maximum operating tempera-
temperature. While it is beyond the scope of this ture in service. In most polymeric insulating
standard to spec@ the permissable temperature materials, a sharp transition from solid to liquid
rise of insulated parts, or t o prescribe the does not occur and softening increases as the
methods by which such temperature rises shall temperature increases. Many polymeric insulat-
be determined, it should be noted that in normal ing materials will undergo a second order transi-
practice the maximum temperature (hottest tion from a partially crystalline, or hard glassy
spot) attained by an insulated part is seldom state to a softer, rubbery, or viscous state when
measured directly. The permissable temperature exposed t o rising temperatures and will experi-
rise is, therefore, generally specified to be less ence marked changes in properties over a nar-
than the differences between the temperature row temperature range. In these cases, the func-
recognized in this standard and the temperature tionally important softening temperature, which
of the ambient air or other cooling medium. is generally known as the glass transition tem-
The method of measurement to be used for perature Tg,may relate t o t h e mechanical
determining the temperature rise of insulated stresses imposed in service and the amount of
parts should be prescribed in the standards for deformation and creep that can be tolerated.
the equipment. Limits for the loss of these properties may be
When speclfylng permissable temperature rises developed through systems tests or service
and measurement methods in standards for experience.
Dielectric loss may also be temperature de-
31EEEpublications are available from IEEE Service Center, pendent so that, in high-voltage equipment, the
445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854.


dielectric loss alone at elevated temperatures insulation structures may have become em-
may lead t o a destructive thermal runaway brittled under the influence of high temperature,
condition. successful operation of the equipment may con-
tinue for years if the insulation is not disturbed.
4.2 Marked changes in the electric and mechani- Because of the effects of mechanical stress, the
cal properties of insulating materials also occur forces of thermal expansion and contraction
progressively as a result of prolonged exposure may impose temperature-rise limitations on
to high temperature. The materials may soften, large equipment even though higher temperature-
lose weight, or become brittle, and the chemical rise limits proved satisfactory in small equip-
composition and structure may change. The ment when similar insulating materials were
effects of high temperature may differ widely, used.
depending upon the particular environmental
conditions. While infant mortality may occur 4.5 The life of equipment is dependent to a con-
with equipment, insulation does not usually fail siderable extent upon the degree of exclusion of
because of immediate breakdown at some criti- oxygen, moisture, dirt, and chemicals from the
cal temperature, but rather as a result of gradual interior of the insulating structure. At a given
deterioration with time. temperature, therefore, the life of equipment
may be longer if the insulation is suitably pro-
4.3 The limiting temperature a t which an insula- tected than if it were freely exposed to industrial
tion system may be operated depends upon the atmostpheres. The use of chemically inert gases
degree and intermittency of the loading, the or liquids, as cooling or protective media, may
degree of reliability required, and the length of increase the temperature capability of a n insula-
life desired. A specific material as part of a sys- tion system.
tem may be satisfactory for use at different limit-
ing temperatures, depending upon the type and 4.6 The life of equipment also depends upon the
size of equipment in which it is used and the kind care it receives during manufacture, transporta-
of service to which the equipment is subjected. tion, storage and installation, and upon mainte-
The temperature limit for an insulation system nance during operation. Successful operation
may not be directly related to the thermal capa- cannot be expected of insulation that has been
bility of the individual material included in it. In damaged or displaced.
systems, the thermal performance of insulating
materials may be improved by the protective 4.7 The rate of physical deterioration of insula-
character of other materials used with them. On tion under thermal aging increases rapidly
the other hand, problems of incompatibility with an increase in temperature. A fairly precise
between materials may decrease the appropriate method of determining insulation life at elevated
temperature limit of the system for the individu- temperature is provided by the concept that the
al materials. logarithm of the insulation life is a function
(often linear) of the reciprocal of the absolute
4.4 The electric and mechanical properties of temperature. A straight line plot of aging d a t a
insulating materials and insulation systems may indicates that the nature, or order, of the chemi-
be influenced in different ways and to different cal reaction causing aging remains unchanged.
degrees as a function of temperature and with Departure from linearity normally suggests that
thermal aging. In some cases, the electric prop- the type of chemical reaction is changed. When
erties and mechanical strength of insulating the logarithms of the hours of life, found by
materials initially improve as thermal aging pro- thermal evaluation tests at three or more differ-
gresses. However, elongation to rupture general- ent temperatures, are plotted against the recip-
ly progressively decreases with thermal aging so rocals of the absolute temperatures, they will
that embrittlement finally leads to cracking and usually, but not always, form a straight line.
may contribute to electric failure. Individual time-temperature life curves for dif-
Thus, how long insulation is serviceable de- ferent insulating materials and insulation sys-
pends not only upon the materials used, but also tems should be determined by thermal evalua-
upon the effectiveness of the physical support tion tests.
for the insulation and the severity of the forces
tending to disrupt it. Even though portions of 4.8 The ambient temperature directly affects the


temperature attained by equipment in opera- mine appropriate limiting temperatures and

