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6 Group Reporting\6.

6 Chart of Accounts

Title: 6.6.3 Comments on Account Classes - Non Compass companies

Account Class 1 and 2 - Revenue and costs accounts included in Gross Profit 3 and
Marketing and administration cost accounts
The accounts for gross profit calculation are general for all sales within the normal activity. It must always be
possible to specify gross profit per category of sales, per sales channel and per product group.
Account descriptions have been made as comprehensive as possible. This is done in order to satisfy the
different requirements for division into activities that apply for different types of subsidiaries such as:
 sales companies
 manufacturing companies
 commercial service companies
 mixed companies (i.e. companies with more than one product line)
The account class 1 and 2 must be used for all activities. Within the activity "Production" all indirect expenses
(overheads) are booked to this account class whilst direct costs (material, labour and other) are to be booked to
account class 7. Within other activities all direct and indirect costs are booked in account class 2.

Account class 6 - Other operating revenue and cost, Financial items, Tax, Group
This Account Class comprises the following accounts which are independent and not included in any activity:
Accounts included in EBIT
 Other operating revenue and cost, e.g. Local restructuring cost, Profit and loss from external sales of fixed
 Central restructuring cost
Accounts not included in EBIT
 Financial income
 Financial expenses (related to loans)
 Non-operating income
 Non-operating expenses
 Transfers to/from untaxed reserves (special reserves)
 Reversal of operating expenses etc.

Account class 7 - Work in progress

Examples of types of work in progress:
 work in progress (manufacture)
 installations in progress at customers' premises
 tool manufacturing in progress

Sub-accounts may be established locally, if required, by utilization of the fourth digit of the account number.
This account class is also used to analyse transactions in the following asset accounts:
 8340 Work in progress

 8400 Installations in progress at customers' premises

Account classes 8 and 9 - Assets, liabilities and equity capital

Assets and liabilities are in principle listed in order of liquidity. Subaccounts should be made to satisfy local
Approved by: Björn Andersson v.3 For internal use only Approved Date : 2008-12-15

Modified by: Bengt Larsson, 2008-12-12

Created by: Bengt Larsson, 12/03/2008

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