6.5.1 Product Group, Definition

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6 Group Reporting\6.

5 Product Group, Product Line and Sector

Title: 6.5.1 Product Group, Definition

Product groups are the most detailed data requested in RACE and REACT.
The product groups are the unique combination of the alphabetic and the numeric codes used for reporting.
Example KJ 71, Freestanding refrigeration. The reporting units can decide whether to use the numeric or the
alphabetic codes in the subsystems, General ledger etc.

Product Groups used in reporting in RACE are listed in CID, Common Identifier Database.

Example of structure:

Approved by: Björn Andersson v.5 For internal use only Approved Date : 2008-12-15

Modified by: Bengt Larsson, 2008-12-12

Created by: Bengt Larsson, 11/07/2008

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