tion. Data recorded at various weather bureau fields of usefulness for complete insulation sys-
stations in the United States and Canada are tems or individual insulating materials.
given in IEEE Std 97-1969 [4]. (2) The availability of many new insulating
materials with characteristics and appropriate
5. Basic Considerations in the Prepara- fields of use that shall be determined by tests.
tion of Standards (3) The great expansion in many areas of
application, such as equipment for nuclear-
The desired life of electric equipment depends energy, aerospace, computers and other elec-
upon the initial investment, reasonable mainte- tronic applications, industrial and domestic air-
nance, needed reliability, obsolescence, impor- conditioning, and domestic appliances of many
tance of size and weight, and other factors. In kinds, which are increasing the varieties of
considering such factors, predominant condi- special-purpose equipment supplied by the elec-
tions rather than extreme requirements should trical industry and that are also increasing the
be used as a basis for standards. For some type ranges of temperature that shall be considered
of equipment and service, the user may expect a in their operation.
life of thirty years or more with a high degree of (4) The continuing and greater use of enclosed
reliability. For other types of equipment a life of types of equipment, often operating in controlled
only a few years, or a few hours, may be gases or liquids.
satisfactory. (5) A trend toward operating some electric
The great variety of physical factors and eco- equipment at, or close to, limiting insulation
nomic considerations entering into the problem temperature.
of standardization makes it essential to give (6) A trend toward operating some electric
much weight to experience. Standard values equipment for short-time duty periods at higher
that are entirely safe for extreme conditions or than normal temperature in such a way as to
that allow for very improbable combinations of make the average rate of thermal deterioration
unfavorable factors will result in products too over the total elapsed time consistent with the
costly for the majority of applications and con- desired life expectance.
sequently will not be respected. No laboratory, or The various standards for different types of
factory test, can fully simulate the many combi- electric equipment should be correlated to en-
nations of temperatures, loads, mechanical sure that the thermal performance and life
stresses, voltage surges and environmental con- expectancies of associated elements in a com-
ditions met in service. The response to test or plete electric system will be consistent under
service conditions will also change as insulation short-time overload and emergency conditions
ages-often in a complex manner. To what and in normal service. However, it is important
extent extreme conditions may be discounted, to allow freedom in using different temperature-
without incurring unreasonable maintenance, rise limits for individual types of equipment and
can only be determined by practical experience for specific applications in accordance with their
over a considerable period of time. individual requirements.
The temperature-rise values generally used for A principal purpose of the development and
electric equipment are the results of long experi- use of test procedures for life-testing insulation
ence and have proved to be reasonably satisfac- systems and insulating materials is to enable
tory. The general principles outlined herein sug- more accurate estimates to be made of the life
gest that major changes in existing standards expectance of equipment under particular ser-
should be made only when they are indicated to vice conditions. In the course of time it will be
be desirable in the light of new test data, availa- desirable to correlate further the various stan-
bility of new or improved materials, additional dards to achieve more consistent life expectan-
operating experience, new measurement tech- cies for associated equipment and be better suit-
niques, or changes in service requirements. ed to give the desired degree of reliability.
Important trends to which consideration has Only carefully evaluated service experience, or
been given in preparing these principles are as adequate accepted tests, provide the bases for
follows: rational t h e r m a l classification of electrical
(1) Reliance on accelerated life tests, as pro- equipment and the thermal identification and
vided in ANSI/IEEE Std 99-1980 [2], to deter- temperature limits of insulation.


Part I1
Evaluation of the Thermal Capability
of Insulating Materials

1. Purpose and Scope 2. Thermal Aging

Part I1 of this standard is intended to serve as The process of thermal aging in insulating
a guide in the preparation of IEEE standards materials is complex and the mechanisms vary
and other standards that are principally con- with different materials and under different ser-
cerned with the thermal endurance of insulating vice conditions. Typical mechanisms include
materials and simple combinations thereof. A (1) Loss of volatile constituents such as low
simple combination includes two or perhaps molecular-weight components intially present or
three materials that may be used in many types formed in the aging process
of equipment and a form that is not specifically (2) Oxidation that can lead t o molecular
related to use. Magnet (winding) wire insulation cross-linking, chain-scission, embrittlement, and
and varnish is illustrative. The scope does not the production of volatile components
include insulation systems (for insulation sys-
(3) Continuous molecular polymerization that
tems see Part IV) which are combinations of
may increase physical and electric strength at
insulating materials with related structural parts
first, but may subsequently lead to decreased
as used in specific types of electrical equipment
flexibility, embrittlement, and earlier failure
or in a form representative of such use.
under mechanical stress.
While the thermal capability of insulating
materials is the principal concern of this part of (4) Hydrolytic degradation in which moisture
the standard, it is recognized that other aging reacts with the insulation under the influence of
stresses or factors, that is, mechanical, electric, heat, pressure, and other factors to cause molec-
and environmental may be limitations in deter- ular deterioration.
mining the life of a material in service (Appendix (5) Chemical breakdown of constituents with
B). Single and multifactor aging and testing of formation of products which act to degrade the
insulating materials is being actively developed material further, such as hydrochloric acid. Such
in the industry. While knowledge of the response processes, once started, may become autocat-
of a material to these other factors, and their alytic.
interaction with thermal aging, may be impor- Because different insulating materials react in
tant in particular cases, there is no general clas- different ways to the various aging processes, it
sification method for these capabilities. is essentially impossible to predict the thermal
The recommendations herein are intended as performance from the chemical composition of
a guide and are not mandatory. It is recognized the material. Rapid advances in polymer chemis-
that they are not precise. Many variations will be try have produced insulating materials, which
necessary to suit the variety of requirements are so numerous and complex, that simple
imposed by a tremendous number of very differ- chemical description has become almost com-
e n t types of electric and electronic equipment pletely meaningless. Consequently,the tradition-
used under varying operating and ambient con- al procedure of dividing insulating materials into
ditions. For specific requirements, such as oper- several thermal classes based upon broad
ating temperature limits, reference should be descriptive statements according to general
made to the appropriate specifications on mate- chemical composition is inadequate, must be
rials or equipment for which specific standards deprecated, and should be discounted and dis-
are available. continued as rapidly as practical.


