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Excel Workshop

1. Alt + Tab to navigate through the windows that are up in windows

2. ctrl + Shift + PgUp/PgDn to navigate through worksheets within Excel
3. Copy and Move Sheet 1 so that they can work on it by themselves later by hitting Alt + E
+ M and move it before sheet 2
4. Exercise 1
a. Ctrl + shift down and ctrl+ shift right to highlight the area that you want to put a
border around
b. Ctrl + shift + 7 to put borders all over it
i. Repeat this until you have borders/lines on the inside as well
c. Insert a comment in cell C7 that says “best cohort ever b/c its run by Rachel” by
hitting Shift + F2 (or Alt + I + M)
d. Change cell C7 to say the “folded dicks” by going to that cell and hitting F2 to
edit the cell
e. Change the size of the font: ctrl + shift + P
f. Change the style of the font: ctrl + shift + F
g. Change the height of the rows to be really big by doing Alt + O + R + E
h. Change the width of columns by hitting Alt + O + C + W
5. Exercise 2
a. Insert 5 rows above row 11 by hitting Alt + I + R
b. Insert one column to the left by hitting Alt + I + C
c. Delete 1 row by hitting Ctrl –
6. Exercise 3
a. Do Alt + E + S + T for all of the rows to carry it over
b. Take the second set of numbers and do Autosum: Alt + =
c. Take everything the whole column you just did and one column over just paste
the values with the formula included to show that regardless of the formula, the
number will move with Alt + E + S + V
d. Also, do it again another column over with Alt + E + S + F b/c that
7. Exercise 4
a. Alt + V + Z
8. Exercise 5
a. Name the worksheet: Alt + O + H + R
b. My favorite shortcut: page setup is Alt + F + U
c. Print Preview is Alt + F + V
9. Exercise 6
a. Ctrl shift right and down to highlight the area
b. Alt + I + H to bring up chart wizard
c. Ctrl + 1 to format the chart once you do it

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