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A glance at the provided pie chart and line graph reveals some differences and similarities between

British men and women in terms of prisoners’ genders and ages. Both men and women in UK have the
same trend of convictions, but the rate of male outweights that of the female.
It is clear from the line graph that both men and women has the similar trend of criminal by ages
with the highest rates reached by the age of 20 and the lowest ones at the age of 10 and 60. The male
conviction sharply increases from 2 percent of the 10-year-old to 16 percent of the 20 – year –old.
Whereas the rate of female conviction grows from its bottom of 2 percent at the age of 10 and reaches its
peak with 5 percent at the age of 20. After this, the rate of convictions of both genders decrease gradually.
It can be seen that the rate of crimianal of 60 year – old male is just two percent, while that of female is
nearly zero.
The pie chart provides the difference in terms of prisoners’ gender in UK, with approximate 96
percent of them are male and about 4 percent are female.

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