In general, the thermal aging process leads Table I

first to increased strength but subsequently to
loss of strength and embrittlement. In some Relationship of Temperature Index
cases, thermal aging may cause softening, par- to Material Temperature Class
ticularly in closed spaces where the insulation is Range of the Material
exposed to the effects of its own products of deg- Temperature Index Temperature Class
radation. Often the electrical properties improve 90-104 90
as thermal aging progresses. Electric failure usu- 105-129 105
130- 154 130
ally takes place only after mechanical failure 155- 179 155
occurs, either immediately or after moisture, and 180- 199 180
contaminents penetrate the cracked structure. 200-219 200
220-249 220
Thus, the thermal life of insulating materials in 250 and above None established
electric and electronic equipment may depend
on a very large extent upon the way in which the
materials are applied and the conditions to The temperature index TI and the relative
which they are exposed. Exclusion of moisture temperature index (RTI) provide a technical
and dirt, the presence of a n inert ambient at- basis for comparing the thermal capability of
mosphere, limitation of mechanical and electric insulating materials. The RTI affords better
stresses, and freedom from mechanical or ther- reproducibility with fewer errors from experi-
mal shock will tend to increase the life of insulat- mental factors such as those often introduced by
ing materials and the systems in which they are aging ovens. Neither the TI nor the RTI can be
used. When oxidation mechanisms are impor- related directly to the appropriate operating or
tant factors, the geometry of the materials (that service temperature, which depends on many
is, thickness) may be significant. factors including environment, service severity,
Other factors being equal, thermal degrada- and the design of the insulation system in which
tion is accelerated as the temperature is in- the material is used.
creased. For many insulating materials the life is However, for practical reasons, to promote
an exponential function of the reciprocal of the standardization, to permit the use of different
absolute operating temperature over a limited end-point criteria, and to provide continuity
range of temperatures. with past procedures it is reasonable that ther-
However, for some materials4such simple rela- mal indices, TI and RTI, for insulating materials
tionships do not hold. In the case of thermoplas- be grouped in material temperature classes, as
tic materials or those that lose strength marked- given in Table 1. Responsible technical commit-
ly at elevated temperatures, the softening point tees may elect to use other numbers.
rather than the thermal stability may limit the Where other than these material temperature
temperature capability. classes are used, great care should be taken that
the increments are not too small to avoid the
impression that a high degree of precision is
3. Temperature Designation of Insulating inherent in the procedure or that a very fine dis-
Materials crimination can be made among insulating
For comparison purposes it is frequently of
A very useful characteristic of an insulating interest to know the slope of the thermal endur-
material, the temperature index (TI), is deter- ance graph. Although many measures of the
mined by a thermal aging test. The relative slope can be derived, the most practical one is
temperature index (RTI) for a new or candidate the halving interval (HIC), which is the number
material is determined by conducting compara- corresponding to the interval in "C determined
tive thermal-aging tests with a well-known insu- from the thermal endurance relationship be-
lating material for which considerable test and tween the time at the temperature index (for
service experience has been obtained. example, 20000 h), and half that time (for
example, 10000 h). See Definition 2.3.1 1 (Part I)
and Fig Al.
4Those in which a different type of chemical breakdown
takes place, such as polyvinyl chloride after the exhaustion NOTE: The halving interval (HIC) is a measure derived from
of the stabilizer (acid absorber), when the formation of the slope of the thermal endurance graph. It is not a constant
hydrochloric acid may be autocatalytic. but varies with temperature when the thermal endurance


relationship is linear. In many practical cases the error 4. Determination of Temperature Index
incurred by using the HIC within the temperature range of
interest remains within acceptable limits. by Test
The characterization of the material, thus,
consists of either a TI-HIC or RTI-HIC.
The temperature index is a value obtained by
test, which may be used as a guide and does not 4.1 General. Test procedures for determining
imply a thermal classification or a limitation on the temperature index of insulating materials
use in equipment. It is used most suitably for shouId be developed bythe-appropriate techrri-
comparing materials that have been evaluated cal committees. The many factors to be consi-
under controlled conditions. Temperature classi- dered and the philosophy underlying the devel-
fication for the purpose of rating electric ma- opment of material test procedures are described
chines should be defined in terms of the thermal in detail in ANSI/IEEE Std 98-1984 [ l ] .
endurance of the insulation system. This standard should be followed when pre-
Where possible, the temperature index and paring test procedures.
the relative temperature index will be based The test procedures for material cannot take
upon results obtained from standard test proce- into account all of the many different influences
dures for determining the thermal endurance. In that affect the life of insulation in different
cases where standard test procedures are not equipment and applications. The useful life of a
developed, the TI and the RTI may be assigned material in a particular electric or electronic
based on a relevant test, provided that the test equipment may be quite different from the life
method and the end point are described. Deter- determined by testing the material alone. I t is
mination by test is described in Section 4. also recognized that the life of a material used in
A temperature index may also be determined from one type of electric equipment may be different
service experience as described in Section 5. from the life of the same material applied in
An insulating material may be assigned more another type of equipment. The suitability of
than one temperature index, each of which is insulating materials in electric equipment, and in
based upon different properties or environmen- combination with other materials, is determined
tal conditions or material geometry, such as by experience or by insulation system tests.
thickness. For example, a material can be as- The test procedures for materials will, how-
signed a temperature index based upon reten- ever, provide thermal-life data that can be used
tion of mechanical properties after aging. Thus to compare the relative thermal life (RTI) of
the temperature index describes performance insulating materials. Using a relevant test proce-
characteristics that provide the designer with dure, the test life of an accepted material as a
information for the selection of materials based function of temperature can be determined.
upon engineering data, rather than arbitrary Since the nominal temperature of a material
classification. that has been accepted for a long time will have
Conditions encountered in the use of insula- been established by experience, its life-tempera-
tion, such as voltage stress, corona, mechanical ture characteristic, determined by test, provides
stress, and environmental factors may degrade a basis for comparison with the thermal endur-
and limit the life of some insulating materials ance of a new material.
irrespective of thermal degradation. These ef- The severity of the tests and their duration are
fects and the physical and chemical properties of arbitrarily chosen for convenience, accuracy, and
insulating materials shall be evaluated separate- economy in testing. Therefore, the life expec-
ly to ensure the suitability of insulating mate- tancy under test conditions may be shorter than,
rials, for a particular application. The evaluation and may have no uniform relation to, the life
of these other aging factors is beyond the present expectancy of the material in actual service.
scope of this part of the standard although the Materials of a given temperature index may be
development of such standards is encouraged. used as components of complete insulation sys-
See ANSI/IEEE Std 853-1984 [3] as an example. tems that are assigned widely different limiting
However, other factors of influence (for example, temperatures, depending upon the results of
voltage stress) may be combined with thermal thermal evaluation tests of the insulation system.
aging, possibly in nonlinear, cumulative fashion, Appropriate technical or standards groups
to determine the temperature index under the may wish to establish the time for use in estab-
applied environment. lishing the temperature indices.


