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© rome PIT: $0005~1098(97)0005S-1 Gioe Ehever Secne Lid A rigid Soe iaes Brief Paper Tracking Control of Mobile Robots: A Case Study in Backstepping* ZHONG-PING JIANG# and HENK NIJMEUER¢ Key Words—Mobile robots; tracking; time-varying feedback; velocity contol; backstepping. Abstract—A tracking control methodology via time-varying state feedback based on the backstepping technique. is proposed for both « kinematic and simplified dynamic model Of a two-degrees-olfreedom mobile robot. We frst adcress the local tracking problem where initial tracking errors are sufciently small Then, under additional conditions on the desired. velocities, we ‘teat the global wracking. problem Where initial tracking errors are arbitrary. Simulation results are provided fo validate and analyse ovr theoretical results. © 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd 1, Introduction In recent years there hes been enormous activity in the study of a clas of mechanical control systems called nonholonomic systems. In particular, many kinematic models of physical systems (ie. systems where velocities are teated as input Signals) belong to. this category, see the survey by Kolmanovsky and MeClamroch (1995) and references cited therein. Controling such nonholonomic systems tUrns oUt fo be a nontrivial problem for a number of reasons. Even inthe Simplest case, which we shal study here, the kinematic model fof a two-wheel mobile robot, the stabilization (or parking) problem at a given position requites a nontrivial controller (Gee e.g. Samson, 1991; Pomet, 1992: Murray ef al, 1992: Bloch and Drakunov, 1994; Canudas de Wit er af, 1994: MeCloskey and Murray, 1994; Oelen era, 1995). The erucal problem inthis stabilization question cenlers around the fact that the mobile robot model does not meet Brocket"'s wellknown necessary smooth feedback stabilization condi- tion (Brockett 1983), thezefore immediately leading to more complex-structured controllers as either time-varying con- rollers or approximate, practically stabilizing, controllers ‘The (Crom an engineering perspective) very interesting tracking problem for mobile robots has been addressed quite rarely (el. Kanayama et a, 1990; Murray eta, 1992, Oslen and van Amerongen, 1994; Micaelli and Samson, 1993: Fierro and Lewis, 1998). In all these papers, basically a local, viewpoint in the stabilizing feedback design has been taken by using the Taylor linearization of the corresponding error model. “A dynamic feedback linesrization approach was ‘proposed in Canudas de Wit eral. (1996, Chapter 8) that allows (local) posture tacking with exponential convergence for restricted mobility robots. Similar results were obtained in Fless eta (199Sa, b) using time-reparametrization and motion-planning properties of differentially fat systems (Gystems that have the property that they are linearzable Using a dynamic state feedback). Received 4 April 1996: revised 30 September 1996 received in final form 13 February 1997. This paper was not presented at any IFAC meeting. This paper was recom: mended for publication in revised form by Associate Editor ‘Alberto Isidori under the direction of Editor Tamer Basar. Corresponding author Dr Zhong-Ping Jiang. Tel. +61 2 9351 44641; Fax +61 2 9381 3847; E-mail ‘Department of Electrical Engineering, Building 113, University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia, Department of “Applied Mathematics, University of ‘Twente, P.O. Hox 217, 1500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands. 1393 ‘The purpose of the present paper is to use Lyapunov's direct method for obtaining semighobal and global results in the tracking problem for the mobile robot. In particular, under our~ proposed time-varying contolies, the to. R, g'(z) is. the Aerivative of atx (not to be confused with ee), which the time derivative of e(x()). We write ge C™ if gi a smooth function. For any function ¢:R,—R, im inf.ra8() denotes the limit inferior of gi?) a t=. Le. li in 8(0) = Sup oth 8()} ‘Next, we recall ome basic concepts about stability theory (see €g Khalil, 1992; Vidyasagar. 