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archetype | aristocrat 66

travaileth in pain together—I. Murdoch, arguably worse off even than Hartmann, for
1987 (cf. Rom. 8: 22.) he knew no one—A. Brookner, 1988.
Normal word order is disturbed, often
as a deliberately archaistic device: I would arguing in a circle, (logic) The basing
rinse out somebody's mouth at Qairol loved of two conclusions each upon the other.
I not honour more—W. Safire, 1986. That the world is good follows from the
The prefix a- with a present participle known goodness of God; that God is good
(a centuries-old type of word formation) is known from the excellence of the
is having a new lease of life: a-basking, a- world he has made.
changing, etc. See A-2. argumentum ad —. argumentum ad
Words that might normally be paint- hominem, one calculated to appeal to the
stripped from the fresh timber to which individual addressed more than to im-
they cling in modern writing include partial reasoning; argumentum ad cru-
menam (purse), one touching the hearer's
pocket; argumentum ad baculum (stick) or
argumentum baculinum, threat of force
yea, yesteryear. For further examples, see instead of argument; argumentum ad ig-
norantiam, one depending for its effect
Everything depends on the skill with on the hearer's not knowing something
which such old words, spellings, and essential; argumentum ad populum, one
pieces of grammar are deposited in par- pandering to popular fashion; argu-
ticular contexts. Like Marcel Proust's mentum ad verecundiam (modesty), one to
famous madeleine cakes, they can con- meet which requires the opponent to
jure up rich memories of an older age. offend against decorum. Also argu-
But they can also be as out of place as a mentum e (or ex) silentio, an argument
donkey jacket worn at the Cenotaph on from silence: used of a conclusion based
Remembrance Day. on lack of contrary evidence.
archetype. See-TYPE. -arily. Under American influence, in the
second half of the 20c, adverbs ending in
arctic. To be pronounced as /'aiktik/ with
-arily (e.g. momentarily, necessarily, pri-
the first c fully in place.
marily, temporarily, voluntarily) have come
ardour. AmE ardor. See -OUR AND -OR. to be commonly pronounced by standard
BrE speakers with the main stress on -ar-
are, is. When one of these is required even in the formal reading of the news
between a subject and a complement on the main broadcasting channels. This
that differ in number (e.g. these things placing of the stress was opposed in my
...a scandal) the verb should normally book The Spoken Word (1981), prepared for
follow the number of the subject (are, not the guidance of BBC newsreaders, but
is, a scandal). Similarly The only difficulty in without avail. All such words were tradi-
Finnish is (not are) the changes undergone tionally pronounced in RP with the main
by the stem. See AGREEMENT 7, BE 1. stress on the first syllable.

aren't I? See BE 4- arise, in the literal sense of getting

up from bed, has given place except in
argot. See JARGON. poetic or archaic use to rise. In ordinary
speech and writing it means merely to
arguably. First recorded only in 1890, come into existence or notice or to ori-
this sentence adverb is now in very wide- ginate from, and that usually of such
spread use in the sense 'as may be shown abstract subjects as question, difficulties,
by argument or made a matter of argu- doubt, occasion, thoughts, result, effects.
ment'. It is frequently followed immedi-
ately by a comparative or a superlative aristocrat. The pronunciation /a'ns-
adjective. Examples: Mozart's sinfonia con- takraet/ seems now to be virtually obsol-
certante for violin and viola, arguably the ete in Britain, having been ousted by
greatest of his concertos—Times, 1959; Argu- /'aenstakraet/. The reverse is the case in
ably, Pip's search for Estella's true identity...AmE. The word itself (in the form aristo-
can be seen as a displaced search for his own crate) was a popular formation of the
identity—Essays & Studies, 1987; Fibich wasFrench Revolution in 1789.

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