4.2 Statistical Criteria. Thermal aging tests are comparison, but is not a design temperature
used to evaluate the thermal capability of insu- value.
lating materials as described in ANSI/IEEE Std It is recognized that it is not practical or even
98-1984 [ l ] . Normally, test results at several possible to make thermal-aging tests on every
higher temperatures are extrapolated to lower insulating material to represent every condition
temperatures. The TI or RTI for insulating mate- of use. It is also apparent that the service life of
rials is derived by the application of mathemati- electric and electronic equipment does provide
cal operations, including appropriate statistical the most significant basis for determining the
analysis, to the test data. Care needs to be exer- thermal capability of insulating materials. The
cised so that projections, estimations, extrapola- analysis and evaluation of service life is difficult
tions, and other procedures are based on valid and time consuming. Truly quantitative informa-
statistical processes. However, the derivation of tion is seldom obtained. Moreover, the equip-
a temperature index often should be permitted ment user with the most direct and immediate
even if all of the statistical criteria, such as line- knowledge of service life may not transmit such
arity and equality of variances are not satisfied. information adequately to the equipment manu-
In this way the loss of useful information, facturer or to the maker of insulating materials.
obtained with a substantial economic invest- Nevertheless, after several years of extensive use,
ment, can be avoided. In this case the TI or RTI a qualitative knowledge of the thermal capability
should include a notation that specified statisti- of an insulating material is developed. More
cal requirements have not been met. often such knowledge is based on comparison
Detailed considerations for the preparation of with information of insulating materials that
test procedures for the thermal evaluation of have been used in service for even longer periods
insulating materials are given in ANSI/IEEE Std of time. Thus it becomes possible t o compare the
98-1984 [ l ] ,and the statistical aspects are con- thermal capabilities of new insulating materials
sidered in IEEE Std 101-1972 (R1980) [5]. with older established ones and thereby group
them in preferred temperature categories.
4.3 Acceleration of Thermal-Aging Tests. The determination of a material temperature
Acceleration is obtained by intenslfylng the test class for an insulating material from service ex-
parameters. Rules enabling estimation of the perience is qualitative. The adequacy of such a
acceleration factor can be deduced when the determination depends on the amount of expe-
mechanism of the aging process is known (for riences and the reliability of the source. Such
example, that the logarithms of life-time is pro- factors are difficult to define or to specify, but
portional to the reciprocal absolute tempera- the service experience is preferred.
ture). Thermal aging tests on insulation systems also
For long-life applications, a high acceleration are useful in determining the thermal perfor-
is desired to obtain a relatively short test time, mance of insulating materials and provide
but the correlation between test and reality another type of experience. The results from
becomes increasingly uncertain with increasing such tests can be used in much the same way as
acceleration. service life in establishing material temperature
classes for insulating materials. Tests on systems
(see Part IV) gives more quantitative results but
5. Determination of Material Temperature the correlation with service life is subject to
Class by Experience interpretation.
A knowledge of the chemical nature and struc-
ture of insulating materials by experienced indi-
5.1 General. Thermal aging tests of insulating viduals also provides additional information for
materials, as described in Section 4, provide the comparison of thermal capability. Such ex-
quantitative data. However, the relationship of perience alone does not provide a n adequate
such d a t a to the life of electric or electronic basis for establishing a material temperature
equipment or the results of thermal-aging tests class but it may be supplemental to other
on insulation systems is always to some degree information.
qualitative. For this reason the temperature Experience becomes most useful for establish-
index for insulating material is expressed simply ing material temperature classes for insulating
as a number that provides a useful basis for materials when service experience, the knowl-


edge of chemical structure, tests on systems, and Before service experience can be treated in a
tests on materials are compared and interrelat- quantitative way it is necessary that data collec-
ed. To establish a reliable and material tempera- tion be restricted to closely similar systems
ture class by experience, data should be collect- employed in essentially indentical functions.
ed from many sources; these data need to be Although presentation of detailed d a t a is
evaluated by experienced and responsible in- desirable it must be recognized that presentation
dividuals. of precise numerical data will not be possible in
5.2 Service Experience Data. When service ex- the majority of practical cases. It may be better
perience data are used to establish the material in such cases to use all available information
temperature class of an insulating material the regarding service experience which provide a
data should include all relevant service condi- frank assessment of its positive aspects and
tions to which the insulating material is exposed. limitations.


Part I11
Limiting Temperatures and Their
Measurement for Electrical Insulation Systems

1. Purpose and Scope (4) Decide on a hottest-spot allowance.

(5) Derive an observable temperature rise to
be used for assigning a rating under standard
It is intended that responsible technical com- conditions of test.
mittees will use the results of thermal life tests These five steps are illustrated in Fig 1.
and service experience to establish limiting Alternatively, the limiting value of observable
temperatures for the insulation systems used in temperature rise may be selected first on the
equipment. The requirements for insulation sys- basis of economic or other considerations. The
tems and the limiting temperatures assigned to five steps of the procedure should then be car-
them will be suited to the equipment considered ried through in the reverse order to find the cor-
and will be based on obtaining a desired life responding hottest-spot temperature and thence
expectancy. to determine from life test data the insulation
required to give t h e desired expectancy in

2. Derivation of Temperature Rise

2.1 Limiting Insulation Temperature. The limit-
ing insulation temperature of an insulation sys-
Steps to determine limits of temperature rise tem may be established by test or by service ex-
for pusposes of standardization are as follows: perience with the particular insulation system.
(1) Class@ insulation systems by experience The limiting insulation temperature is useful
or by accelerated life tests. as a point of reference or benchmark and is of
(2) Select a value of limiting ambient tem- primary importance in selecting the practical
perature. limits of observable temperature rise that are
( 3 ) Subtract the limiting value of ambient included in specific equipment standards for rat-
temperature from the limiting insulation tem- ing and testing. It is not usually measurable in
perature to obtain the limiting value of insula- the ordinary course of testing or operation of
tion temperature rise. electrical equipment.