1993). A function RoR, is of class Kif-yis strictly increasing, continuous Sad (0) =0. It's of class Keil furthermore y(x) goes to = far x goes to *. A function V:R, xR" —~R is said to be positive define if () iti continuous, (i) V(,0) = OW =0 fnd (i there exists @ function 7 of class K such that ded =VGG2) We xe RXR a 1394 Brief Papers V is decrescent if there exists a function 7; of cass K such that Veex) Sth) Wx) eR xR ® V is radially unbounded if (1) bolds for some continuous funetion 7, (not necessarily of class K) satistying y(r)—+"= Consider a nonavionomous system E=/GD, ceR’ ° with f a continuously differentiable function such that 10, 0)=0 forall 20. Definition 4) The solutions of the system (3) are uniformly bounded if for any a >0 and i =0, there exists 8 (a) >0 such that HaiK(1<8 Veer ® (i) The 2210 equilibrium (Le. x=0) of the system (3) is uniformly stable if, for each €>0, there exists 8(¢) > such that HNKOI0, there (ists a &(e)>0 such that fry xy) <4, with x, X36 (a,b), thea j8(n,) ~ alee Lemma 1. (Barbalat). I ¢:8.-+R is uniformly continuous and ifthe limit ofthe integral 9(t)drexsts a 1 and is finite then sim 90 = © Proof, See Popov (1973p. 21) In the same vein, he following lemma can be proved Lemma 2. Consider a scalar sytem bance +p, o where ¢>0 and p(t) is a bounded and uniformly continuous funetion. I for any initial time fo2=0 and any inital condition x(). the solution x() is bounded and converges to as r+ then ® Proof, See Siang and Nijmeijer (1996). o 22. Problem formulation. The problem we study deals with a wheeled mobile robot with two degrees of freedom. ‘The robot's dynamics is described by the following diferential equations: = v008 8, po vsin a. ° dno, ‘where vis the linear velocity and o is the angular velocity of the mobile robot: (x,y) are the Cartesian coordinates of the ‘enter of mass of the vehicle, and 0 is the angle between the heading direction ad the ¥ axis (see Fig. 1). Systems like 3. or similar chained systems (sce Murray and Sastry, 1993) and further nonholonomic systems have been the subject of much ‘ongoing research: see Kolmanovsky and MeClamoch (1995) land references therein Fig. 1. Tracking configuration square. ‘The problem we consider here is the tracking problem: thats, we wish to find contro! laws for v and w such thatthe robot follows a reference robot, with position p= (ty, Yu 8)" and inputs v, anda, (See Fig. 1). Denoting. the error ‘coordinates by (see Kanayama ea, 1990) EFS)» the error dynamics are (see Kanayama era, 1990) ay In the following sections, we shall examine separately the {ollowing two problems. Local tracking problem, Find appropriate velocity control laws v and oof the form = Wt Ye Bos Ys tee Fe a2 = (Res Yer Oey Vor Wey Ve) a such that, for smal inital tracking errors (x4(0), (0), 4(0)) the closed-loop trajectories of (11) and (12) ate uniformly bounded and converge to 2er0. Global tracking problem. Find appropriate velocity control Tavs and e ofthe form te Jes Bes Ys i tne eS such that, for arbitrary initial tracking errors ((0),3.(0) (0), the closedsloop trajectories of (11) and (13) are (globally) uniformly bounded and converge to zero, 43) Yt dy) 2. Tracking of the kinematic model 31. The local wacking problem. Given any fed O0¥: #0 and is bounded}. (14) Simple examples of functions in 77 include (2 acll+e) for any O0. Inthe ‘racking ertor model (11). y__i8 not directly controlled. and to overcome this dificuty we use the idea of integrator backstepping, Brief Papers More precisely, for any function g in 2, when setting x_=O and 8, = ~e(je¥,) in the ye system of (11), the system ‘obtained, j,=—v, in 9(y.¥,) 1 uniformly stable at y,= 0 ‘With this observation in'mind, we introduce a new variable 6, 25 follows: 8.= 6.4 orev). as) ‘With (15), the @, equation in the system (11) is transformed 6.20, 0+ o'(yeu anv, + vf sin 8+ yet). (16) ‘Consider the candidate Lyapunov function 1 Vile ere) = zyhye see “un with 750 and @ given by (15). As canbe directly verified, Vis pontvesebnite,dcerescent and radially unbounded finction In view of (15) and (16), taking the time derivative of ¥; along solutions of (1) yilis Wi tds 0.)~ Aloe ¥ + 0088) tyel-aret vesin[-e(yevd + 8) 0 + 9M —areve + V7 sin 8, + Ye¥)): «8 Nosing that ‘sin [—e(ve¥,) + 6-] = sin [-@Cye¥e] +8, [cosl-eler) ses, 19) it follows that (18) implies Wilts Fer Yer Oe) ¥e(—¥ + ¥, C05 8.) — yew, sin [9Cye¥_)} +2 aban, +o. [1+ een deere yt Ver + we = [1 + (Yer dtevel + e'Uevalvisin B+ yet Nh (20) By choosing the tracking controller v and w 2s 7008 85 61h en w(t Oder tyme + 0 + een MOFsiNG, +9) Hey] 2) with e1,€2>0, we have ead yer, sinfe(y.y)]— 208. 