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82672020, {Question Bank | Brain Books an E learning Platform BRAIN TEST SYSTEM Buy "Brain Question Bank" for Solution 042-37113344 Name: Subject Physios-11 Rol Units) 1 Class: Inter Part Test Type 12- Shor Test (No Choice) - Marks=60 Date: Time: Q.1 Circle the correct answer. (12x1=12) 4 The study of natures classified into (A) Twobranches (B) Three branches (C) Fourbranches (D) Five branches 2 Aight year isthe cistance, ligt travels in one year. How many meters are there in one light year? (A) 95x10 m (G) 95x 10'm (C) 95x 10!%om (0) 95x 101 km 3 Aset of supplementary unitsis (A) Ragian and kilogram (BY radian ard steradian (C) sterad@And mole (O) radian and time 4 Three base units in units are: (A) tulogram, newton and second (B) gram, centimeter and dyne (C) Hilgram, meter and second (©) ram, joule and second 5 One radian is equal to: (A) 773° (B) 673° (C) 523° (0) 47.3° 6 Two major type of errors are (A) significant error (8) systemali@enro\(C)_random etfOr. (D) Bath (A) & (B) 7 Significant figures in 0.0010 are: M1 @2 ©3 M4 8 The quantity of 0.00467 has signiticnt igures? W3 @4 5 Oe 9 precise measurement is the one which has: (A) Greater precision (B) Less precision (C) Medium piécision (D) More % error 10 Absolute uncertainty in a measuring instrument is equal to: (A) leastcount (8) fractional uncertainty (C) accuracy (D) pet@entage uncertainty ‘1 Which pair has same dimensions? (A) Work and power—(B)-Momentum-andimpulse—(G)-Force and torque—(D)-Torque and power 12 The dimensions of volumerfow rate of fid.ate: @) Lr) @) TAD (erty) TA Q.1 Four possible answers:Ay-ByC-&-D:toveach questionare-given=Gircle the correct one. (10x1=10) 13. The products of chips devélonad fram the basic ideas of physics are: (A) Theradionetworks (B) Thetelevsion networks (C) Computernetworks (D) None ofthe above 14 Thera = (A) 10% (B) 10" (C) 10"? (0) 10° 18 Kgnnr's?is the unit of: (A) Force (B) Work (C) Pressure (0) Momentum 16 Theinternational accepted scientific notation of a number 2384 is: (A) 2384x10? (B) 0.238410? (C) 2.38420" (D) none of the above 47 Zero error belongs to: (A) Personal error (B) Random error (C) Systematic error (0) Collective error 48 Error in the measurement of radius of sphere is 196, The error in the calculatedvalue of its volume is (A) 7% (8) 5% (©) 3% (0) 1% 19 Significant figures in 0,0004813 are: #8 8) 7 (4 O3 20 The numbers of significant figures in 0.00232 are 6 BS (3 (4 htpssbrainbooks pkinewtes-systemigonerate_paper php 7 82672020, {Question Bank | Brain Books an E learning Platform 21 The sum of 2.7543, 4.10 and 1.273upto the correct decimal place is (A) 8.12 (B) 8.13 (C) 8.1273 (0) 8.127 22 In 5.47 x 19.89 = 108.7983 ; answer should be written as (A) 1088 (8) 1089 (c) 109 (0) 108,79 Q.2 Write short answers of the following questions. (7x2=14) ()) The period of simple pendulum is measured by a stop watch what type of errors are possible in the time period? (i) The period ofa pendulum cannot be used as a time standard why? (i) What are significant figures? () Isa zero significant or not? Explain. (0) The length and wicth ofa rectangular plate are measured to be 15.3cm and 12.80cm respectively, Find the area ofthe plate? (vi) Write down the two uses of dimension anal (vil) Show that the expression v; = vj + at is dimensionally correct. Q.2 Write short answers of the following questions. (15x2=30) (Write two diferences between base and derived quantities? (i) How many seconds are there in one year? (ii) What are supplementary units? Define only one unit, (i) What are the characteristics of an ideal standard? (Convert two Radian in degree (vi) The period of a pendulum cannot be used as atime standard why? (vi) The length and width ofa rectangular pate are measured tobe 15.3 om and 12.80 om, respectively. Find the area ofthe plate. (ui) Ade th folowing upto appropriate precision.3.125, 1.2, 0.038 (ix) What do you know about precision and accuracy? (%) If precise measurements also an accurate measurement. Explain your answer. (i) Give the draw backs to use the period of simple pendulum as a time standard, (i) How can the total uncertainty be found in the fnal results for muipication and vision? (ai) The wavelength 3. of a wave depends on the speed v of the wave and its frequency knowing that [2] = [1], [v] = [LT] and [f] = [7]. Decide which of these is correct? f= vi. or f =, (xiv) What are the dimensions and unit of gra 2 avita 7 V2 wnere vis the speed of transverse wave on a strched string tional constant G in the formula: F = G ©) Check the correctness ofthe relation » cftensionF, length! and mass m. Q.3 Write short answers of the following questions. (x: 4) (i) What are the characteristics of an ideal standard? (ii), Name two major types of errors in measurement and also define them. (i) Define random error and systematic error. (v) What rules are of rounded off the significant figure? (v) Suggest one method of reducing the uncertainty in any timing experiment. (vi) The length, breadth and thickness ofa sheet are 3.233 m, 2.108 m and 1.05 em respectively. Calculate the volume ofthe sheet correct upto the appropriate significant digs. (vii) How can the total uncertainty be found in the final results for multiplication and division? Q.3 Write long answers of the following questions. (5x4=20) NOTE: Attempt the following long questions. (10x2=20) (b) Show that the famous “Einstein Equation E=mc?" is dimensionally consistent. Calculate equivalence energy of ‘one kilogram. (®) The length and width of rectangular plate are measured to be 15.3 cm and 12.80 cm respectively. Find the correct area of the plate, (b) Show that the famous “Einstein Equation E=mc2" is dimensionally consistent. Calculate equivalence energy of ‘one kilogram. ©) htpssbrainbooks pkinewtes-systemigonerate_paper php 24 82672020, {Question Bank | Brain Books an E learning Platform Derive a relation fortime period of a simple pendulum using dimension analysis. The various possible factors on which time period "T" may depend are: (i) mass of the body (i) Length of the pendulum (ii) angle "6" that thread makes with vertical (jv) acceleration due to gravity htpssbrainbooks pkinewtes-systemigonerate_paper php a6 82672020, {Question Bank | Brain Books an Elearning Platform MCQs Ans Key Qt (A) a2) 3 (8) Q7 (8) a6 (A) a9 (8) 2:13 (C) a:14(C) Q:15 (C) a:19 (Cc) @:20(c) 21 (8) htpssbrainbooks pkinewtes-systemigonerate_paper php a4 (C) @:10(A) a:16(C) 222 (0) a5 (Cc) Q:11 (8) Q:17 (C) Q6 (D) 12 (C) Q:18 (Cc)

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