Fig 1
Derivation of A Value of Limiting Insulation

Temperature for Equipment-Rating Purposes




I I ' 1

Std 1-1986

2.2 Ambient Temperat~re.~ The time, location, (6) Relative locations of heat generation and
and methods of measurement shall be standard- dissipation
ized for each type of equipment under consider- (7) Method of temperature measurement
ation. Under varying load conditions, the time lag of
Experience indicates that ambient outdoor-air the measured temperature behind the actual
temperatures at most locations where electrical temperature is also an important factor.
equipment is operated seldom exceed 40 "C. The Experience and reasoning indicate that an
average outdoor-air temperature during any embedded detector, properly placed, should give
24 h period is usually 5 "C-10 "C lower than the the highest obtainable temperature indication.
maximum. For purposes of assigning a rating Temperature measurements by the resistance
when the temperature of the outdoor air is taken method give the average temperature of the
as the ambient, 40 "C normally is chosen as the winding, which should be lower than the tem-
value of the maximum ambient temperature. perature obtained by a well-placed embedded
When daily average ambient air temperature is temperature detector.
specified, 30 "C is generally recommended. In view of these variable factors, no single
For self-ventilated (self-cooled) equipment, the value of the hottest-spot temperature allowance
ambient temperature is the average temperature will apply exactly to different types or sizes of
of the air in the immediate neighborhood of the equipment. Therefore, it is recommended that
equipment. the organization responsible for each standard
For self-ventilated equipment operated in an covering each specific type of equipment select
enclosure as a complete unit, the ambient tem- the hottest-spot allowance method of tempera-
perature is the average temperature of the air ture measurement most appropriate for the
outside the enclosure in the immediate neigh- conditions and determine the limiting observable
borhood of the equipment. temperature rise from this value.
For equipment with a heat exchanger that is
not integral with the equipment, the ambient 2.4 Observable Temperature Rise. To arrive at
temperature is that of the ongoing cooling medi- the observable temperature rise for use in a par-
um to the equipment. ticular standard it is necessary to determine the
For equipment completely buried in the earth, method or methods of temperature determina-
the ambient temperature is the temperature of tion that are most suitable. It is desirable, where
the earth near the equipment but sufficiently practicable, to standardize on one method for
remote so as not to be affected by the heat dissi- each type and size of equipment so that mea-
pated. It also is the temperature of the earth surements will be comparable.
adjacent to the equipment when the equipment The selection of an observable temperature
is not contributing heat to the surrounding rise for rating or testing a particular type of
medium. equipment depends largely upon practical expe-
rience obtained in the application and upon the
2.3 Hottest-Spot Temperature Allowance. Lim- considerations mentioned in Part I, Section 3.
iting values of insulation temperature rise are Different values-may be appr~priatefar di€ferent
not usually applicable for use as standards for types of equipment using the same insulating
rating or testing because the observable temper- materials. For example, in the case of small, low-
ature rise is less than the actual temperature voltage coils, higher temperature rises are rec-
rise by a n amount that may be widely different ognized than are recognized for insulating con-
for equipment of various types and sizes. Some ductors (cable) in general, using the same
factors that cause the observable temperature insulating materials. Also, low-voltage, firmly
rise to be different are as follows: contained mica-flake insulated coils have been
(1) Inaccessibility of the hottest spot found suitable in service at materially higher
(2) Nonuniformity of cooling temperatures than is suitable for large, high-
(3) Kind and thickness of insulation voltage coils. Further, some insulating materials
(4) Form of winding enclosed in a nitrogen atmosphere have been
( 5 ) Rate of heat flow found to withstand higher temperatures than
they do in air.
In selecting the final value of temperature rise
5See IEEE Std 97-1969 (41 for a particular type of equipment and service, it


Table 1 ture measurement. Sensor development, includ-

Suggested Values of ing thermal sensors, is one of the more active
Observable Temperature areas of current research because of the obvious
Rise "C need for such devices in a variety of industries.
30 55 80 160 Some optical and electro-optical devices are
35 60 90 180 already state of the art and will undoubtedly be
40 65 100 200 married to electrical apparatus in the future for
45 70 120 220
50 75 140 240 measuring temperature and other phenomena.
Thermal imaging (infrared cameras) has been
widely used as a nondestructive test technique
to monitor thermal loads.
is important to recognize the need for uniformity NOTE: IEEE Std 119-1974 [6] includes recommendations
and simplicity among the various standards. The concerning the determination of operating temperatures and
least number of different values of temperature of temperature rise of all electrical equipment, instruments,
and apparatus in common use where temperatures do not
rise and methods of measurement should be exceed 5 0 0 0 ~ .
adopted as practical.
I t is recommended that values of observable 3.2 Selection of Methods of Temperature De-
temperature rise be selected from Table 1. termination. The applied thermocouple method
It is recognized that temperature-rise values is suitable for measuring the temperature of sur-
permissible in may differ from those faces that are accessible to thermocouples. The
established for rating purposes. Such conditions 'Ontact thermocouple method is witable for
may be defined by sewice factors, recommends- measuring temperatures Of bare-meta1 surfaces
tions in operating guides, Or by standards for such as those of commutator bars and slip rings.
assembled equipment different from the The resistance method is suitable for measuring
dards for individual components. the temperature of insulated windings. For wind-
ings of low resistance, special precautions are
necessary to obtain accurate results.
The embedded detector method is suitable for
measuring the temperature at designated inte-
rior locations as specified in the standards for
some kinds of equipment such its large rotating
3. Methods of Temperature machines.
Determination The hottest-spot temperature allowance may
vary depending on the capability of measuring
the internal temperatures. Stators and similar
Five fundamental methods of temperature equipment can usually be measured with a good
determination that are in use are listed in Table degree of confidence; however, it is impossible to
2. Specific methods of temperature determina- ensure that the hottest-spot temperature was
tion are the responsibility of the equipment determined. A large number of measurement
subcommittees. points may provide temperature data closer to
the hottest-spot temperature, therefore, a dif-
3.1 Other Temperature-Measuring Devices. A ferent hottest-spot temperature allowance is
variety of other methods or instruments, or both, used in comparison to when a small number of
are available or under development for tempera- temperature points are taken.