3) [Note thatthe contro lave was introduced in (22) may not be defined for every t. However, we shall prove that, for any initial condition (x.(0),y(0) 6.(0) in a neighborhood of the ‘origin, w(t) does exist for every 1=0. Wray Proposition 1. Assume that v,, ¥; and a are bounded on [0.2), Then there exists 2 function ¢ 7 such that the equilibrium point (,0.0) of the closed-toop system (11), (21), (23) 8 uniformly stable. Furthermore, if Wl) does "not converge to. 2ef0 then, for small intial conditions (x-(0),y(0), 8(0)), the corresponding solution (0), Jel 0), 0.(9) converges 102270, be i TCO + L€01+12.C911=0 @ Proof, We first prove that there exists a nonempty neighborhood CR" of the origin sueh that for any ini Condition (£4(0) (0), 0,(0)) ©. a(0) is well defined on {0.7}, the maximal interval of definition of the solution (0,940, 8.00) For aay 7, 420, let B(ri.n) stand for the set (ese 80) © srr nel < 1. Note that B(0, 1) RE Also, let be a set given by = (C4455, 82) WV UE 25,958) 0 isthe largest constant such that HY 90) © RPV Haye 82) 0, follows that the zero equilibrium of the closed-loop system (11), (21), 22) is exponentially stable if'we select a function ¢ « 5, such that ¢'(0)>0. Proof. By choice of ¢ yevlt)sine(sevdO)]=0 for all ye land all 20. Furthermore evenid)=r0A [ errdnran, a, sordsintolsevdenl= vende? #ayerdoy aa x [ofan etarninrar]er eo Note that zo(%:)= supianz(t 2) i a continuous function satisying (0) 90). Letting f= liming. ¥(0?, it 1396 Brief Papers follows from (28), that (0 sin [o(.¥4(@)) =0.5.6'(O)E for sufciently smal, and suficienty large tI follows from (23) that Wie rates 82)S er OS(Oy—e28? 29) 25 long as [yl¢* for certain c,>0 and certain r>0 Let Q, be a subset of 2 defined as follows = (C80 96,80) REV CG 3s BO) em where **>0 isthe largest constant such that 8.) Vi (a es der 82) 0 A direct application of Gronwal’s Inequality (Vidyasagar, 1993), together with (18) and (23), implies the existence of two positive real numbers k, and k; such that HO, yl C015 kre HclO). 340), 8(0)). (33) Therefore we conclude the local exponential stability of the closed-loop system (11), (21), (22) atthe zero equillbvium for conditions (:,(0), )4(0}, 8,(0)) belonging 10.2}. 0 32. The global tacking problem. The tracking control laws proposed in the above section solve the lel tracking problem. The purpose of this section is to tackle the global tracking case. In this cas, addtional conditions are required. {As in the previous subsection, the integerator backstepping will ako be employed for controller design in the global case Noticing that 2.~ cyay. and 0,0 are stabilizing functions for the system of (11), we introduce a new variable =. etm eo oO) Meare Where cy isa postive constant ‘With (34), the x, equation inthe system (11) is rewritten as f= ay. ¥+ 9,605 86 ~e10% = cso(-wre + ¥,SIn 6) 6s) For notational simplicity, denote (0) = o(0dy(0) + v0) 208 C0) =e 6(0)n(0 + yoCOfw(OEl— vin 8.00] 6) In this case, instead of (17), consider the function Vile Xe 08. ye en with 7>0 and Z, given by (34). ‘We have, using an identity asin (19), Vile Xen 80) = ~ew'y + EA—po + ¥4- ¥) stele, [ eostearas+oy- (8) By choosing te tracking controllers v and o a ven y0 teak ay o exert men costes cor0mceriimaur 40) th e640, we have Wit 36.160 8)= ewe ee, (4) ‘We establish the following result. Proposition 2. Assume that ¥,. vw, and 6, are bounded fon (0, ©). Then all the trajectories of the resulting system composed of (11), (39) and (40) are globally uniformly bounded. Furthermore, if ¥(¢) does not converge to zero, of if v,() tends to zero but w,(1) does not converge to 220, then the closed-loop solutions converge to ze, Le. lim (001+ L(+ 18,01) = @ Proof. Since Vz is postve-definite and radially unbounded, 45 inthe prof of Proposition I, we conclude from (41) that the original trajectories x(), (0) and 6,(0) ate uniformly bounded and are defined for all =<. Notice that (4) veld the property that w( 00, £(07, 8,()? € Ly). By assumption, the derivatives of these signals are bounded. Hence o(0)(0),F4(0) and (0? are uniformly continuous on (0, ). With the help of Barbwat's ferma, it fllows that ()7(0, (0) and @4(0) converge to zero as f goes to =. From the definition of Xin (34), it follows that x(?) goes t0 0 Te remains to. prove that y(t) tends to 0. Setting ult) = fheos [s6.