Table 2
Methods of Temperature Determination
Method Description of Method
Thermometers (Thermometers normally provide the poorest accuracy and
should be limited to applications where only general infor-
mation is required.) The thermometer method consists in
t h e determination of the temperature by mercury or spirit
thermometers or other suitable temperature measuring
instruments when applied t o the hottest parts accessible to
ordinary mercury thermometers without alteration of the
NOTE: When the thermometer method of temperature
determination is called for, it is intended t h a t t h e temper-
ature-measuring instrument used shall indicate substan-
tially t h e same temperature as obtained by a liquid-in-glass
thermometer in t h e same location.

Applied thermocouple The applied thermocouple method consists in the determi-

nation of t h e temperature by thermocouples or other suit-
able temperature-measuring instruments of comparable
size when applied t o the hottest parts accessible t o thermo-
couples in locations normally inaccessible to liquid-in-glass
NOTE: Depending upon the thickness of insulation separat-
ing thermocouples from current-carrying conductors,
thermocouples may give readings comparable t o those ob-
tained by the resistance method or may give the considera-
bly lower readings, characteristic of t h e thermometer
method. Accordingly, in the measurement of winding
temperatures by t h e use of thermocouples, t h e method will
be defined as the applied thermocouple method only if the
thermocouples are applied directly t o the conductors or
are separated from t h e metallic circuit only by t h e integral-
ly applied insulation of the conductor itself.

Contact thermocouple The contact thermocouple method consists in the determi-

nation of the temperature by the application of pointed
prods made of dissimilar metals, to a n exposed bare-metal
surface so t h a t the metal whose temperature is to be mea-
sured forms part of a thermocouple circuit.

Resistance The resistance method consists in t h e determination of t h e

temperature by comparison of the resistance of a winding
a t t h e temperature t o be determined with the resistance a t
a known temperature.

Embedded detector The embedded detector method consists in the determina-

tion of the temperature by thermocouples, or resistance
temperature detectors, or other temperature-measuring
devices built into the equipment, either permanently or for
test purposes, in specified locations inaccessible t o mercury
or spirit thermometers.

4. Effects of Altitude6 equipment cooled wholly or partially by free or

forced convection. This effect may or may not be
compensated for in whole or in part by the lower
Equipment is usually rated for use at an alti- ambient temperatures usually found at the
tude not exceeding a value specified in the higher altitudes. The effect of reduced air density
standards. is greatest on equipment cooled principally by
The reduced air density at high altitudes forced convection of a substantially constant
causes an increased temperature rise in all volume of air. This is the usual case of a
constant-speed self-ventilated open or fan-
cooled enclosed machine or a machine cooled by
%ee IEEE Std 97-1969 [4]. an external constant-speed fan or blower.


The increase in temperature rise with altitude generally considered that the increase in tem-
as determined in various investigations' varies perature rise with altitude may be neglected in
from approximately one percent per 1000 ft for the operation of standard equipment up to
certain air-cooled equipment, where a large part 3300 ft (1000 m) in altitude. For some stationary
of the cooling is by radiation, to approximately equipment for which the percentage increase is
5% for other machines where the cooling is low it may be negligible at any altitude normally
almost entirely by forced-air convection. It is encountered.

TAppendix C: Doherty and Carter 1924, Montsinger 1924,

Fechheimer 1926, Montsinger 1945, Velnott 1946.


Part IV
Evaluation of Electrical Insulation Systems

1. Purpose and Scope ronmental, etc, may be dominant and signifkant-

ly influence service life (Appendix B). Multifac-
tor functional testing of insulation systems in
This part of the standard is a guide for IEEE models or equipment provide important infor-
and other technical committees when develop- mation and broaden the knowledge of the rela-
ing specifications for evaluation of insulation tionship between factors of influence and service
systems in particular equipment. The basic phi- life.
losophy of this publication may be applicable for
any application that uses dielectric materials,
that is, rotating machines, transformers, switch
gear, circuit boards, electronic devices, insulated 2. Temperature Classification of Insula-
wire, and cables. The objectives of Part IV are as tion Systems
(1) Provide general principles for temperature
classification of insulation systems. 2.1 General. Thermal aging of insulation is a n
(2) Provide general principles for multifactor important factor in the life of electrical equip-
functional testing of insulation systems. ment. Such aging makes insulation more vulner-
Historically, functional evaluation of insulation able to the various other degrading stress expo-
systems has primarily been based on thermal sures encountered in service.
stresses. This evaluation has frequently been Experience has shown that the thermal life
made using models containing the new or candi- characteristics of composite insulation systems
date insulation system and on older systems for particular equipment cannot be reliably in-
established through service experience. In addi- ferred solely from information concerning com-
tion to the insulation systems, models contain ponent materials. To ensure satisfactory service
the associated electric and mechanical parts life, insulation specifications need to be support-
needed to simulate the conditions found in ed by service experience or life tests. Accelerated
equipment. Stresses, other than thermal, have life tests are used as comparative methods to
normally been used only as diagnostic aids to evaluate systems, thus shortening the period of
help determine when thermal aging of the insu- service experience required before they can be
lation system has reached the point where it is used with confidence. Tests on complete insula-
unreliable when exposed to normal levels of tion systems, representative of each type of
these other stresses. This has sometimes been equipment, are necessary to confirm the perfor-
supplemented by inclusion of other accelerated mance of materials for their specific functions in
stresses in series or together with the thermal the equipment.
stress cycle, and also by testing complete equip- The electrical insulation of equipment may be
ment. This experience has provided the basis made u p of many different components selected
upon which the general principles for tempera- to withstand the widely different electric, me-
ture classification of insulation systems were chanical, thermal, and environmental stresses
developed. occurring in different parts of the structure. The
Thermal functional evaluation of insulation duration a n insulation system will be service-
systems has been very successful. However, with able depends on the effectiveness of the physical
many types of equipment other aging stresses or support for the insulation and the severity of the
factors, that is, mechanical, electric, and envi- forces acting on it and the materials themselves,