(] 5, we have n,(t) going to unity as ¢ goes to =. We consider the case where vl?) docs not Converge to zero; the other case proceeds similarly and is therefore omited. Inthe closed-loop system, the 6, equation ‘becomes 8, = ~c098.— WDA (0: «) AA direct application of Lemma 2 gives that y4(v.(0m(0) tends to 0. By means of the same reasoning asin the proot of Proposition I, we conclude that y(t) must converge to 0. Remark 3. Similsy wo Corollary 1, ne can conclude th under the additional assumption that limnfe n(0)>0, the ero equilibrium of the closed-loop system (13), (39), (40) is exponentially stable (or small intial eros) In other words, al the cosedloop ttjectores go to zero at an ‘exponential rate after considerable period of time, Remark 4, (Path following.) Iti of interest to mention that the robot under study can globally follow two particu types of paths: straight lines and circles. Indeed, putting m0 and v, cy, with c, a nonzero constant, the reference trajectories are straight lines of the form x,(*)=2,0) > tc, c0s[0,0)) and (1) = y4(0) +c, sin [@H(0)}. In the case where we chooks &,=c, and vnc, with ¢, and c, two nonzero constants, the reference wajecories are cicies of radius Je deseribed by x0) =1(0) +esin(e,t) end 0) = 1+ y(0)~ 6 08 (ut) 33, An extension. Inthe above sections, we have studied asymptotic. posture tracking problems. with exponential ‘convergence’ by Lyapunov's dest method. The main purpose of this subsection is to give a backstepping-based {lobal tracking controller under les restrictive assumptions than Proposition 2. In particular, we relax the conditions of the main Proposition of Samson and Ait-Abderratim (1991), Proposition 3. Assume that vy, and w, are uniformly continuous and bounded on (0, ). Then ail the trajectories fof the system (11) in closed loop with the controllers cake + ¥-608 Oe, €,>0, 4) erertyr[ emterdretn e>0 4s) are globally uniformly bounded, Furthermore, if either ¥() Gay) does not cinverge to 70 then the cosedo0p Sthtoc conerge to arene fim C01 Lyt0+ 1000 46) Proof. Setting c)=0 in (34) andy =1 in the definition (37) of Vs, the poat of ropstin 3 fellows by mimicking the arguments used inthe proof of Proposition 2 Note that, unlike in Sections 3.1 and 32, the exponential Brief Papers 1397 stability ofthe zero solution of the closed-loop system (11), (44), (45) does not follow trom Lyapunov's direct method. Nevertheless, the exponential stability property can be sated ia Lyapinors nds method” (Vtysae, 1993) 4. Tracking ofa simplified dynamic model In this section, we study the augmented system (11) appended with two integrators, ie. £07 94 ¥,608 0p Jom mate + YS Be 6.20, «7 where u; and us may be regarded as torques or generalized {orcs variables of the two-degrees-of freedom mobile robot ‘The system (47) is referred to a8 a simplified dynamic model for the mobile robot, Iti well known that consideration of models including dynamic effets is interesting. from an engineering point of view, although (47) is ceraily not a “complete” dynamic model ofthe mobile robo, since sever other effec acting on the vehicle are not included. However, Wwe wish to demonstrate that the tracking controllers that were developed fr the kinematic model can also be obtained for a simple dynamic model as (7), thereby atleast making it plausible that a similar controller could be derived for @ “complete” dynamic model. The control objective sto find & control law u = (uy, 3) of the form = We 96.80% Yo Yr Yr sy ys «s) p= wae Yo 86% 81 Yo Bs Br We ty) in such a way that local or global tracking is achieved. In other words, 4, Ye and Bate foroed to converge 10 220. ‘We discuss inthis section how the methodology presented in the previous section can be extended to the system (47). FFor simplicity, we only look at the global tracking case that extends the local tracking result of Fiero and Lewis (1995). ‘The development for the local case is analogous and is omitted, introduce the new variables a, Bmw m ay, a) where a, and a, are defined as in (39) and (40) respectively. Following the notation used in Section 3 (see in particular (34) im the new coordinates (F, ye 8% @) the system (47) {s transformed into Bye ay. cake Jom ~eywty, + v Sin 8, bent mr | cntsoee-3, 0) where d, and dare given by = (c08 0, esa Sin 8). ~ es Yon + (eya? + eye ¥ + ¥,605 8) ~ (este escau)(—tre + ¥ 5 8) ~ (¥,5in 8, + e909, 608 8)(0,— 0) + esare—esv,sin @-erea ua, (51) tense rsh-wtervinty [cents ~ oar w) ficeive esr) cy Inspired by the control scheme proposed in the above section, consider the candidate Lyspunov function It can be directly checked that U is a positivedefiite, ecreseent and radially unbounded function. ‘According to the calculation performed in Section 3.2, and Jin particular (41), the time derwvative of U along solutions of (60) sass Ute xe te On ¥ 0) = ~C50?¥E~ e482 e968 ~ 8.8 + Hy) +a(us- 4). 64 Applying the feedback controllers 69) =O, bay era, 60) with c,€7>0, we arrive at We re¥e Buia) ~ cya ~ e482 e505 OF ~ er67. (57) ‘We have the following propesition, Proposition 4, Under the conditions of Proposition 2, if and &, are bounded then all the trajectories of the resulting system composed of (7), (55) and (56) are globally Uniformly bounded. Furthermore, if v(0) does not converge to zero, of if vf) converges 10 2er0 but w,(?) does not converge to zero, then li xa + y+ 184091 + Ive) ~ v0) +Ww(0)~ oA} =0. (88) Proof his flows the same reasoning atthe proof of Proposition 2 5: Discussion and simulation resus With the purpose of ilustaing the tracking control derived in this paper, a numberof simulations have been ‘done: The simulations were cared out using MATLAB, With” the following choice for the parameters in the onus 2, 22), (3) and (Hy andthe eterence velocities “— ©) eran we emo. The simulations not only illustrate the effectiveness of the tracking controllers but ate also used for obtaining an insight into the difference between the usefulness of the global versus the lal controller under changing inital conditions. Clearly, the local controller (21), (22) assures, by Proposition 1, that the tracking errors converge to zero provided that the initial errors are sufficiently small, but no explicit estimate of bow small these errors should be was given. On the other hand, the global controller (39), (40) can be used for s (See Proposition 2), but the 3. loa comer Gi), (2's spied th inal cking errors (x2(0) 0), 8,(0))=(~05, 05, 1) wel tO) (0, 840) = (165,15, 1) Similar, in Figs 44 and 5; the global controller (39), (40) is applied withthe sane inal tacking eros a6 Fig 2 (eespeively 3) ‘One can clearly see the difference between the loca Boba! soot tnder the Chanpig nal tcking exer 1398 Brief Papers Fig. 2. Local tracking of the kinematic model, with initial errors ((0),y(0), 8(0))=(~05, 05,1) ‘To quanlfy the diference between the four simulations, one may use the following error messure over the time period [0.71 PA oarcnursaie — corresponding 10 the simulations described in Figs 2-5, we find the values P.=01289, y= 156502, Pe= 01367, P= 7.7944. ) Indeed, the above outcomes agree with our expectations in that the local controller performs better for small inital tracking errors, but for large initial tracking errors the global controller (39), (40) is preferable 6 Conclusions ‘The mobile robot Kinematic model, or its simplified dynamic model, serves, as has been shown, as an excellent “testbed” for using the backstepping technique in. the ‘tacking control problem. Both the local and global tracking problems with exponential convergence have then solved ‘Our theoretical results have been confirmed by means of a ‘umber of simulations together with an analysis of the performance of these controllts. The backstepping tracking Control method presented in this paper was. recently fextended to the more general class of nonholonomic chained systems (Jiang and Nijmeijer 1997), Fig. 3. Local tracking of the kinematic model, with inital errors (£2(0) (0). 8,(0)) = (166, 1.5, ~1). Fig. 4. Global tracking of the kinematic model, with initial e110 (¥4(0), Yl0)+84(0)) = (05, 05, 1. Fig. 5. Global cracking of the kinematic mode, with initial errors (r5(0). (0), 8(0)) = (166, 1.5. 1), ‘As in most previous work on the study of nonholonomic systems, our results are heavily based on a "nonholonomic assumption of the form #sin@-ycos 8 =0. 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