and the service environment. Therefore, the objective of these test procedures is to enable the
length of useful life of the insulation system performance of new and old insulation systems
depends on the arrangement of individual com- to be compared directly in a practical way and in
ponents, the interactions upon one another, the a reasonable time, thus providing a sound basis
contribution of each component to the electric for introducing new insulation systems into
and mechanical integrity of the system, and the service.
process used in manufacturing the equipment. The test for the evaluation of insulation sys-
tems should be chosen so that each component
2.2 Insulation System Classes. Most equipment of the system will perform under the test condi-
standards have previously classified the insula- tions in a manner similar to its operation in ser-
tion in one or more insulating material classes vice. However, the severity of the tests should be
and include appropriate limiting temperature substantially greater than the conditions en-
rise standards for equipment using each of these countered in service to enable the performance
classes. Although this classification has nominal- of the system to be determined in a reasonable
ly been by material classes, the wide divergence time. Prolonged exposure to high temperature is
in expected performance and in both observable the single accelerated aging factor employed in
temperature and hottest-spot temperature be- these tests. Other factors, such as exposure to
tween different types of equipment using the moisture and voltage are chosen in such a way as
same material class indicates that the real classi- to develop and disclose promptly any significant
fication was by insulation systems. weakness or deterioration of the insulation sys-
Insulation system classes may be designated tem. So far as practicable, the atmospheric and
by letters, numbers, or other symbols and may be other environmental conditions should be sim-
defined as assemblies of insulating materials in ilar to those usually encountered in service.
association with equipment parts. If numbers When such conditions are made more severe, at
are used, the use of material identlfylng numbers the discretion of the responsible technical com-
should be avoided. These systems may be as- mittee, the effect on acceleration of the test
signed a system temperature rating based on should be considered.
service experience or on an accepted test proce- The chief criterion of life expectance is the
dure that can demonstrate an equivalent life elapsed time-at-temperature, whether the tem-
expectancy. Existing insulation systems have perature is the result of continuous or cyclic
generally been service-proven. New or modified loading, overload, or operation at other than
systems may be evaluated by accepted test normal ambient temperature.
procedures and when so evaluated, shall have 2.3.1 Acceleration of Thermal Aging Proce-
equal or longer thermal endurance than a dures. The test temperature-exposure condi-
service-proven system of the same class at the tions should be chosen to cover a reasonable
prescribed test conditions. A new insulation sys- range of temperatures to facilitate reasonable
tem may also be classMed in a higher class by extrapolation of data. The severity of the test
test if it has equal or greater thermal endurance exposures should be selected to provide reason-
at appropriately higher test temperatures when able acceleration and positive determination of
compared to a service-proven insulation system insulation system life. In evaluating and compar-
under the same test conditions. ing life expectancies determined by tests, the
regression analysis methods given in IEEE Std
2.3 Thermal Evaluation Functional Test Proce- 101-1972 (R 1980) [5] should be employed.
dures for Insulation Systems. It is the responsi- 2.3.2 Test Procedure Outline. For the sake of
bility of each technical committee to develop test uniformity and standardization, it is suggested
procedures suitable for the temperature-life eval- that technical committees use the following out-
uation of the insulation systems used in their line in preparing the test procedures for the
equipment. These test procedures should be in thermal evaluation of the insulation system used
general accord with the principles outlined in the equipment. ANWIEEE Std 99-1980 [2],
herein, but, they may differ for the various types explains in more detail the following consider-
of equipment, in whatever ways are appropriate, ations.
to allow for differences in their insulation sys- (1) Purpose
tems and for the many conditions to which the (2) Scope
equipments are exposed in service. A principle (3) Models-construction and number


(4)Thermal aging equipment may be evaluated without compari-

(5) Humidification son with a known insulation system.
(6) Associated materials The evaluation of the capabilities of known
(7) Mechanical stress insulation systems for radically new conditions
(8) Electric stress or, possibly, of radically new insulation sytems
(9) Special environments for known conditions, is sometimes necessary.
(10) Method of cooling The results may be generally accepted if the
(1 1) Test sequence guidelines of this standard are observed.
(12) Length of test cycle The behavior of an insulation system under
(13)Failure criteria conditions of test is expressed by means of an
(14)Mathematical treatment of thermal-aging estimated life. Rules for translating the test
data results into estimated life shall be given in a test
(15) Interpretation of thermal life expectancy specification. Procedures need to be specified for
(16) Specification of minimum life expectancy relating estimated life from available service
and variability experience.
(17) Form and method for reporting results The reader is alerted to the probability that in
the future the design, study, and analysis of the
behavior of electrical insulation systems and
materials may utilize finite element analysis
methods. Finite element analysis is a critical
3. Multifactor Functional Evaluation
constituent tool of the emerging sciences of CAD-
of Insulation Systems
CAM (integrated computer aided manufacture).
The technique is already widely used for the
structural design of large electrical equipment,
3.1 General Principles. This section of the stan-
such as rotating machines and transmission
dard is based on the principle that service life of
towers. It is a powerful tool for studying the dis-
an insulation system shall be demonstrated eith-
er by evaluation of service experience, functional tribution of stress (thermal, mechanical, o r
tests on full-scale equipment or part thereof, or electric) on a local basis and can be used to
study time-dependent effects. A variety of com-
on models.
puter codes are already available to model pro-
Service experience is the preferred basis for
cesses that are linear and can handle multiple-
evaluating insulation systems. However, this can
load inputs. Nonlinear codes are also currently
be limiting, depending on the parameters of the
equipment a n d service with which one has under development for a variety of purposes.
Finite element codes, however useful, should not
Multifactor functional testing provides the be used without ensuring that their underlying
algorithms are correct and that their accuracy
opportunity to evaluate insulation systems using
for a given application can be verified experi-
either full-scale equipment or models that re-
produce appropriate stresses, which are typical
of a particular application. Intensification of one
or more of the aging stresses (factors of influ- 3.2 Procedures for Multifactor Functional
ence) permits comparative results to be obtained Evalution
in a shorter time (see 3.2.4).The aging stresses 3.2.1 General. It is recognized that procedures
should, where possible, act simultaneously if for the multifactor functional evaluation of insu-
they do so in service. lation systems need to be developed, which pro-
Multifactor functional test procedures should vide confidence in utilizing t h e results for
be proven to give statistically acceptable repro- intended applications. Care shall be taken that
ducibility before being introduced by a n equip- the test specification does not restrict the free-
ment techical committee. dom of the equipment designer when selecting
For long-life applications, an evaluation of a the best test condition compromise, using his
new insulation system by means of these func- experience and knowledge.
tional tests requires comparison with a service- Insulation systems for equipment with a ser-
proven insulation system subjected to corre- vice life exceeding a reasonable testing time will
sponding experimental conditions. For short-life normally require accelerated testing, with an
applications, the insulation system in the actual evaluation procedure based on extrapolation,


equipment or parts thereof, or models. In the taneous acceleration of several aging stresses.
present state of the art, such tests are based on Moreover, simultaneous application of stresses,
comparisons with a known (reference) insula- in many cases, make functional tests unaccepta-
tion system, which is service-proven in similar bly complicated and expensive.
equipment. More than one test level will usually Therefore, simplified procedures may have to
be required to provide the data necessary for be adopted, even though it is known that simul-
extrapolation. taneously acting stresses may cause interactions
For short-life equipment, tests may be made or synergisms that change the aging mechanisms.
on equipment or models without acceleration or The absence of such interactions during tests
extrapolation of the test results. In such cases, when only single stresses are applied prevents
one test level corresponding to the specified ser- the results of such tests from exactly represent-
vice conditions may be sufficient. ing the results of simultaneous application of
3.2.2 Test Specimens. When practical, the those stresses.
equipment itself should be used for the determi- 3.2.4 Acceleration of Functional Tests. Accel-
nation of the estimated performance of the insu- eration is obtained by intenslfylng the aging
lation system. However, insulation systems may stress. In some cases, transformation rules en-
be evaluated by models rather than by full-size abling estimation of the degree of acceleration
equipment when required because of economy. can be deduced when the mechanism of the
Models should be made to embody the essential aging process if known (for example, that the
elements of the equipment they simulate, taking logarithm of life-time is proportional to the
care to provide that aging processes similar to reciprocal absolute temperature, if aging takes
those in service can be imposed. In many cases, place by a first order chemical reaction).
the behavior of the insulation system depends In the present state of the art, test accelera-
significantly on the design of the essential ele- tion is usually obtained by intenslfylng or accler-
ments (for example, design of the cooling ducts ating only one of the several aging stresses ap-
in the slot of the stator of air-cooled generators). plied simultaneously. For long-life applications, a
All relevant characteristic details should be high rate of acceleration is desired to obtain a
represented in the model. relatively short test time, but the correlation
3.2.3 Aging Procedure. A characteristic of between test and reality becomes increasingly
multifactor functional testing is the applications uncertain with more rapid acceleration.
of all relevant factors of influence to the test 3.2.5 Test Procedure Outline. The outline in
model. Ideally, stresses that act at the same time 2.3.2 is preferred for most tests. Special consid-
in service should be applied simultaneously. eration shall be given to (5), (7), ( 8 ) , (9), and
I t is recognized that the rigorous application of (1 1) as they relate to simultaneous application
this general rule may not always be possible of each type of stress, (for example, peak-to-
because sufficient technical knowledge may not peak or average stress level, or both) and which
be available to permit the interpretation of type of stress predominates for a given ap-
results of functional tests involving the simul- plication.



(These Appendixes a r e not a part of ANSI/IEEE Std 1-1986, IEEE Standard General Principles for Temperature Limits in the
Rating of Electric Equipment and for the Evaluation of Electrical Insulation.)

Appendix A
Illustration of Thermal Endurance Graph, Temperature
Index, Relative Temperature Index, and Halving Interval

The temperature index is deduced from the If any time other than 20000 h is used for
graph,at thedesired time,forexample,at 20 000 h obtaining the index, the number of thousands of
a n d is expressed as follows: TI/ 1 2 8 (see hours so used shall prefix the index. This will be
Fig A l ) . expressed, for example, TI 5 kh/ 151.

Fig AI
(a) Thermal Endurance Graph, Temperature Index and Halving Interval
(b) Relative Temperature Index and Halving Interval

100 000

10 000




140 1 iao 200

I , , 1 I , I , # I
l l I I I ' I ( I
0.26 0.25 0.24 0.23 0.22 0.21 0.20 0.19 0.26 0.25 0.24 0.23 0.22 0.21 0.20 0.19

1/T [X .K-'] 1/T [ X l O ~ ' . K - ' ]

Std 1-1986

Appendix B
List of Some Important Factors of Influence and Duty
Relevant to Insulation in Electrical Equipment

B1. Thermal Lubricants

Maximum temperatures Insulating liquids
Low-ambient temperatureg Water (humidity)"
High-ambient temperature Semiconductive dust
Temperature gradient Dust and sand
Rate of temperature change (thermal shock) Fungi
B2. Electrical Humidity
Working voltage
Over-voltage (transients) B4. Mechanical
Frequency Vibration, electrodynamic
Partial discharges'O Impact, electrodymanic
Tracking Vibration, mechanical12
Flash-over Impact, mechanicalI2
Creeping Rending
B3. Ambient (Environmental) Tension
Air Repeated compression
Oxygen Torsion
Nitrogen B5. Duty
Inert gases Continuous
Sulphur hexafluoride Short-time
Different corrosive atmospheres (specify which) Intermittent
Pressure Intermittent with starting and electric braking
Vacuum Storage and transportation]'

Appendix C

For an annotated Bibliography refer to BRAN- Critical Review. IEEE Transactions Electrical
CATO, E. L., Insulation Aging, a Historical and Insulation vol EI-13, no 4, Aug 1978.

sMaximum refers to the hottest part of the insulation sys- "Indicates kind and length of storage, if unusual, for
tern of a particular type of equipment. example very humid, very hot, twelve months.
gLmuambient is meant for temperature below 0°C.
12Also takes into account stresses occurring during trans-
10Includespartial discharges inside insulation and along
outside surfaces.


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